1.0.7 • Published 4 years ago

ascira-design-system v1.0.7

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Last release
4 years ago

Theme options


You can override global theme settings from base material ui theme plus our list.

Work with sub module

Add to your project

Update submodule

  • git submodule update --remote

Add UI system to your project

Festival you should read official guide. After that read block about correct implementation below.

For correct work of UI system

You should add Providers to your App.js, like on example: All info about that providers you can find on official sites I18 and Mui.

activeTheme === defaultAsciraMainTheme || {...defaultAsciraMainTheme, ...{yourOverrideProp: 'value'}}

import { 
} from 'ascira-design-system';

const customThemeSettings = {}; // from Mui + our custom config
const activeTheme = createAdsDefaultLightMuiTheme(customThemeSettings);

<I18nextProvider i18n={i18n}>
  <MuiThemeProvider theme={activeTheme}>
    <MuiStylesProvider injectFirst={true}>
      <StyledCompThemeProvider theme={activeTheme}>
        <AsciraGlobalStyles />
        /* <Routes /> */

Dependency ejection

You can add your dp for translation and logging.

  • TranslationService - fn should be name like - 'TranslationService';
  • LoggerService - fn should be name like - 'LoggerService';

Example of use

  • We also provide default TranslationI18nService dependencyInjection.use(TranslationService.name, TranslationI18nService); dependencyInjection.use(LoggerService.name, LoggerService);

Material-UI comes with two theme variants, light (the default) and dark.

You can make the theme dark by setting type to dark. While it's only a single property value change, internally it modifies the value of the following keys:

  • palette.text
  • palette.divider
  • palette.background
  • palette.action

Example of use custom props in theme

padding:${props.size && theme.adsCustom.button.sizeprops.size.padding};

Overriding styles

You can override the style of the component thanks to one of these customization points:

Example of rewrite styles by Mui override config

overrides: {
  MuiTypography: {
    h1: marginsHeading,
    h2: marginsHeading,
    h3: marginsHeading,
    h4: marginsHeading,
    h5: marginsHeading,
    subtitle1: marginsParagraph,
    subtitle2: marginsParagraph
  MuiButton: {
    root: {
      background: 'blue',
      '&.MuiButton-containedPrimary': {
        background: 'green'

Understanding theme css customization (required)

Example of wright styled styles

export default Reset.extend`
  height: ${({ theme }) => theme.form.textareaHeight};
  border-width: ${({ theme }) => theme.form.borderWidth};
  border-style: solid;
  border-color: ${({ isInvalid, theme }) => isInvalid ? theme.form.borderColorInvalid : theme.form.borderColor};
  color: ${({ theme }) => theme.form.color};

export const artBlock = styled('div')`
  ${({ theme, ...props }) => css`
    height: ${theme.form.textareaHeight};
    border-width: ${theme.form.borderWidth};
    border-style: solid;
    border-color: ${props.isInvalid ? theme.form.borderColorInvalid : theme.form.borderColor};
    color: ${theme.form.color};

export const Button = styled(CoreButton)`
  background-image: ${({ theme }) => `url(${theme.customKey})`};
  color: ${({ theme }) => theme.palette.secondary};

10 useful tips for Styled Components

Here’s little takeaway notes.

Typescript articles

Styled components with typescript

For handle issues with ts and props in html you can read this pages -