0.0.3 • Published 7 years ago

assembly-mill v0.0.3

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7 years ago


Assemble data according to the designated template file.

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##supported format:

  • json


  • file structure
         └──  home
               └── pomco
				├──  example.js
				└──  demo.json	
  • demo.json the designated file
      "zoo"  :  "",
      "canteen " : [
			"name" : "star wark",
			"capacity" : 30,
			"food" : []
			"name" : "",
	other : {
  • example.js :
var assembly = require('assembly-mill');
var obj = {
	"zoo" : "The South Zoo",
	"canteen" :[
		{"name" : "miss you"}
var tm = assembly.regist('demo.json');
//* in fact ,there some ways to passing the arg.</br>
//* its is up to you to choose whice way to passing the file.</br>
//* as show below :</br>
//* var tmp = assembly.regist('demo.json');
//* or
//* var tmp = assembly.regist('/home/pomco/demo.json');
//* and so on
  • expected fillin data accord to the file -->> "demo.json"
// `node example.js ` , then show as below:
      "zoo"  :  "The South Zoo",
      "canteen " : [
			"name" : "miss you",
			"capacity" : 30,
			"food" : []
			"name" : "",
	other : {


npm install  assembly-mill 


var assembly = require('assembly-mill');


regist the designated file ,then return an object

@param designatedfile

  • designatedfile

 the file to pass in </br>
// absolute path (or maybe the full path)  --> "/home/pomco/demo.json"
// relative path+filename  --> "./../demo.json"  、"./demo.json"
// filename  -->"demo.json"
var mill = assembly.regist("demo.json");


fillin data according the designated file , such as 'demo.json'

@param obj

  • obj

an object 
// contains keys and values, which maybe need to been modified </br>
// or added ,  maybe do nothing to change. </br>
// what  actually behavior to been showed is up on some rules.</br>


render the result , return an object.

about devlopment

  • test the module mocha ,chai
	npm test 
  • test the systax or watch on some info in the backend grunt-contrib-jshint ,grunt-contrib-watch

more example

  • example_01.js

var assembly = require('assembly-mill');
var obj ={
	"canteen "[
			"capacity" : 50,
			"food" : ["chicken","hotdog"]
var tm = assembly.regist('demo.json');
  • expected - before


    { "zoo" : "", "canteen " : [ { "name" : "star wark", "capacity" : 30, "food" : [] }, { "name" : "", "capacity":0, "food":[] } ], other : { }

    - after
      "zoo"  :  "",
      "canteen " : [
			"name" : "star wark",
			"capacity" : 50,
			"food" : []
			"name" : "",
	other : {

read more

The Rules

The rules that affect expectations as a matter of convenience , treated the designated file(such as 'demo.json') as object named 'DemoObj'

  • Rule one - conditons - conditons-01:
    	(typeof DemoObj.key ==='string') && (typeof obj.key==='string') return true
    		- conditons-02:
    	 DemoObj.key.lentgh<=0 return true
    		- conditons-03:
    	 Both JSON.pase(DemoObj.key)  &&  JSON.pase(obj.key)   return friendly
    		- conditons-04:
    	Both JSON.pase(DemoObj.key)  &&  JSON.pase(obj.key)  throw sysntax error
    	- expected
a) Bost  [conditons-01]  and [conditons-02]  retrun true,then `DemoObj.key =obj.key`
b) Bost  [conditons-01]  and [conditons-03] retrun true, then go on recursively
c) Bost  [conditons-01]  and [conditons-04] retun true,then `DemoObj.key =obj.key`
d) others, nothing to change
  • Rule two - conditons - conditons-01:

