0.2.3 • Published 10 years ago

assemble-middleware-toc v0.2.3

Weekly downloads
Last release
10 years ago

assemble-middleware-toc NPM version

Assemble middleware for adding a Table of Contents (TOC) to any HTML page.

Upgrade notice!: as of v0.2.0, this middlweare requires Assemble v0.5.0.


Install with npm:

npm i assemble-middleware-toc --save


Register the middleware with Assemble:

options: {
  middleware: ['assemble-middleware-toc', 'foo/*.js']

Visit Assemble's middleware docs for more info or for help getting started.

Getting help

Bugs and feature requests

Before creating an issue, please search to see if a related one already exists (oh, and you should know that every time an issue is created on the wrong repo, a programmer loses his beard. I'm so serious it's not even funny. His actual beard, gone. So please try not to do that.)


Find a bug? Have a feature request? Please create an Issue.

In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality, and run docs in the command line to build the docs with Verb.

Pull requests are also encouraged, and if you find this project useful please consider "starring" it to show your support! Thanks!


Brian Woodward


Copyright (c) 2014 Brian Woodward, contributors.
Released under the MIT license

This file was generated by verb-cli on May 03, 2014.