3.0.0 • Published 9 years ago

astack v3.0.0

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9 years ago


"Callbacks are merely the continuation of control flow by other means." -- Carl von Clausewitz

aStack is a tool for writing asynchronous functions almost as if they were synchronous, using plain javascript and no dependencies.

aStack strives to be the simplest solution to the async problem. I confronted this problem when writing a Javascript toolset for devops, where I needed to execute asynchronous functions in varying order. aStack emerged from that need.

Besides sequential execution, aStack also supports conditional and parallel execution.


aStack is written in Javascript. You can use it in the browser by sourcing the main file.

<script src="astack.js"></script>

And you also can use it in node.js. To install: npm install astack


Usage examples

Sequential execution

var a  = require ('astack');
var fs = require ('fs');

// Read the file at `path`
// If the file cannot be read, the next async function will receive `undefined`
// If the file can be read, the next async function will receive `data`

var readFile = function (s, path) {
   fs.readFile (path, function (error, data) {
      if (error) {
         console.log ('File', path, 'is empty');
         a.return (s, undefined);
      else {
         console.log ('File', path, 'contains', data + '');
         a.return (s, data + '');

// Write `data` to the file at `path`
// Whether successful or not, when the operation is complete, pass `data` to the next async function.

var writeFile = function (s, path, data, mute) {
   fs.writeFile (path, data, {encoding: 'utf8'}, function (error) {
      a.return (s, data);

a.call ([
   // Read the file for the first time.
   [readFile,  'count.txt'],
   // Write 0 to the file.
   [writeFile, 'count.txt', 0],
   // Read the file for the second time.
   [readFile,  'count.txt'],
   // Write 1 to the file.
   [writeFile, 'count.txt', 1],
   // Read the file for the third time.
   [readFile,  'count.txt'],

This script prints the following:

File count.txt is empty
File count.txt contains 0
File count.txt contains 1

Conditional execution

// Read the file at `path` using `readFile`.
// If the result of `readFile` was `undefined`, write 0 to the file at path.
// Otherwise, parse the result of `readFile` into an integer, increment it, and write it to the file.

var incrementFile = function (s, path, mute) {
   a.cond (s, [readFile, path], {
      undefined: [writeFile, path, 0],
      default:   function (s) {
         var data = parseInt (s.last);
         writeFile (s, path, data + 1);

a.call (s, [
   // Increment the file for the first time.
   [incrementFile, 'count.txt'],
   // Increment the file for the second time.
   [incrementFile, 'count.txt'],
   // Increment the file for the third time.
   [incrementFile, 'count.txt']

This script prints the following:

File count.txt is empty
File count.txt contains 0
File count.txt contains 1

Parallel execution

// Invoke `incrementFile` twice in a row for each of three files.
// After finishing the operation, pass an array of results to the next asynchronous function.

a.call ([
   [a.fork, ['count0.txt', 'count1.txt', 'count2.txt'], function (v) {
      return [
         // Invoke `incrementFile` for the first time.
         [incrementFile, v],
         // Invoke `incrementFile` for the second time.
         [incrementFile, v]
   function (s) {
      console.log ('Parallel operation ready. Result was', s.last);
      a.return (s, s.last);

This script prints the following:

File count0.txt is empty
File count1.txt is empty
File count2.txt is empty
File count0.txt contains 0
File count1.txt contains 0
File count2.txt contains 0
Parallel operation ready. Result was [ 1, 1, 1 ]

Notice that the order of lines 1 to 6 may vary, depending on the actual order on which the files were written.

Run concurrently an expensive operation, without doing more than n operations simultaneously.

var memoryIntensiveOperation = function (s, datum) {

var bigData = [1, 2, 3, ..., 999999, 1000000];

a.fork (bigData, function (v) {
   return [memoryIntensiveOperation, v];
}, {max: n});

Run concurrently a memory expensive operation, spawning concurrent operations unless the process' memory usage exceeds a threshold.

a.fork (bigData, function (v) {
   return [memoryIntensiveOperation, v];
}, {test: function () {
   return process.memoryUsage.heapTotal < threshold;

The async problem

As you may know, hard disks and networks are many times slower than CPUs and RAM. Broadly speaking, programs usually are executed at the speed of CPUs and RAM. However, when a program has to execute a disk or network operation, this fast process is drastically slowed down, because the CPUs/RAM have to wait for the disk/network operation to finish. While the CPUs/RAM are waiting for the disk/network to be done, no other operations can be performed, so that's why it's said that the disk/network blocks the CPUs/RAM.

Asynchronous functions are a powerful tool that prevent this situation. When the program finds a disk/network operation, it issues the command to the disk/network, but instead of waiting for them to be finished, it keeps on executing the program. This pattern is called asynchronous programming.

By not waiting for disk/network operations, the CPUs/RAM can do many other things while these operations finish. In practice, it means that a single process can deal with many slow operations at the same time.

You may first ask: what could the CPUs/RAM be doing while they wait for disk/network? After all, if you need to perform a disk/network operation, it is because you need that information to proceed with the program!

Well, if you are the only one using the program at a given time, you don't mind waiting for the disk/network, because you have nothing to do except to get the result of that operation and then use it to perform further computations. However, if a program is invoked by many users at the same time, and this program has many slow operations, you will quickly see the value of asynchronous programming.

Imagine that you write a web server. A web server is used/invoked by many users at the same time. With synchronous programming, if a user requires a file from the web server (a slow operation, since it involves the disk), while that file was served, the CPUs/RAM (or to be more precise, the thread of execution, a unit made of CPUs/RAM) would be blocked by the disk operation.

Or imagine that you are writing a web browser. The web browser allows you to interact with elements that it has already loaded (imagine a text box), while it retrieves data from the network and redraws the screen accordingly. With the synchronous model, user interaction would be impossible while network operations/screen redrawing are taking place. With the asynchronous model, you can still interact with the browser while it is loading data and changing other elements in the screen.

Historically, the first example was the motivation to make node.js asynchronous, and the second one is what made javascript asynchronous.