    	(typeof DemoObj.key ==='string') && (typeof obj.key==='object'  but not instanof  'Array' ) return true
    		- conditons-02:
    	  JSON.pase(DemoObj.key)   return friendly
    	- expected
a) Bost  [conditons-01]  and [conditons-02]  retrun true,then go on recursively
b) others, nothing to change
  • Rule three - conditons - conditons-01:
    	(typeof DemoObj.key ==='string') && (typeof obj.key==='object' and instanof Array) return true
    		- conditons-02:
    	 DemoObj.key.lentgh<=0 return true
    		- conditons-03:
    	 Both JSON.pase(DemoObj.key)    return friendly
    	- expected
a) Bost  [conditons-01]  and [conditons-02]  retrun true,
   when  (typeof  DemoObj.key === typeof obj.key[index]  && obj.key[index].length>0) return true
   then `DemoObj.key =Obj.key` 
b) Bost  [conditons-01]  and [conditons-03] retrun true, then go on recursively
c) others, nothing to change
  • Rule four - conditons - conditons-01:
    	(typeof DemoObj.key ==='object' but not instanof Array) && (typeof obj.key==='String') return true
    		- conditons-02:
    	  JSON.pase(obj.key)   return friendly
    	- expected
a) Bost  [conditons-01]  and [conditons-03] retrun true, then go on recursively
b) others, nothing to change
  • Rule five - conditons - conditons-01:
    	(typeof DemoObj.key ==='object' but not instanof Array) && (typeof obj.key==='object' but not instanof Array) return true
    		- conditons-02:
    	 JSON.stringfity( DemoObj.key.lentgh).length<=2 return true
    		- conditons-03:
    	 (typeof DemoObj.key==='number' ||  typeof DemoObj.key==='boolen' ) return true
    	- expected
a) Bost  [conditons-01]  and [conditons-02]  retrun true,then `DemoObj.key =obj.key`
b) Bost  [conditons-01]  and [conditons-03] retrun true, then `DemoObj.key =obj.key`
c) others, go on recursively
  • Rule six - conditons - conditons-01:
    	(typeof DemoObj.key ==='object' but not instanof Array) && (typeof obj.key==='object'  and instanof Array) return true
    		- conditons-02:
    	JSON.stringfity( DemoObj.key.lentgh).length<=2 return true
    		- conditons-03:
    	  (typeof DemoObj.key==='number' ||  typeof DemoObj.key==='boolen' ) return true
    	- expected
a) Bost  [conditons-01]  and [conditons-02]  retrun true,
   when (typeof obj.key[index] ==='object' but not instanof Array && JSON.stringfity(obj.key[index]),length>2) return true
then `DemoObj.key =Obj.key[index]`
b) Bost  [conditons-01]  and [conditons-03] retrun true, then do nothing to change
c) others, then go on recursively
  • Rule seven - conditons - conditons-01:
    	(typeof DemoObj.key ==='object'  and instanof Array) && (typeof obj.key==='string' ) return true
    		- conditons-02:
    	 DemoObj.key.lentgh<=0 return true
    		- conditons-03:
    	JSON.parse(obj.key) return true  
    	- expected
a) Bost  [conditons-01]  and [conditons-02]  retrun true, `DemoObj.key.push(obj.key)`
b) Bost  [conditons-01]  and [conditons-03] retrun true, then go on recursively
c) others, do nothing change
  • Rule eight - conditons - conditons-01:
    	(typeof DemoObj.key ==='object'  and instanof Array) && (typeof obj.key==='object' but not insanof Array) return true
    		- conditons-02:
    	 DemoObj.key.lentgh<=0 return true
    		- conditons-03:
    	   (typeof DemoObj.key[index]==='number' ||  typeof DemoObj.key[index]==='boolen' ) return true
    	- expected
a) Bost  [conditons-01]  and [conditons-02]  retrun true, `DemoObj.key.push(obj.key)`
b) Bost  [conditons-01]  and [conditons-03] retrun true, then do nothing to change
c) others, go on recursively
  • Rule night - conditons - conditons-01:
    	(typeof DemoObj.key ==='object'  and instanof Array) && (typeof obj.key==='object' and insanof Array) return true
    		- conditons-02:
    	 DemoObj.key.lentgh<=0 return true
    		- conditons-03:
    	   (typeof DemoObj.key[index]==='number' ||  typeof DemoObj.key[index]==='boolen' ) return true
    	- expected
a) Bost  [conditons-01]  and [conditons-02]  retrun true, `DemoObj.key = obj.key`
b) Bost  [conditons-01]  and [conditons-03] retrun true, `DemoObj.key = obj.key`
c) others, go on recursively