1.1.0 • Published 8 years ago

appdata v1.1.0

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8 years ago

AppData is a minimalistic Node.js framework for accessing, writing and manipulating datasets in the users AppData (or Homedata) folder. It has a simple API and helps you saving persistent data for e.g. an electron desktop application.


npm install --save appdata

# or via git
git clone https://github.com/janbiasi/appdata.git



First off you need to create a new AppData Storage object. The AppData module exports a function which takes one argument, an optional custom settings object. If you are wondering which options are supported, take a look at TODO.

const appdata = require('appdata');

Selecting a Database

Next, you will have to select your database by a name. If the database does not exists a new set will be created by the system itself. There are only lower-, uppercase letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores allowed!

const database = appdata.connect('database-name', {
    /* options here */
connect(name: String [, options: Object]): Interface

Inserting data

Inserting data is as simple as setting new variables! The key must be a string and not an integer. But the value can be whatever you'd like to insert.

database.set('hello', 'world!');
database.set('mynum', 1923);
database.set('coll', [ 0, undefined, 'hey' ]);
set(key: String, value: <T>): <T>

Reading data

Like inserting, reading is very simple. Grab the key you'd like to find the value for and you'll get the result (or undefined in case the key does not exist).

database.all(); // { hello: "world!" ... }
database.get('hello'); // world!
database.get('mynum'); // 1923
get(key: String): <T>

Deleting and dropping

Datasets can be deleted by key or can be totally removed by the .drop() method. The methods are pretty simple to use, just look at the example below.

let name = storage.delete('name');
storage.get('name') === name; // false
storage.drop(); // {}
drop(): <T>


The Interface inherits from the EventEmitter class, so it implements its own events. All possible events execute on the storage are listed below with a description and its paramters.

connectEmitted when connected to the databaseDatabase-name
syncEmitted on sync actionBoolean or data synced
setEmitted when setting a new key-value pairKey and value
getEmitted when getting a key-value pairKey and value
hasEmitted when checking if a key existsKey and if exists (Boolean)
deleteEmitted when deleting a key-value pairKey and the deleted value
dropEmitted when dropping the database-
on(event: String, handler: Function): void


Services can be created and published as node modules for adding custom functionallity to the interface of the AppData module. Services can be used e.g. for filtering, querying, exporting data and much more. Inside the service itself there is an interface property, which will provide you all methods which are listed above! Here is a short example how you can create your own service;

var Service = require('appdata').Service;
var MyService = new Service();

MyService.filter = function(data, options) {
    var data = this.interface.all();
    // ... add your filter logic here
    return [];

// Attach the service to your store instance


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.