Going back to the nuts and bolts, you may ask: when the disk/network is called asynchronously and the operation is finished, where do you send the result of that operation? The answer is: to the callback.

A callback is simply a function that is executed when the disk/network operation is ready. In node.js and javascript in general, every asynchronous function receives a callback as its last argument, so that the function knows what to execute once its slow operations are complete.

Synchronous functions do not need callbacks. This is because when their are invoked by the thread of execution, the thread waits for them to be done. How does a synchronous function inform the thread that it's execution is complete? In functional programming, this is done through the return statement. Synchronous functions return their output when they are done, which means two things: 1) the next operation is executed; 2) the next operation has the output of the previous function available.

Let's see an example:

var sync1 = function (data) {
   // Do some stuff to data
   return data;

var sync2 = function (data) {
   // Do some other stuff to data
   return data;

var syncSequence = function (data) {
   return sync2 (sync1 (data));

When you execute syncSequence, the thread of execution does the following:

  • Execute sync1 (data) and wait for it to be completed.
  • When it's completed, take the value returned by sync1, and call sync2 passing that value as its argument.
  • When sync2 finishes executing, the returned value is returned.

If you wrote this example in an asynchronous way, this is how it would look like:

var async1 = function (data, callback) {
   // Do some stuff to data
   callback (data);

var async2 = function (data, callback) {
   // Do some stuff to data
   callback (data);

var asyncSequence = function (data, callback) {
   async1 (data, function (data) {
      async2 (data, function (data) {
         callback (data);

When you execute asyncSequence, this is what happens:

  • async1 is executed with two arguments, data and a callback function. Let's name the latter as callback1. When async1 finishes processing data, callback1 is executed.
  • Within callback1, async2 is executed with two arguments, data (which is the data returned by async1) and another callback function, which we'll name callback2. When async2 finishes processing data, callback2 is executed.
  • Within callback2, the callback that was passed to asyncSequence is executed, receiving the data processed first by async1, then async2.

Imagine that asyncSequence had to invoke three functions instead of two. It would look like this:

var asyncSequence = function (data, callback) {
   async1 (data, function (data) {
      async2 (data, function (data) {
         async3 (data, function (data) {
            callback (data);

The above pattern of nested anonymous functions invoking asynchronous functions is affectionately known as callback hell. Compare this with its synchronous counterpart:

var syncSequence = function (data) {
   return sync3 (sync2 (sync1 (data)));

The difference in clarity and succintness reflects the cost of asynchronous programming. Synchronous functions do not need to know which function is run after them, because the execution thread is in charge of determining that. But since the thread of execution doesn't wait for asynchronous functions, the latter have the burden of having to know where to send their results (where to return) when they are done.

The standard way to avoid callback hell is to hardwire the callbacks into the asynchronous functions. For example, if async2 always calls async1 and async3 always calls async2, then you can rewrite the example above as:

var async1 = function (data, callback) {
   callback (data);

var async2 = function (data, callback) {
   async1 (data, callback);

var async3 = function (data, callback) {
   async2 (data, callback)

var asyncSequence = function (data, callback) {
   async3 (data, callback);

This is of course much clearer, but it relies on asynchronous functions being run in a specific order. However, if you wanted to run async1, async2 or async3 in different orders, it is impossible to do this: you need these functions to retain their general form, and then write an asyncSequence function with n levels of nested callbacks (where n is the number of asynchronous functions you need to run in sequence). Worse, you need to write one of these sequence functions for each sequence that you are going to run.

Let's remember that synchronous functions don't have this problem, because they can return their values when they are done, and they don't need to know who to call next. In this way, synchronous functions don't lose their generality, and invoking sequences of them is straightforward.

This is the async problem: how to execute arbitrary sequences of asynchronous functions, without falling into callback hell. Or in other words, the problem is how to write sequences of asynchronous functions with an ease comparable to that of writing sequences of synchronous functions.

Goodbye callbacks, hello aFunctions

Faced with the async problem, how can we make asynchronous functions behave more like synchronous functions, without callback hell and without loss of generality?

Let's see how we can transform callback hell into aStack hell.

Callback hell:

var async1 = function (data, callback) {
   // Do stuff to data here...
   callback (data);

// `async2` and `async3` are just like `async1`

var asyncSequence = function (data, callback) {
   async1 (data, function (data) {
      async2 (data, function (data) {
         async3 (data, function (data) {
            callback (data);

With astack:

var a = require ('astack');

var async1 = function (s, data) {
   // If data is received as an argument, leave it as is. Otherwise, set data to `s.last`.
   data = data || s.last;
   // Do stuff to data here...
   a.return (s, data);

// async2 and async3 are just like async1

var asyncSequence = function (s, data, callback) {
   a.call (s, [[async1, data], async2, async3, callback]);

Let's count the differences between both examples:

  1. In the first example, every async function takes a callback as its last argument. In the second one, every async function takes s (an aStack) as its first argument.
  2. In the first example, data is passed directly to all functions. In the second one, async2 and async3 retrieve the data from s.last.
  3. In the first example, async1 finish their execution by invoking the callback. In the second one, they invoke a function named a.return, and pass to it both the aStack and the a.returned value.
  4. In the first example, we have nested anonymous functions passing callbacks. In the second one, asyncSequence invokes a function named a.call, which receives as argument the aStack and an array with asynchronous functions and their arguments.
  5. In the second example, every combination of function + arguments is wrapped in an array, even when the function has no arguments.

Let's see these differences in detail:

Difference #1: instead of passing the callback as the last function, pass s (the aStack) as the first one


var async1 = function (data, callback)


var async1 = function (s, data) {

Difference #2: instead of receiving the result from the previous function explicitly, receive it from s.last.

var async1 = function (s, data);
   // Do stuff to `data` here...


var async1 = function (s, data) {
   data = data || s.last;
   // Do stuff to `data` here...

