0.1.0 • Published 11 years ago

assert-type v0.1.0

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11 years ago


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One occasionally needs to design some JavaScript code conservatively, favoring correctness and safety over the language's natural strengths of flexibility and agility. Given JavaScript's dynamic typing, extensive runtime type assertions are a common product of such a conservative mindset. This node.js library makes it easier to write such assertions concisely. In addition to simple identifier-is-a-type assertions, it provides ways to algebraically compose those into more complex assertions about objects, arrays, and function signatures. A few examples may help illustrate:

var ty = require("assert-type");
var T = ty.Assert;

function deorbitBurn(power,seconds) {
  T(ty.num.finite)(power);   // assert power is a finite number (not NaN)
  T(ty.int.nonneg)(seconds); // assert seconds is a nonnegative integer

  // a more concise way to make the same two assertions:
  T(ty.num.finite, ty.int.nonneg)(power, seconds);


function chooseTargetToBomb(targets) {
  // assert targets is a nonempty array of nonempty strings


  return T(ty.str.ne)(result); // assert we're returning a nonempty string

function getTRexFenceVoltage(fence) {
  // assert that fence is an object with exactly two keys: sector, a nonempty
  // string, and subsector, a non-negative integer.
  T(ty.obj.of({sector: ty.str.ne, subsector: ty.int.nonneg}))(fence);


  return T(ty.num.finite)(voltage); // assert we're returning a finite number

// Declare a function that takes a finite number and a boolean as arguments,
// and returns a finite number (finite*bool -> finite). Runtime assertions
// will fail if any of those types do not match, or if the wrong number of
// arguments is passed.
var F = ty.WrapFun;
var moveNuclearControlRods = F([ty.num.finite, ty.bool], ty.num.finite,
  function(position, scram) {

    return coreTemperature;


The examples all assume the preamble

var ty = require("assert-type");

Simple type predicates

At the foundation, the library provides simple functions that take a value and return a boolean indicating whether the value satisfies a specific type, essentially similar to those found in many other libraries. Don't worry, things get a bit more interesting down below.

  • bool boolean
  • num number (includes NaN)
  • num.not.nan any number but NaN
  • num.pos positive real number (excludes NaN)
  • num.neg
  • num.nonneg
  • num.finite real number x and Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY < x < Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY
  • num.finite.pos
  • num.finite.neg
  • num.finite.nonneg
  • int integer (excludes NaN and infinite)
  • int.pos
  • int.neg
  • int.nonneg
  • str string
  • str.ne nonempty string
  • arr array
  • arr.ne nonempty array
  • obj object (includes null and arrays)
  • obj.not.null non-null object (includes arrays)
  • inst.of(Cons) test instanceof Cons (e.g. Array, Date, or your class)
  • fun function
  • funN(n) function of n arguments
  • null exactly null (mainly for use with or)
  • undefined exactly undefined (ditto)
  • any always true

Clearly, the types are not mutually exclusive.


The Assert function takes a type predicate and returns a function that takes a value and asserts the value satisfies the predicate. If the assertion succeeds, the value is also returned. This is easier to show by example:

var T = ty.Assert;           // since we use it often

T(ty.bool)(true);            // OK
T(ty.bool)(0);               // throws ty.TypeAssertionError

var x = T(ty.num.finite)(0); // now x === 0
T(ty.num.finite)(NaN);       // throws ty.TypeAssertionError

// OK:
T(ty.funN(1))(function (x) { return x; });
// throws ty.TypeAssertionError:
T(ty.funN(1))(function () { return 0; });

Assert also understands multiple types followed by matching values:

T(ty.bool, ty.int)(true, 1);   // OK
T(ty.bool, ty.int)(true, 1.1); // throws ty.TypeAssertionError

Composite types

The libary provides powerful operators for composing simple types into more complex ones.


or(ty1, ty2, ...) returns a type predicate satisfied if any of the provided predicates are satisfied:

T(ty.or(ty.int, ty.bool))(3);    // OK
T(ty.or(ty.int, ty.bool))(true); // OK
T(ty.or(ty.int, ty.bool))("");   // throws ty.TypeAssertionError

arr.of and arr.ne.of

arr.of(somety) returns a type predicate satisfied for arrays of the given type.

T(ty.arr.of(ty.int))([1, 2, 3]); // OK
T(ty.arr.of(ty.int))([]);        // vacuously OK
T(ty.arr.of(ty.int))([true]);    // throws ty.TypeAssertionError
T(ty.arr.of(ty.int))(null);      // throws ty.TypeAssertionError

arr.ne.of(somety) rejects the empty array.

An alternative usage of arr.of tests for an array with a specific number of elements of specific types.

T(ty.arr.of([ty.int, ty.bool]))([1, true]); // OK
T(ty.arr.of([ty.int, ty.bool]))([1]);       // throws ty.TypeAssertionError
T(ty.arr.of([ty.int, ty.bool]))([1, 2]);    // throws ty.TypeAssertionError

obj.of and obj.with

obj.of(proto), where proto is an object with keys mapping to types, returns a type predicate testing whether an object has exactly those keys and values satisfying the respective types.

T(ty.obj.of({x: ty.int, y: ty.int}))({x: 1, y: 2});       // OK
T(ty.obj.of({x: ty.int, y: ty.int}))({x: 1, y: true});    // throws ty.TypeAssertionError
T(ty.obj.of({x: ty.int, y: ty.int}))({x: 1});             // throws ty.TypeAssertionError
T(ty.obj.of({x: ty.int, y: ty.int}))({x: 1, y: 2, z: 3}); // throws ty.TypeAssertionError

obj.with(proto) is similar, but permits and ignores keys in addition to those specified in proto.

