astro-mocha v1.5.0
astro module that provides mocha test running
$cd myProject
myProject$ astro mocha
astro-mocha expects to find specs in '/test' directory from the context where the astro command is executed. In the above example, astro-mocha will run all spec files within /myProject/test directory recursively.
Any 'global' options listed below are only global to the testing context, they do not impact your application beyond test running
Adds chai, chai.expect, chai.should, and chai.assert to the global for testing. No need to include chai into your project's dev dependencies or require it in, in each spec file.
global.chai = require('chai');
global.expect = chai.expect;
global.should = chai.should;
global.assert = chai.assert;
Adds sinon, and if --chai is specified, will add sinon-chai to the global chai implmentation.
global.sinon = require('sinon');
Adds proxyquire to the global for testing. No need to include proxyquire into your project's dev dependencies or require it in, in each spec file.
global.proxyquire = require('proxyquire');
Adds babel transpilation compiler option
mocha --compilers js:babel/register