Difference #3: instead of passing the result of the function to the callback, invoke a.return and pass it both s and the result as its arguments


   callback (data);


   a.return (s, data);

Difference #4: instead of callback hell, invoke a.call with an array of functions to be executed


var asyncSequence = function (data, callback) {
   async1 (data, function (data) {
      async2 (data, function (data) {
         async3 (data, function (data) {
            callback (data);


var asyncSequence = function (s, data, callback) {
   a.call (s, [[async1, data], async2, async3, callback]);

Notice that a.call receives s as its first argument, and an array with functions as its second argument.

But what about [async1, data]?

Rule #5: if one of the asynchronous functions receives explicit arguments, wrap the function and the arguments in an array.

      // `async1` receives `data` as an argument
      [async1, data]

The elements of aStack

aStack is built upon five structures:

1) aFunction

2) aStep

3) aPath

4) aInput

5) aStack


An aFunction is a normal function (usually asynchronous, but not necessarily) that adheres to the following conventions:

1) Receives an aStack as its first argument. Henceforth, when writing code, I'll employ the convention of referring to the aStack as s.

// Incorrect
var async = function (arg1, arg2) {

// Correct
var async = function (s, arg1, arg2) {

2) In any of its possible execution paths, the last thing that the function does is to invoke either a.call, a.return or any other aFunction, passing the aStack as the first argument to it.

// Incorrect
var async = function (s, arg1, arg2) {
   if (arg1 === true) {
      // ERROR: this branch does not end with a call to an `aFunction`.
   else {
      a.call (s, ...);

// Correct
var async = function (s, arg1, arg2) {
   // Correct: both possible execution branches finish with a call to an `aFunction`.
   if (arg1 === true) {
      a.call (s, ...);
   else {
      a.call (s, ...);

3) In any execution path, there cannot be more than one call to a.call or another aFunction other than the last call.

// Incorrect
var async = function (s, arg1, arg2) {
   a.call (s, ...);
   // ERROR: You already made a call to `a.call` above.
   a.call (s, ...);

// Incorrect
var async2 = function (s) {
   async1 (s, ...);
   // ERROR: You already invoked one aFunction above.
   a.call (s, ...);

4) To read the value returned by the last asynchronous function, use a.last.

a.call ([
   [a.return, 'somevalue'],
   function (s) {
      // This function will print 'somevalue'.
      console.log (s.last);
      a.return (s);

In short:

  1. Mind the aStack.
  2. Call a.call or another aFunction as the last thing you do in every execution path.
  3. Call a.call or another aFunction only once per execution path.
  4. To retrieve the value of the previous aFunction, use s.last.


An aStep is an aFunction, wrapped in an array, and followed by zero or more arguments.

var aStep = [mysqlQuery, 'localhost', 'SELECT * FROM records']

The aStep represents a single step in a sequence of asynchronous functions.


The aPath is an array containing zero or more of the following:

  • aFunctions
  • aSteps
  • aPaths

All of these are valid aPaths:

[aStep, aFunction]

[aStep, aPath, aStep]


[[], [[aStep]]]

Please note a very important point: an aPath cannot start with an aFunction, because it will be interpreted as an aStep!.

// Incorrect! `aStep` will be passed as an argument to `aFunction`
[aFunction, aStep]

// Correct
[[aFunction], aStep]


An aInput is either an aFunction, an aStep or an aPath.


The aStack is the argument that asynchronous functions will pass around instead of callbacks. It is an object that contains two keys:

  1. aPath.
  2. last, which contains the value returned by the last asynchronous function executed.

A generic aStack looks like this:

var aStack = {
   aPath: [aStep, aStep, ...],
   last: ...

last can have any value (even undefined).

Core aFunctions


a.call is the main function of aStack and the soul of the library. Every aFunction calls either a.call directly, or through another aFunction. a.call keeps the ball rolling and ensures that all asynchronous functions are eventually executed.

a.call takes one or two arguments:

  • An optional aStack.
  • An aInput (aFunction, aPath or aStep).

If no aStack is passed to a.call, a new one will be created automatically. This is useful when you do the initial invocation of an asynchronous sequence.

Notice that you can pass any aInput to a.call.

// Passing an `aFunction`
a.call (someFunction);

// Passing an aStep
a.call ([someFunction, 'arg1', 'arg2']);

// Passing an `aPath` with two `aSteps`
a.call ([
   [someFunction, 'arg1', 'arg2'],
   [someFunction, 'arg3', 'arg4']

// Passing another `aPath` with two `aSteps`
a.call ([

Note that, in the last example, although we wanted to invoke someFunction with no arguments, we have to wrap it in an array, otherwise a.call will think that the whole aInput (two consecutive invocations to someFunction) is actually a single invocation to someFunction, in which the second someFunction is actually an argument to the first.

Remember that aPaths can contain elements with arbitrary levels of nestedness. For example:

a.call ([
   [someFunction, 'arg1', 'arg2'],
   [someFunction, 'arg3', 'arg4']

is equivalent to:

a.call ([[
   [someFunction, 'arg1', 'arg2'],
   [someFunction, 'arg3', 'arg4']

and to:

a.call ([[
   [[[]], [someFunction, 'arg1', 'arg2'], []],
   [someFunction, 'arg3', 'arg4']

If you passed an invalid aInput to a.call, a.call will pass false to the first asynchronous function in aStack.aPath. In addition, an error message will be printed.

var async1 = function (s) {
   a.call (s, /invalid/);

a.call ([
   function (s) {
      console.log ('The last asynchronous function returned', s.last);
      a.return (s, s.last);

// This will print the following:

// aStack error: aInput must be an array or function but instead is /invalid/ with type regex
// The last asynchronous function returned false

If the aStack is invalid, there's no valid aFunction to which to a.return, so a.call will directly return a false value and print an error message.

// This will print an error message, plus `false`.
console.log (a.call (/invalid/));


a.return takes two arguments:

  • An aStack (since it's an aFunction).
  • last, which is the value being returned by the invoking function.

Notice that the aStack argument is not optional (as it is in a.call), since a.return needs to return somewhere, and that somewhere is stored in aStack.last.

a.return does the following things:

  1. Validate s.
  2. Set s.last to the last argument.
  3. Call a.call passing it s and an empty aPath.

Notice that a.return is an aFunction, and as such, the last thing that it does is to invoke a.call. Calling a.call with an empty aPath effectively works as a return function, because it ends up executing the first function in s.aPath.

