1.1.1 • Published 3 years ago

appcircle-cli v1.1.1

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3 years ago

Appcircle Command Line Interface

Appcircle CLI is a unified tool for accessing the Appcircle platform features from the command line.


npm install -g appcircle-cli

or you can install locally (requires npx to use)

npm install appcircle-cli


Below is the list of commands currently supported by Appcircle CLI:

appcircleAppCircle GUI
appcircle login [--pat]Get an access token for the session
appcircle listBuildProfilesGet the list of build profiles
appcircle listDistributionProfilesGet the list of distribution profiles
appcircle build [--profileId] [--branch]Start a new build
appcircle download [--path] [--commitId] [--buildId]Download the artifact under the selected path
appcircle upload [--app] [--message] [--profileId]Upload your app binary to selected distribution profile
appcircle createDistributionProfile [--name]Create a distribution profile
appcircle listEnvironmentVariableGroupsGet list of environment variable groups
appcircle createEnvironmentVariableGroup [--name]Create an environment variable group
appcircle listEnvironmentVariables [--variableGroupId]Get list of environment variables
appcircle createEnvironmentVariable [--type] [-isSecret, --isSecret] [--variableGroupId] [--key] [--value] [--filePath]Create a file or text environment variable

How to start a new build via the Appcircle CLI?

  • Add a build profile and connect a repository
  • Generate a personal access token from the Appcircle dashboard
  • Using the Appcircle CLI, create a full access API token using the following command with the personal access token specified as "pat": appcircle login --pat="YOUR PERSONAL ACCESS TOKEN". Copy the result and and set it as the AC_ACCESS_TOKEN enviroment variable.
  • Get the build profile ID using appcircle listBuildProfiles
  • Start a new build using appcircle build --profileId="YOUR PROFILE ID" --branch="YOUR BRANCH"

How to distribute an app via the Appcircle CLI?

  • Create a distribution profile and share with the testers
  • Enable auto sending of the build to the testers
  • Generate a personal access token from the Appcircle dashboard
  • Using the Appcircle CLI, create a full access API token using the following command with the personal access token specified as "pat": appcircle login --pat="YOUR PERSONAL ACCESS TOKEN". Copy the result and and set it as the AC_ACCESS_TOKEN enviroment variable.
  • Get the distribution profile ID using appcircle listDistributionProfiles
  • Upload your app binary to the selected distribution profile using appcircle upload --app="YOUR APP PATH" --profileId="YOUR PROFILE ID" --message="YOUR RELEASE NOTES"

3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago