0.1.3 • Published 9 years ago

assemble-reveal-builder v0.1.3

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9 years ago

assemble-reveal-builder NPM version

Assemble.io plugin to add in the page.data object parsed data loaded froma config.yml file coming with reveal configuration options, and load the parsed html of separate slides markdown files, without generating a page for each slide.

Getting Started

In the command line, run:

npm install assemble-reveal-builder --save

To register the plugin with Assemble, adjust your project’s Gruntfile.

module.exports = function(grunt) {
  // Configuration.
    assemble: {
      options: {
        plugins : [ 'assemble-reveal-builder', 'other/plugins/*.js' ]
      pages: {
      options: {
        presentationPage: true
      /* Add here only the index files you need for your presentation. Do not add the slides*/
        files: [ {
          cwd: 'src/',
          dest: 'dist',
          expand: true,
          filter: 'isFile',
          extDot: [ 'md', 'hbs' ],
          src: [ '**/master.hbs']