Some useful remarks

Implicit stack passing to aInput

When invoking a.call with a previously existing aStack, notice that the aStack is passed as the first argument to the function, but it is nowhere referenced in the aInput.

For example, in:

   a.call (s, [
      [someFunction, 'arg1', 'arg2'],
      [someFunction, 'arg1', 'arg2']

s will be automatically passed to both instances of someFunction as the first argument, and arg1 and arg2 will be the second and third arguments respectively. And by automatically, I mean through a.call.

Recursive calls

aFunctions can be recursive and they can call themselves, provided that they obey the general rules for aFunctions set above.

As a matter of fact, even a.call can call itself recursively.

   a.call (s, [a.call, [
      [someFunction, 'arg1', 'arg2'],
      [someFunction, 'arg1', 'arg2']

return a.return

It is worthy to note the following pattern: if an aFunction has many conditional branches, you can both return and a.return in the same line. This has a double effect:

  • Invoke a.return, keeping the asynchronous ball rolling.
  • Invoke return, stopping execution at the current aFunction.

Take the following aFunction:

var async = function (s) {
   if (s.last === false) a.return (s, false);
   else {
      if (s.last > 100) {
         // Do something here...
         a.return (s, ...);
      else {
         // Do something else here...
         a.return (s, ...);

Using the return a.return pattern, you can rewrite it in a quite nicer form that avoids nested conditionals.

var async = function (s) {
   if (s.last === false) return a.return (s, false);
   if (s.last > 100) {
      // Do something here...
      return a.return (s, ...);
   // Do something else here...
   a.return (s, ...);

Beyond s.last

What happens when you have an asynchronous sequence more than two steps long and you wish to use the value of (say) the results of the first and second asynchronous functions in the third one? In this situation, s.last won't do, because it can only hold a single value.

The easiest way to cope with this is to set another variable in s.

a.call ([
   [function (s) {
      s.value = 1;
      a.return (s);
   function (s) {
      a.return (s, 2);
   function (s) {
      // This will print 's.value is 1 and s.last is 2'
      console.log ('s.value is', value, 'and s.last is', s.last);
      var value = s.value;
      // We delete `s.value` because we don't need it in subsequent calls
      delete s.value;
      a.return (s, [value, s.last]);

In this case, we are setting s.value to 1. If you have long or nested sequences, this scheme can get dirty quickly, because essentially it creates a dynamic variable - hence, there's no separate scope for nested calls. To use these variables without problems, try to:

  • Use unique names that you know are not used by other asynchronous functions in the same sequence.
  • Delete the variables as soon as you use them.

One last important note: please don't overwrite s.aPath, since that's where a.call stores the state for a given asynchronous sequence!

Stack parameters

Stack parameters are a shorthand that allow you to reference return values in the aStack from within an aStep.

Stack parameters allow you to refer statically (through a string) to a variable whose value you won't know until the required async functions are executed. If it wasn't for them, you'd have to either hardwire the logic into the async function (for example, make it read s.last) or wrap a generic function with a specific lambda function that passes s.last to the former.

Stack parameters can also refer to other objects in the aStack.

a.call ([
   [function (s) {
      s.data = 'b52';
      a.return (s, true);
   [async1, '@data', '@last']

When async1 is invoked, it will receive 'b52' as its second argument and true as its third argument.

Stack parameters support dot notation so that you can access elements in arrays and objects.

a.call ([
   [function (s) {
      a.return (s, {data: 'b52', moreData: [1, 2, 3]});
   [async1, '@last.data', '@last.moreData.1']

When async1 is invoked, it will receive 'b52' as its second argument and 2 as its third argument.

Notice that you cannot use dots as part of the name of a stack parameter, because any dot will be interpreted as access to a subelement.

a.call (s, [
   [function (s) {
      // Incorrect! Keys with dots in their name won't be resolved correctly.
      s ['key.with.dots'] = 'b52;
      a.return (s, ...);
   [function (s) {
      // data will be `undefined`
      var data = s ['key.with.dots'];
   }, '@key.with.dots']

If there's an exception generated by the dot notation (because you are trying to access a subelement of something that's neither an array nor an object, or a subelement with a stringified key from an array instead of an object), the stack parameter will be replaced by undefined. This is the reason for the example above yielding data equal to undefined, as opposed to throwing an exception.

Five more aFunctions

Besides a.call and a.return, aStack provides five additional functions:

  • a.cond, for conditional execution.
  • a.fork, for parallel execution.
  • a.stop, for stopping a sequence when a certain value is a.returned.
  • a.log, for logging the aStack and additional parameters.
  • a.convert, for converting asynchronous functions that use callbacks into aFunctions.


a.cond is a function that is useful for asynchronous conditional execution. You can see it in action in the conditional execution example above.

a.cond takes two or three arguments:

  • An optional aStack.
  • An aCond (which is an aInput).
  • An aMap.

As with a.call, if no aStack is passed, a new one will be created automatically. This is useful when you do the initial invocation of an asynchronous sequence.

An aMap is an object where each key points to an aInput.

a.cond executes the aCond, obtains a result (we will call it X) and then executes the aPath contained at aMap.X.

Notice that X will be stringified, since object keys are always strings in javascript. For an example of this, refer to the conditional execution example above, where true and false are converted into 'true' and 'false'.

You can also insert a default key in the aMap. This key will be executed if X is not found in the aMap.

If neither aMap.X nor aMap.default are defined, an error message will be printed and a.cond will a.return false.


a.fork is a function that is useful for asynchronous parallel execution. You can see it in action in the parallel execution example above.

a.fork takes one to four arguments:

  • An optional aStack.
  • data, which can be:
    • An array.
    • An object.
    • An aInput.
    • An object where every key maps to an aInput.
  • An optional fun, which is a function that outputs an aInput for each item in data.
  • An optional object options, which can have up to three keys:
    • options.max, an integer that determines the maximum number of concurrent operations.
    • options.test, a function that returns true or a falsy value, depending on whether a.fork can keep on firing concurrent operations.
    • options.beat, an integer that determines the amount of milliseconds to wait for new data after processing the existing one.

