0.1.1 • Published 10 years ago

asterisk.io v0.1.1

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10 years ago


node.js asterisk pbx io

1. Install

2. How to use

2.1 AMI

2.1.1 Actions

2.1.2 Events

2.2 AGI


1. Install

npm install asterisk.io

2. How to use

var aio = require('asterisk.io'),
    ami = null,   // see ami section
    agi = null;   // see agi section

2.1 AMI

Read more at asterisk wiki for: actions, events.

2.1.1 Actions

A list of actions that can be send to asterisk pbx can be found at asterisk wiki page.

IMPORTANT: The list of actions depends of your asterisk version installed.

Send an action and get the response in a callback function.

var aio = require('asterisk.io'),
    ami = null;

ami = aio.ami(
    'ip_or_hostname',   // Asterisk PBX machine

    5038,               // the default port number setup
                        // in "/etc/asterisk/manager.conf"
                        // in "general" section

    'admin',            // manager username

    'admin'             // manager password

ami.on('error', function(err){
    throw err;

ami.on('ready', function(){

    // connected && authenticated

            Channel: 'SIP/101',
            Context: 'default',
            Priority: 1,
            Async: 'false',     // set Async to 'false' to
                                // get response in the callback function
            Exten: '102'
            if(data.Response == 'Error'){
                console.log('Originate', data.Message);
            console.log('Originate', data.Message);


2.1.2 Events

A list of events from asterisk pbx can be found at asterisk wiki page.

IMPORTANT: The list of events depends of your asterisk version installed.

Catch all events from asterisk ami with eventAny. Example:

var aio = require('asterisk.io'),
    ami = null;

ami = aio.ami(
    'ip_or_hostname',   // Asterisk PBX machine

    5038,               // the default port number setup
                        // in "/etc/asterisk/manager.conf"
                        // in "general" section

    'admin',            // manager username

    'admin'             // manager password

ami.on('error', function(err){
    throw err;

// this catch any event from asterisk pbx
ami.on('eventAny', function(data){
    console.log(data.Event, data);

Catch specific event from asterisk ami with eventXYZ. Example:

var aio = require('asterisk.io'),
    ami = null;

ami = aio.ami(
    'ip_or_hostname',   // Asterisk PBX machine

    5038,               // the default port number setup
                        // in "/etc/asterisk/manager.conf"
                        // in "general" section

    'admin',            // manager username

    'admin'             // manager password

ami.on('error', function(err){
    throw err;

// Bridge event
ami.on('eventBridge', function(data){
    console.log('eventBridge', data);

// Hangup event
ami.on('eventHangup', function(data){
    console.log('eventHangup', data);

2.2 AGI

Documetation for agi commands on asterisk wiki page.

var aio = require('asterisk.io'),
    agi = null;

agi = aio.agi(14000); // port and host
                      // if host is missing then
                      // '' is used as host

agi.on('error', function(err){
    throw err;

agi.on('listening', function(){
    console.log('listening on port 14000');

agi.on('close', function(){

agi.on('connection', function(agiHandler){

    // all variables (key, value pairs) are
    // avaiable in agiHandler
    // example: agiHandler.agi_network
    //          agiHandler.agi_network_script
    //          agiHandler.agi_channel
    //          agiHandler.agi_xyz

    agiHandler.on('hangup', function(){

    agiHandler.on('error', function(err){
        throw err;

    agiHandler.on('close', function(){

    // answer the channel
    agiHandler.command('Answer', function(code, result, data){

        // say date with "unix_timestamp" and "" as escape digits
        agiHandler.command('Say Date "1414330073" ""', function(code, result, data){

            // say time with "unix_timestamp" and "" as escape digits
            agiHandler.command('Say Time "1414330073" ""', function(){

                agiHandler.command('HangUp', function(){
                    // hangup the channel, this will raise hangup and close event






  • ARI
  • AGI - IVR (Interactive Voice Response) from JSON object
  • UI: real time user interface