1.3.14 • Published 1 year ago

apihero-js v1.3.14

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Last release
1 year ago



npm install apihero-js


Node / Server

Automatically proxy all 3rd-party requests through API Hero in Node.js

import { setupProxy } from "apihero-js/node";

const proxy = setupProxy({
  projectKey: "hero_123abc",
  url: "https://proxy.apihero.run",

// Start intercepting requests and sending them to https://proxy.apihero.run

// You can always stop intercepting requests

You can also setup matchers for only capturing some traffic:

import { setupProxy } from "apihero-js/node";

const proxy = setupProxy({
  allow: [
    { url: "https://httpbin.org/*", method: "GET" },
  projectKey: "hero_123abc",
  url: "https://proxy.apihero.run",

// Start intercepting requests and sending them to https://proxy.apihero.run

Capture all traffic except the matchers in the deny option:

import { setupProxy } from "apihero-js/node";

const proxy = setupProxy({
  deny: ["https://myprivateapi.dev/*"]
  projectKey: "hero_123abc",
  url: "https://proxy.apihero.run",

// Start intercepting requests and sending them to https://proxy.apihero.run

Cloudflare Workers

If you would like to use API Hero in a Cloudflare Worker environment, simply change the import above from apihero-js/node to apihero-js, like so:

import { setupProxy } from "apihero-js";

// This will now intercept requests made to `globalThis.fetch` and proxy them through https://proxy.apihero.run
const proxy = setupProxy({
  projectKey: "hero_123abc",
  url: "https://proxy.apihero.run",

// Start intercepting requests and sending them to https://proxy.apihero.run

// You can always stop intercepting requests


This library uses a Service Worker approach to capture and proxy API requests performed in the browser, so the setup is slightly different from Node.

You'll first need to add the Service Worker code to your public directly, using the apihero-js cli:

npm exec apihero-js init public/ --save

Next, create a file to setup the worker, for example in src/apihero.js:

// src/apihero.js
import { setupWorker } from "apihero-js";

export const worker = setupWorker({
  // You MUST supply the allow option for setupWorker, to ensure too many requests are not sent to the API Hero proxy
  allow: ["api.github.com", "api.twitter.com/users/*"],
  deny: ["myprivateapi.dev/*"],
  projectKey: "hero_123abc",
  url: "https://proxy.apihero.run",

Finally, will need to start the worker in your application code. For example, in a React app

// src/index.js
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import App from "./App";
import { worker } from "./apihero";


ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));

You could also restrict proxying to only local dev like so:

// src/index.js
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import App from "./App";

if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "development") {
  const { worker } = require("./apihero");

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));