1.2.3 • Published 1 year ago

artkdev-whitelist v1.2.3

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1 year ago


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Mainnet contract: link Testnet contract: link

The main idea of the ArtKDev-WhiteList contract is to keep the list of addresses with special privileges.



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Admin privileges

Setting a max users' limit

If you want to set a new max users' limit, you should use a SetMaxUsersLimit() function.

  function SetMaxUsersLimit(uint256 _limit) external;

Testnet tx: link

Setting a whitelist cost

If you want to set a new whitelist cost, you should use a SetWhiteListCost() function.

  function SetWhiteListCost(uint256 _newCost) external;

Testnet tx: link

Withdrawing ETH fee

If you want to withdraw fee in ETH, you should use a WithdrawETHFee() function.

  function WithdrawETHFee(address payable _to) external;

Testnet tx: link


Changing a creator

If you want to set a new creator, you should use a ChangeCreator() function.

  function ChangeCreator(address _newCreator, uint256 _id) external;

Testnet tx: link

Changing a contract

If you want to set a new contract, you should use a ChangeContract() function.

  function ChangeContract(address _newContract, uint256 _id) external;

Testnet tx: link

Adding an address

If you want to add a new address, you should use a AddAddress() function.

  function AddAddress(
        address[] calldata _users,
        uint256[] calldata _amount,
        uint256 _id
    ) external;

Testnet tx: link

Removing an address

If you want to remove an address, you should use a RemoveAddress() function.

  function RemoveAddress(address[] calldata _users, uint256 _id) external;

Testnet tx: link


Creating a whitelist manually

If you want to create a new whitelist manually, you should use a CreateManualWhiteList() function.

      function CreateManualWhiteList(address _contract, uint256 _changeUntil)
        returns (uint256 Id);

Testnet tx: link

Creating a whitelist manually

If you want to register, you should use a Register() function.

function Register(
        address _subject,
        uint256 _id,
        uint256 _amount
    ) external;

Testnet tx: link

Creating a whitelist manually

If you want to register with max amount, you should use a LastRoundRegister() function.

  function LastRoundRegister(address _subject, uint256 _id) external;

Testnet tx: link


ArtKDev's contracts is released under the MIT License.