As with a.call, if no aStack is passed, a new one will be created automatically. This is useful when you do the initial invocation of an asynchronous sequence.

If you pass an empty array or object as data, a.fork will just a.return an empty array or object.

Let's see now how to use a.fork. We will also explain in detail the relationship between data, fun and options.

The simplest way of using a.fork is passing it an aInput (which can also be a single aFunction or aStep, although having only one operation to execute renders a.fork equivalent to invoking a.call).

var async1 = function (s, data) {
   a.return (s, data);

a.fork ([
   [async1, 'a'],
   [async1, 'b'],
   [async1, 'c']

In this case, a.fork will return ['a', 'b', 'c'], that is, an array with one result per aInput passed.

a.fork takes care to wait for all aSteps to a.return, and to assign their results to the correct place in the array, no matter the order in which the aSteps finished their execution.

Slightly more interesting is passing as data an object where each value is an aInput.

a.fork ({
   first:  [async1, 'a'],
   second: [async1, 'b'],
   third:  [async1, 'c']

In this case, a.fork will return {first: 'a', second: 'b', third: 'c'}, that is, one result per aPath passed.

Notice that a.fork returns an array/object where each element corresponds with the aStep/aPath it received, even if the concurrent operations returned in an order different to which they were fired.

Most of the time, however, you don't want to pass an aInput. Rather, you want to pass a function that generates an aInput from an array of data. This function, called fun, receives each item from data and outputs an aInput per each of them.

a.fork (['a', 'b', 'c'], function (v) {
   return [async1, v];

In this case, a.fork will yield the same output than in the first example: ['a', 'b', 'c'].

Now, let's go to the really interesting cases.

Imagine that you have a million data points, and you want to execute an async process for each of them. In most cases, firing all of these processes concurrently will overload your system. Through the options object, you can limit the amount of concurrent operations by setting options.max to n (where n is the maximum of concurrent operations).

a.fork ([1, 2, 3, ..., 999999, 1000000], function (v) {
   return [async1, v];
}, {max: n});

Or imagine that async1 is memory heavy and you want to limit the memory usage to a certain threshold. In this case, set options.test to a function that returns true when the memory usage is below threshold.

a.fork ([1, 2, 3, ..., 999999, 1000000], function (v) {
   return [async1, v];
}, {test: function () {
   return process.memoryUsage.heapTotal < threshold;

You can combine both options.max and options.test.

a.fork ([1, 2, 3, ..., 999999, 1000000], function (v) {
   return [async1, v];
}, {max: n, test: function () {
   return process.memoryUsage.heapTotal < threshold;

The most sophisticated use case is streaming data items into a.fork, without having to batch the data.

var queue = [];

a.fork (queue, function (v) {
   return [async1, v];
}, {max: 1000, beat: 500});

event.on ('data', function (data) {
   queue.push (data);

In the above code, a.fork will receive data items as they are generated by event, simply by pushing the data items into queue. Because of how a.fork is implemented, if you pass an array to it, a.fork will process data items that are pushed to the array, even if they are added after a.fork started executing.

options.beat is an integer that tells a.fork how many milliseconds to wait for new data items. When options.beat is greater than 0, after reaching the end of its data, a.fork will wait and recheck if there are new data elements. If after this period there are no further elements, a.fork returns.

If neither options.max nor options.test are defined, options.beat is set to 0. If either of these are defined, it is set to 100. Naturally, you can override this value.

When a.fork executes parallel aPaths, it will create copies of the aStack that are local to them. The idea behind this is to avoid side effects between parallel asynchronous calls. However, you should bear in mind two caveats:

  • Some objects, however, like circular structures or HTTP connections cannot be copied (or at least not easily), so if any of the parallel threads changes these special objects, the change will be visible to other parallel threads.
  • If any of the parallel threads sets a key in its aStack that's neither aPath or last, that key will still be set after a.fork is done. If more than one parallel thread sets that key, the thread that sets it last (in real time, not by its order in the aPath) will overwrite the key set by the other thread.
function (s) {

   s.data = [];

   var inner = function (s) {
      s.data.push (Math.random ());
      a.return (s, true);

   a.fork (s, [[inner], inner, inner]);

After the call to a.fork above, the aStack will look something like:

{last: [true, true, true], data: [0.6843374725431204]}

Because the aStack is copied for each aPath, s.data will have just one element (the last value set) instead of three.


a.stop takes two or three arguments:

  • An optional aStack.
  • A stopValue.
  • An aInput.

As with a.call, if no aStack is passed, a new one will be created automatically. This is useful when you do the initial invocation of an asynchronous sequence.

The stopValue is any value, which is coerced onto a string. a.stop starts executing the first aStep in the aInput, and then, if the value a.returned by it is equal to the stopValue, that value is a.returned and no further aSteps are executed. If it's not equal, then a.stop will execute the next aStep.

An important point: the stopValue cannot be equal to 'default'.

a.stop is particularly useful when you have a sequence of asynchronous actions where you want to stop as soon as you find an error. A canonical example of this is doing multiple chained requests to a database in order to serve an HTTP request:

// `aFunction` for accessing the database
var db = function (s, a, b, c) {
   dbAPIFunction (a, b, c, function (error, data) {
      if (error) s.error = error;
      a.return (s, error ? false : data);

var serveRequest = function (request, response) {
   a.cond ([a.stop, false, [
      [db, ...],
      function (s) {
         // Do some processing of s.last here...

         db (s, ...);
      function (s) {
         // Do some processing of s.last here...

         db (s, ...);
      function (s) {
         // Do some processing of s.last here...

         db (s, ...);
   ]], {
      false: function (s) {
         response.end (s.error);
      default: function (s) {
         response.end (s.last);

In serveRequest, we did four chained db requests. If any of these requests yield an error, execution will be stopped immediately and the error will be sent to the response. If every request is successful, the output of the last db request will be sent to the response.

