0.0.1 • Published 4 years ago

arkcase-next v0.0.1

Weekly downloads
Last release
4 years ago


Quick start


  1. Node.JS min version is 12.13;
  2. Git min version 2.13 (required for hooks support);

For Windows platform install Windows-Build-Tools:

npm install --global windows-build-tools

Install all project's requirements:

npm install

Next step is installation of latest Angular CLI environment:

npm install -g @angular/cli

Arkcase.Next is based on NX mono repository management tools. Install required NX schematics:

npm install -g @nrwl/schematics

IDE Setup

Intellij IDEA

  1. Install Prettier plugin: Open plugin menu: File->Settings->Plugins and search Prettier plugin
  2. Install IDEA Mind Map plugin: Open plugin menu: File->Settings->Plugins and search Mind Map plugin
  3. Install Conventional Commit plugin: Open plugin menu: File->Settings->Plugins and search Conventional Commit plugin

Visual Studio Code

  1. Install Prettier Formatter for Visual Studio Code
  2. Install Visual Studio Code Commitizen Support


The Arkcase.NEXT repository contains few applications that can be used for development process. Development process requires watching of source code files and quick rebuild of application.

Angular proxy configuration

Angular server uses proxy to communicate with backend server. Proxy server settings are located in config/default.js file. To override proxy settings create local.js, local.json or local.yaml file in config folder:

        target: 'http://localhost:3001'

The local.* file is added into .gitignore list and will not be pushed into repository.


The acm-core application requires backend server. For local development we use mock server that returns predefined JSON data. To start Angular web server and mock-server use next command:

npm run core:dev

After build finished you can open browser at http://localhost:4200. To login use test account ann@arkcase.com, password 1234


To start storybook web server use next command:

npm run storybook:serve

After build finished you can open browser at http://localhost:6006

Build production


The acm-core is standard Arkcase application without any extensions and customizations. To build production version of acm-core application use next command:

npm run core:build:prod

Produced files are located at "dist/apps/acm-core" folder.


Arkcase uses Storybook to demonstrate, build and test UI components. Use next command to build production version of storybook:

npm run storybook:build

Produced files are located in "docs/storybook" folder.

Build documentation

Arkcase uses compodoc to build API and Wiki project documentation. Use next command to build set of HTML files:

npm run doc:build

Produced files are located in docs/documentation folder.

Git commits rules

Arkcase.NEXT uses Conventional Commit specification to make commit messages clean and for building CHANGELOG file.

You can find conventional commits description at docs/wiki/style-guide/conventional-commit.md
