1.0.1 • Published 3 years ago

askless-javascript-client v1.0.1

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3 years ago

Askless - JavaScript client

:checkered_flag: Português (Portuguese)

JavaScript client of Askless framework, which facilitates building servers for JavaScript and Flutter Apps allowing to:

  • :handshake: perform a websocket connection to exchange data that:

    • :vibration_mode: supports streams on the client side in Flutter

    • :computer: supports JavaScript clients: Web and Node.js

    • :arrow_right_hook: automatically retry sending data in case of connectivity issues between the client and server

  • :pencil2: create your own CRUD operations with the database you like (Create, Read, Update and Delete)

  • :no_entry: restrict client access to CRUD operations

  • :mega: notify in real time clients who are listening for changes in a route, you can choose:

    • :no_pedestrians: only specify clients will receive the data
    • :heavy_check_mark: all clients will receive the data

  • :lock: accept and deny connection attempts

This is the client side in JavaScript, click here to access the server side in Node.js.

Important links

Getting Started

Alt Text

The "Getting Started" is a example for a Node.js client, but it can be easily changed to SPA's (Vue, Angular, React) by changing how the library is imported (step 3).

1 - First create the server, click here and follow the server instructions in the section "Getting Started"

2 - Install

npm install askless-javascript-client --save

3 - Import the package


// If you will run on the browser
const AsklessClient = require("askless-javascript-client/web").AsklessClient; 

// If you will run on Node.js environment
const AsklessClient = require("askless-javascript-client/node").AsklessClient; 


import {AsklessClient} from "askless-javascript-client/web";


import {AsklessClient} from "askless-javascript-client/node";

4 - Initialize the server informing the IPV4 address and port (default: 3000).

5 - Perform the connection with AsklessClient.instance.connect()


     serverUrl: 'ws://',

6 - Get real-time data updates

    route: 'product/tracking',
    listen: data => {
        console.log("NEW DATA RECEIVED: ");

7 - In this example, let's send data to the server every 5 seconds

setInterval(() => {

        route: 'product/customerSaid',
        body: 'I\'m waiting'
}, 5 * 1000); //every 5 seconds

8 - We need to stop receiving messages from the server in some place of our application, in this example let's stop after 1 minute:

setTimeout(() => {
    console.log("Stopped listening");
}, 60 * 1000);

Project ready! You can run :)

Following this links, you can also check this "Getting Started" complete project of the JavaScript client and of the server in Node.js.


Feel free to open a issue about:

  • :grey_question: questions

  • :bulb: suggestions

  • :page_facing_up: documentation improvements

  • :ant: potential bugs
