0.1.0-alpha.1 • Published 4 years ago

astrid-app v0.1.0-alpha.1

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Last release
4 years ago

Cross-platform app for Astrid


Cross-platform app for Astrid based on ElectronJS, React and Typescript.


Install the modules with yarn install.

Start the app with yarn dev.

Environment variables

Place .env.local and .env.production and electron-builder.env in the root of the project.

Place serviceAccount.json and serviceAccount.local.json in the src/main folder.

Get the contents of both from 1Password.


Testing the package

Distribute with yarn dist to get a DMG file that you can test on your computer.

To debug, open the packaged app from the command line using open ~/Sites/astrid-app/dist/mac/Astrid.app/Contents/MacOS/Astrid

Publish to users

  • Go to the master branch
  • Increment version number in package.json
  • Commit with git commit -am [version-number]
  • Tag with git tag [version-number]
  • Push to remote git push && git push --tags
  • Publish a new release to users with yarn publish.


Setting up a new Google Cloud environment (dev, staging etc)

Setup Firebase

  • Create a new Firebase project in the console
  • Create a new Firestore database for that project in the console
  • Copy the details of the database to your astrid-app config
  • Set the correct access rules for the database (copy from another project)
  • Add indexes as needed (check Cloud functions error log)

Activate APIs

Cloud functions

  • Switch to the new project in astrid-functions with firebase use {project-id}
  • Add the environment variables with firebase functions:config:set
  • Deploy astrid-functions to the new project with npm run deploy


  • Create a new environment in Dialogflow and link it to the project using webhooks https://europe-west1-{project-id}.cloudfunctions.net/dialogflowFirebaseFulfillment
  • Create a new service account for Dialogflow at https://console.developers.google.com/iam-admin/serviceaccounts?project={project-id}. Name it dialogflow-client and set permissions to Dialogflow API Client. Save the JSON key as serviceAccount.json to astrid-app. (Future)