Notice how this pattern eliminates the boilerplate of checking for error after each db call.


To inspect the contents of the aStack, place an aStep calling a.log just below the aStep you wish to inspect.

a.log prints the contents of the aStack (but without printing the aPath), plus further arguments you pass to it. It then returns s.last, so execution resumes unaffected.


If you start using aStack, very soon you'll find yourself writing wrappers around the core asynchronous functions you have to work with, because those functions use callbacks.

For example, consider the following aFunction, which reads the files existing in a path.

var readdir = function (s, path) {
   fs.readdir (path, function (error, files) {
      if (error) {
         console.log (error);
         return a.return (s, false);
      a.return (s, files);

readdir is an aFunction that's a wrapper around fs.readdir. It invokes fs.readdir, passing path to it, plus a callback. The callback does the following:

  • In case of error it will a) print the error and b) a.return false.
  • In case of success, it will a.return data.

a.convert is an utility function that receives a standard asynchronous function and returns an aFunction, designed to simplify the writing of wrappers around standard (callback-oriented) asynchronous functions.

It takes one to three arguments:

  • fun, a function which is the asynchronous function at the core of our new aFunction.
  • errfun, an optional function that specifies what to print and what to a.return in case of error.
  • This, an optional value for specifying the correct value of this for fun.

Using a.convert, we can rewrite readdir as follows:

var readdir = function (s, path) {
   var read = a.convert (fs.readdir);
   read (s, path);

By default, if fun yields an error (which is passed as the first argument of its callback), the corresponding aFunction will log the error to the console, and a.return false.

However, if you want to either change the logging (or disable it entirely), or a.return a different value in case of error, you can pass an errfun when constructing your aFunction:

var readdir = function (s, path) {
   var read = a.convert (fs.readdir, function (error) {
      console.log ('There was an error:', error);
      return undefined;
   read (s, path);

Notice that the errfun passed as the second argument to a.convert prints a custom error, and then returns undefined. An important point: whatever is returned from the errfun will be a.returned in case there is an error.

readdir will now print a longer error message that starts with There was an error:, and a.return undefined, in case of finding an error.

By default, the value of this with which fun is invoked is set to fun itself. In some cases, however, this will break the asynchronous functions you are wrapping. To fix this, you can pass a third argument which will be used as the value for this.

If you don't need to specify errfun but you need to specify This, set errfun to undefined, since This can only be passed as the third argument to a.convert.

Source code

The complete source code is contained in astack.js. It is about 310 lines long.

Below is the annotated source.

aStack - v3.0.0

Written by Federico Pereiro (fpereiro@gmail.com) and released into the public domain.

Please refer to readme.md to read the annotated source.


We wrap the entire file in a self-executing lambda function. This practice is usually named the javascript module pattern. The purpose of it is to wrap our code in a closure and hence avoid making our local variables exceed their scope, as well as avoiding unwanted references to local variables from other scripts.

(function () {

Since this file must run both in the browser and in node.js, we define a variable isNode to check where we are. The exports object only exists in node.js.

   var isNode = typeof exports === 'object';

This is the most succinct form I found to export an object containing all the public members (functions and constants) of a javascript module.

   if (isNode) var a = exports;
   else        var a = window.a = {};

Helper functions

The type function below is copypasted taken from teishi. This is because I wanted to write astack without any dependencies and I didn't want to add teishi (and dale, on which teishi relies) just for a single function.

The purpose of type is to create an improved version of typeof. The improvements are two:

  • Distinguish between types of numbers: nan, infinity, integer and float (all of which return number in typeof).
  • Distinguish between array, date, null, regex and object (all of which return object in typeof).

For the other types that typeof recognizes successfully, type will return the same value as typeof.

type takes a single argument (of any type, naturally) and returns a string with its type.

The possible types of a value can be grouped into three:

  • Values which typeof detects appropriately: boolean, string, undefined, function.
  • Values which typeof considers number: nan, infinity, integer, float.
  • values which typeof considers object: array, date, null, regex and object.

If you pass true as a second argument, type will distinguish between true objects (ie: object literals) and other objects. If you pass an object that belongs to a class, type will return the lowercased class name instead.

The clearest example of this is the arguments object:

type (arguments)        // returns 'object'
type (arguments, true)  // returns 'arguments'

Below is the function.

   var type = function (value, objectType) {
      var type = typeof value;
      if (type !== 'object' && type !== 'number') return type;
      if (type === 'number') {
         if      (isNaN (value))      return 'nan';
         else if (! isFinite (value)) return 'infinity';
         else if (value % 1 === 0)    return 'integer';
         else                         return 'float';
      type = Object.prototype.toString.call (value).replace ('[object ', '').replace (']', '').toLowerCase ();
      if (type === 'array' || type === 'date' || type === 'null') return type;
      if (type === 'regexp') return 'regex';
      if (objectType) return type;
      return 'object';

copy copies a complex value (an array or an object). It will produce a new output that is equal to the input. If it finds circular references, it will leave them untouched.

The "public" interface of the function (if we allow that distinction) takes a single argument, the input we want to copy. However, we define a second "private" argument (seen) that the function will use to pass information to recursive calls.

This function is recursive. On recursive calls, input won't represent the input that the user passed to the function, but rather one of the elements that are contained within the original input.

   var copy = function (input, seen) {

We get the type of input and store it at typeInput.

      var typeInput = type (input);

If input is not a complex object, we return it.

      if (typeInput !== 'object' && typeInput !== 'array') return input;

If we are here, input is a complex object. We initialize output to either an array or an object, depending on the type of input.

      var output = typeInput === 'array' ? [] : {};

We create a new array Seen, to store all references to complex objects.

      var Seen = [];

If the seen argument received above is not undefined, this means that the current call to copy was done recursively by copy itself. If this is the case, seen contains a list of already seen objects and arrays. If this is the case, we copy each of the references into Seen, a new array.

      if (seen !== undefined) {
         for (var i in seen) Seen [i] = seen [i];

seen is where we store the information needed to detect circular references. For any given input, seen will contain a reference to all arrays and objects that contain the current input. For example, if you have an array a (the outermost element) which contains an object b, and that object b contains an array c, these will be the values of seen:

When processing a: []

When processing b: [a]

When processing c: [a, b]

Now imagine that c contains a reference to a: this would be a circular reference, because a contains c and c contains a. What we want to do here is leave the reference to a within c untouched, to avoid falling into an infinite loop.