Sum types

The composite types formed by the above operators can themselves be composed. For example, here's a simple sum type (tagged union) for 2D points in either Cartesian or polar coordinates:

var tCartesian = ty.obj.of({x: ty.num.finite, y: ty.num.finite});
var tPolar = ty.obj.of({r: ty.num.finite.nonneg, theta: ty.num.finite.nonneg});
var tPoint = ty.or(tCartesian, tPolar);

function distanceToOrigin(pt) {
  if (tCartesian(pt)) {
    return Math.sqrt(pt.x*pt.x, pt.y*pt.y);
  } else if (tPolar(pt)) {
    return pt.r;
  } else {
    // should never happen

As this example hints, types are values that can be assigned and passed around at runtime. But it is not currently possible to declare recursive types, limiting the scope of supported algebraic data types. I'm thinking about this.

Typed functions

fun.of([ty1, ty2, ...], tyRet) is the type of a function whose arguments have types ty1, ty2, ... and which returns a value of tyRet.

Functions with fun.of(...) types can only be generated by WrapFun, which wraps a given function so that type assertions about its arguments and return value are performed automatically before and after calling it.

var F = ty.WrapFun;

var t = ty.fun.of([ty.int, ty.bool], ty.int);
var intFn = F(t, function(x, b) {
                if (b) return 0-x; else return x;
intFn(3, false); // returns 3
intFn(3, true);  // returns -3
intFn(3, "");    // throws ty.TypeAssertionError
intFn(3);        // throws ty.TypeAssertionError

// throws ty.TypeAssertionError due to wrong return value type:
F(t, function(x, b) { return true; })(3, false);

// OK:
// throws TypeAssertionError, since intFn has a different return type:
T(ty.fun.of([ty.int, ty.bool], ty.bool))(intFn);

intFn could have been declared with the following shorter syntax, in which the use of ty.fun.of is implicit:

var intFn = F([ty.int, ty.bool], ty.int, function(x, b) {
              if (b) return 0-x; else return x;

There's also a simple predicate fun.typed to check whether a given function was generated by WrapFun. Any JavaScript function will satisfy fun, any function generated by WrapFun will satisfy fun.typed, and only functions generated by WrapFun with the exact same signature will satisfy fun.of(...).

Typed functions with callbacks

There are a few ways to use WrapFun with functions that return values through callbacks (continuation passing style). First, if you're writing the callback, you can guard the callback itself:

var F = ty.WrapFun;
var fs = require("fs");

fs.readFile("file.txt", "utf-8",
  F([ty.any, ty.str], ty.any, function(err, txt) {

One could further refine the signature of the callback to something like ty.fun.of([ty.or(ty.undefined, ty.null, ty.inst.of(Error)), ty.str], ty.undefined). In either case, a type mismatch of the return value would result in a thrown ty.TypeAssertionError.

Second, for writing a CPS function, there's a WrapFun_ variant for the node.js asynchronous calling convention, where the callback is of the form function (error, result) { ... }.

var F_ = ty.WrapFun_;

var intFn_ = F_([ty.int, ty.bool, ty.fun], ty.int, function (x, b, cb) {
                if (b) return cb(0-x); else return cb(x);

intFn_(3, false, function(error, result) {
  // result === 3
intFn_(3, true, function(error, result) {
  // result === -3
intFn_(3, "", function(error, result) {}); // throws ty.TypeAssertionError

F_([ty.fun], ty.int, function(cb) { return cb(true); })(function (error, result) {
  // error is a ty.TypeAssertionError

WrapFun_ uses the return type to constrain the second argument to the callback, and ignores the actual JavaScript return value of the function. Note that the callback must still be represented explicitly as the last argument to the function. As above, the type of the callback could be specified more precisely, but this would require the callback to also be generated by WrapFun.

If a type assertion fails on the arguments, a regular JavaScript exception is thrown, since one can't be sure the callback is even present in this case. If the type assertion fails on the return value, the resulting error is passed to the callback.

There's also _WrapFun for functions that take the callback as the first argument rather than the last (useful for streamline.js code).

Third and lastly, to write CPS functions not following the typical calling convention, one can simply use the pass-through property of Assert to guard the return value. For example, a function whose callback only accepts the return value:

var d = F([ty.num.finite, ty.num.finite, ty.fun], ty.any, function(x, y, cb) {
  return cb(T(ty.num.finite)(Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y)));

Type introspection

The TypeOf, Name, and Describe functions make it possible to identify types at runtime. (I'm still thinking through these features, so they may evolve significantly.)

ty.Name(ty.TypeOf(0)));              // => 'num'
ty.Name(ty.TypeOf(ty.Name));         // => 'fun.of([type], str.ne)'
ty.Describe(ty.TypeOf(ty.Describe)); // => '(type) -> nonempty string'

var myty = ty.fun.of([ty.arr.of(ty.int), ty.str.ne], ty.bool);

ty.Name(myty);                       // => 'fun.of([arr.of(int), str.ne], bool)'
ty.Describe(myty);                   // => '(integer array, nonempty string) -> boolean'

Wish list

  • Optional function arguments and object fields
  • Variadic functions and arrays
  • Recursive types --> ADTs
  • Polymorphic functions and type variables
  • Flesh out obj.with as a module signature