0.1.0 • Published 3 years ago

arnondb v0.1.0

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Last release
3 years ago


Basic code

const Database = require('arnondb');
const db = new Database('db.sqlite');

new Database(path)

Creates a new database connection. If the database file doesn't exist, it will create.

const db = new Database('db.sqlite');


Get the data from given id or id and target

  • options.table: specific table name to create (default: main).
  • options.id: specific a id creation to be (default: TEXT).
  • options.whatyouwant: here you can specific what you want: age, lastname, fullname...
db.createTable({ table: 'players', id: 'TEXT', age: 'INT' }); // true

.get(id, options)

Get the data from given id

  • options.table: specific table in the database (default: null).
  • options.target: specific a target to be get (default: null).
// without target
const data = db.get('arnon', { table: 'players' }); // { id: 'arnon', age: 14 }
// with target
const data = db.get('arnon', { table: 'players', target: 'age' }); // 14
const data = db.get('arnon.age', { table: 'players' }); // 14

.set(id, value, options)

set new data to given id

  • options.table: specific table in the database (default: null).
  • options.target: specific a target to be set (default: null).
db.set('arnon.age', 14, { table: 'players' }); // 14

.has(id, options)

find if the given id is exits

  • options.table: specific table in the database (default: null).
  • options.target: specific a target to find (default: null).
db.has('arnon.age', { table: 'players' }); // true

.type(id, options)

find the type of the given id

  • options.table: specific table in the database (default: null).
  • options.target: specific a target to find type (default: null).
db.type('arnon.age', { table: 'players' }); // number

.startsWith(string, options)

find the list datas that starts with the given string

  • options.table: specific table in the database (default: null).
db.startsWith('der', { table: 'players' }); // [{ id: 'arnon', age: 14}]

.add(id, number, options)

add number value to the given id

  • options.table: specific table in the database (default: null).
  • options.target: specific a target to be added the number (default: null).
db.add('arnon.age', 1, { table: 'players' }); // 15

.remove(id, number, options)

remove number value from the given id

  • options.table: specific table in the database (default: null).
  • options.target: specific a target to be removed the number (default: null).
db.remove('arnon.age', 1, { table: 'players' }); // 13

.push(id, value, options)

push new item value to the given id

  • options.table: specific table in the database (default: null).
  • options.target: specific a target to be pushed in to (default: null).
db.push('arnon.list', 'apple', { table: 'players' }); // ['banana', 'grape', 'apple']

.pull(id, value, options)

pull item value from the given id

  • options.table: specific table in the database (default: null).
  • options.target: specific a target to be pulled from it (default: null).
db.pull('arnon.list', 'grape', { table: 'players' }); // ['banana', 'apple']

.delete(id, options)

delete value from the given id

  • options.table: specific table in the database (default: null).
  • options.target: specific a target to be deleted from it (default: null).
db.delete('arnon', { table: 'players' }); // true


get list of databases in specific table

  • options.table: specific table in the database (default: null).
db.all({ table: 'players' }); // [{ id: 'arnon', age: 14}]


delete all the databases from specific table

  • options.table: specific table in the database (default: null).
db.deleteAll({ table: 'players' }); // []


get the list of the tables you created

db.tables(); // ['players']


delete specific table

  • options.table: specific table in the database (default: null).
db.deleteTable({ table: 'players' }); // true


get specific table information

  • options.table: specific table in the database (default: null).
db.getTable({ table: 'players' }); // { table: 'players', id: 'TEXT', age: 'INT' }

.top(id, top num, options)

get top of specific target in specific table with the specific top

  • options.table: specific table in the database (default: null).
db.top('coins', 10, { table: 'players' }); 
/* [
{ id: 'player', coins: 18 },
{ id: 'player2', coins: 16 },
{ id: 'player3', coins: 14 }
{ id: 'player4', coins: 12 }
{ id: 'player5', coins: 10 }
{ id: 'player6', coins: 8 }
{ id: 'player7', coins: 6 }
{ id: 'player8', coins: 4 }
{ id: 'player9', coins: 2 }
{ id: 'player10', coins: 0 }


run code through sqlite

db.db.prepare('SELECT * FROM players WHERE id = (?)').get('arnon')