On the initial (non-recursive) call to the function, seen will be undefined.

If seen is already an array, it will be replaced by a new array with the same elements. We do this to create a local copy of seen that will only be used by the instance of the function being executed (and no other parallel recursive calls).

Why do we copy seen? Interestingly enough, for the same reason that we write this function: arrays and objects in javascript are passed by reference. If many simultaneous recursive calls received seen, the modifications they will do to it will be visible to other parallel recursive calls, and we want to avoid precisely this.

The detection of circular references in copy is best thought of as a path in a graph, from container object to contained one. For any point in the graph, we want to have the list of all containing nodes, and verify that none of them will be repeated. Any other path through the graph is what I tried to convey by parallel recursive function call.

We now iterate the elements of input.

      for (var i in input) {

We initalize a local variable circular to false, to track whether the object currently being iterated has already been seen before.

         var circular = false;

We get the type of the element.

         typeInput = type (input [i]);

If the element is a complex object:

         if (typeInput === 'object' || typeInput === 'array') {

We iterate Seen. If any of its values is equal to input [i], we set circular to true and break the loop.

            for (var j in Seen) {
               if (Seen [j] === input [i]) {
                  circular = true;

If the element is complex but it hasn't been seen before, we push it into Seen.

            if (! circular) Seen.push (input [i]);

For each element of input, we assign it to the corresponding element of output, making a recursive invocation of copy. If input [i] is not a complex object, copy will return its value. If input [i] is complex, copy will return a new array or object that's a copy of input [i]. And if the element is a circular reference, we don't make a recursive call to copy.

         output [i] = circular ? input [i] : copy (input [i], Seen);

We return output and close the function.

      return output;

We define a function e for performing two functions:

  • log its arguments to the console.
  • Return false.
   var e = function () {
      console.log.apply (console, arguments);
      return false;


We define an object a.validate to hold the validation functions.

   a.validate = {

We will now define a.validate.aInput. This function both validates an aInput and tells us which kind of aInput we are processing. This function will return 'aFunction' if the input is an aFunction, 'aStep' if the input is an aStep, 'aPath' if the input is an aPath, and false otherwise.

      aInput: function (input) {

A valid aInput must be either of type function or array. If it is neither, we print an error and return false.

         var typeInput = type (input);
         if (typeInput !== 'array' && typeInput !== 'function') {
            return (e ('aStack error: aInput must be an array or function but instead is', input, 'with type', typeInput));

If input is a function, we will consider it to be an aFunction. Short of parsing the source code, there's no way to guarantee that a function is an aFunction, so we leave to the user the burden of checking whether aFunctions are really valid aFunctions.

         if (typeInput === 'function')        return 'aFunction';

If we're here, input is an array. If the first element of input is a function (presumably an aFunction), we will consider input to be an aStep.

         if (type (input [0]) === 'function') return 'aStep';

If input is an array and not an aStep, we will assume it is an aPath. Validation of its constituent elements will be deferred to recursive calls to this function.

                                              return 'aPath';

We will now write a function for validating the aStack.

      aStack: function (s) {

The aStack must be an object.

         if (type (s) !== 'object') return (e ('aStack error: aStack must be an object but instead is', s, 'with type', type (s)));

aStack.aPath must be an aPath (and not just any aInput - we'll see why below).

         if (a.validate.aInput (s.aPath) === false) return false;

If we're here, aStack is valid. We return true and close both the function and the a.validate module.

         return true;

We will write here a function a.create for initializing an empty aStack.

   a.create = function () {

We return an empty aStack, which is just an object with the key aPath set to an empty array (which represents an aPath with zero elements).

      return {aPath: []}

We will write a function a.flatten that takes an aInput (aFunction, aStep or aPath), validates it, and returns a flattened aPath containing zero or more aSteps.

The purpose of this function is twofold:

  • Validate input through a.validate.aInput.
  • Transform any input into a flattened aPath (or false, if input turns out to be invalid).

This function will call itself recursively in case its input is an aPath.

   a.flatten = function (input) {

We validate the input using a.validate.aPath and store the result in a local variable type.

      var type = a.validate.aPath (input);

If input is invalid we return false.

      if (type === false)   return false;

If input is an aFunction, we wrap it in an array twice (once to make it into an aStep, and the second time to make it into an aPath) and return it.

      if (type === 'aFunction') return [[input]];

If input is an aStep, we wrap it in an array and return it - thus, returning an aPath with a single aStep inside it.

      if (type === 'aStep') return [input];

If input is an aPath, we create an array named aPath where we'll store the aSteps from input.

      if (type === 'aPath') {
         var aPath = [];

We iterate through the elements of input, which presumably is an aPath.

         for (var i in input) {

We invoke a.flatten recursively on each of the elements of the aPath and store this in a local variable result.

            var result = a.flatten (input [i]);

If the recursive call returns false, it means that this particular element of the aPath is not a valid aInput. Hence, we return false, thus discarding input. If any part of input is invalid, we consider all of it to be invalid.

            if (result === false) return false;

If we're here, all elements of the aPath are valid. we concatenate the result (which will be a flattened aPath) with aPath.

            else aPath = aPath.concat (result);

We return the flattened aPath and close the function.

      return aPath;

Sequential execution

We will now define a.call, the main function of the library.

   a.call = function () {

a.call is a variadic function, because it can be invoked with or without an aStack.

We will define a local variable arg, initializing to 0, to count how many arguments we have already processed. This pattern allows for succint argument recognition code in variadic functions, as we'll see below.

      var arg = 0;

If the first argument received by the function is an object, it can only be an aStack, since the second argument must be either an aFunction (which is a function) or an aPath or aStep (which is an array). In this case, we will assign aStack to arguments [0] and increment arg. Otherwise, we will initialize the aStack.

      var s        = type (arguments [arg]) === 'object' ? arguments [arg++] : a.create ();

Notice that if there's an aStack present, arg will now be 1, otherwise it will be 0. Effectively, arg keeps track of which argument we have to "parse" next.

We will set a local variable aPath to the next argument. Although this can be an aFunction, aStep or also invalid, we will call it aPath, since we will soon validate it and convert it to a flattened aPath.

      var aPath    = arguments [arg++];

Notice that we increment arg unconditionally.

a.call supports a private argument, external, which is a boolean flag that is passed as the last argument to a.call. We will see the purpose of external below.

For now, we just need to know that if the last argument passed to a.call is true, external will be set to false, and it will be set to true otherwise.

      var external = arguments [arg] === true ? false : true;

We validate the aStack. If it's not valid, we return false. Notice that we cannot a.return because there's no valid aFunction to which to a.return.

      if (a.validate.aStack (s) === false) return false;

The default case is that external will be true. If you're reading this function for the first time, assume that we will enter the block below.

      if (external) {

We invoke a.flatten, to transform our aInput it into a flattened aPath.

         aPath = a.flatten (aPath);

This action has two benefits:

  • We don't need to clutter a.call (or other core aFunctions, as we shall see) with logic to detect and deal with the cases where aPath is an aFunction or aStep or a nested aPath.
  • We effectively create a local copy of aPath, since a.flatten does not modify its inputs and returns a brand new aPath. Since we'll use destructive modifications on the aPath below, this copying avoids modifications to the original aPath passed to the function.

stylistical diggression

Let's recall that a.flatten works recursively on its input, processing all of it at once. I hesitated long before deciding to do a "deep" operation in the aPath, since deep operations in recursive structures are tantamount to batching, something that is ill-advised. In other libraries, such as teishi or lith, whenever I deal with recursive structures (aPaths are recursive structures, because they can contain themselves), I make validation and generation operations to deal with the topmost level of the input, and leave the deeper structures to be validated and generated through recursive function calls.

For aStack, however, I have decided that batching is the way to go. As soon as a.call (or other basic aFunctions) receives its input, it process it all at once, converts it to a normal form (a flattened aPath, which is an aPath where every step is an aStep), and then proceed. Why did I decide this?

The core difference between aStack and other libraries like teishi and lith is that in aStack, recursive calls cannot be done synchronously. Hence, if a.call were to process its input on a shallow way, leaving nested structures for recursive calls, it would have to do this asynchronously. This has two consequences which are highly undesirable:

  • If a part of the input is invalid, the user may have to wait a considerable amount of time to find out, because asynchronous functions may take a long time to be executed, and each part of the input won't be validated until it is its turn to be executed.
  • For every execution, aStack would have to walk input, find the first aFunction or aStep, remove it from input, and execute it. This requires keeping additional state. Furthermore, the implementation would be quite complex. This extra state and complexity stems from the fact that we need to manage "by hand" what otherwise would be done by recursive calls.

For both reasons (decreased user experience, inefficiency/complexity of implementation) I have decided against a recursive approach to validation in aStack.

end stylistical diggression

Although we cannot avoid batching, we can avoid flattening an aPath more than once. Other functions in the library (a.cond and a.stop) need to flatten the aInput they receive, before invoking a.call. When they invoke a.call with an already flattened aPath, they will pass true as the last argument to a.call, and thus letting the latter know that it needs not to either flatten or validate the aPath. Here we can understand what external stands for: it means that the call to a.call was done from an external source that didn't take the trouble to flatten/validate the aPath it's passing to a.call.

If the aPath is invalid, we both return and a.return false.

In any case, we also close the conditional block relying on external.

         if (aPath === false) return a.return (s, false);

The return a.return pattern serves multiple purposes:

  • By placing return, we stop the execution flow in the current function.
  • By placing a.return, we jump to the next function in the aStack, hence we activate the "next" asynchronous function.
  • If the aStack is also false, the function will return a false value, so if an asynchronous sequence is impossible (because the aSync stack is invalid), the calling function will know this immediately, in a synchronous way.

Recall that s.aPath is a flattened aPath. We know this because it's either an empty aPath (as created by a.create), or because it's the product of previous calls to a.call or other aFunctions (remember that one of the principles of aFunctions is not to modify s.aPath directly).

Now, we take s.aPath, which is a sequence of all functions that are already in the execution stack, and prepend to it the new aPath that we received as an argument. This is tantamount to putting the aPath at the top of the stack. Since both aPath and s.aPath are flattened, we know we're dealing with a simple stack (instead of a stack of stacks).

After this step, s.aPath will be the updated stack, containing all async functions to be executed in the correct order.

a.call does three main things:

  • Flattens and validates the aInput into an aPath - we'll call this the new aPath.
  • Prepends the new aPath to s.aPath.
  • Executes the first function of this combined aPath, passing it the aStack.

In essence, when you pass an aInput, you are putting it on top of the previously existing stack of functions to execute, which is held in s.aPath.

This stack-like nature of a.call allows for nested asynchronous calls and recursive aFunctions without any extra effort. When a.call encounters a new call, it is flattened, pushed onto the stack and then executed. The previously existing functions are still there, waiting for the call you just made. An execution thread is simply a pipeline where a single function is executed every time. By using a stack, we convert nested structures into a flattened sequence that executes things one after another.

      s.aPath = aPath.concat (s.aPath);

Now, if the stack has no functions left to execute (because both aPath and s.aPath were empty), we return the value contained in s.last. Usually, normal return values from asynchronous functions are useless, because the synchronous execution flow didn't stick around to see the result of the async calls. However, given the choice of returning undefined or returning the proper last value (which is s.last), we opt for the latter.

      if (s.aPath.length === 0) return s.last;

We take out the first element of s.aPath, which is an aStep. We store it in a local variable aStep.

      var aStep = s.aPath.shift ();

We take out the first element of aStep, which is an aFunction. We sto


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