1.0.0 • Published 8 months ago

astrolytics-rn v1.0.0

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8 months ago

Astrolytics.io React Native SDK


Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started
  2. Usage
  3. How to Contribute

Getting Started

To get started with Astrolytics, create an account at Astrolytics and grab the App ID, then use the SDK to start tracking events.


This package has @react-native-async-storage/async-storage and @react-native-community/netinfo as peer dependencies. Install them first if you don't have them

yarn add @react-native-async-storage/async-storage @react-native-community/netinfo

then proceed to install astrolytics-rn As NPM package (recommended)

# with yarn
yarn add astrolytics-rn


import Astrolytics from 'astrolytics-rn';


Replace 'YOUR_APP_ID' with the unique ID of your app. You can get it here.

You can check examples with different frameworks here.


Astrolytics supports passing the following options as second argument to the Astrolytics.init() method:

Astrolytics.init('APP_ID', {
  appVersion: '0.0.0', // the version of your application
  endpoint: 'wss://app.astrolytics.io', // only option, we don't allow self hosting yet :(
  disableInDev: true, // disable in development mode. We recommend not to call
                      // `init` method, as that will be more reliable.
  debug: false, // if set to `true`, will log a bunch of things.
  disableTracking: false, // will not track anything. You can also use `Astrolytics.disableTracking()`.
                          // note that some events will still be added to the queue, so if you call
                          // Astrolytics.enableTracking() again, they will be sent to the server.
  reportInterval: 2 * 1000, // at which interval the events are sent to the server.
  sessionTimeout: 60 * 30 * 1000, // time after which the session is ended
  cutoff: 60 * 60 * 48 * 1000, // time after which event that were not sent yet are deleted
  disableErrorReports: false, // wether to disable error tracking


Track events with optional custom data

Astrolytics.track("click", { foo: 'bar' });

Error Tracking

Track errors with a name and the Error object.

Astrolytics.trackError(name, error);

By default Astrolytics registers a handler for ErrorUtils.setGlobalHandler that sends 'GlobalError' errors to the API. If you want to disable this behaviour, you can set disableErrorReports to true:

Astrolytics.init('APP_ID', { disableErrorReports: true })

and catch errors manually using Astrolytics.trackError('an error', errObject).

User Identification

Identify a user by a unique ID and optionally set custom properties.

Astrolytics.identify('04f8846d-ecca-4a81-8740-f6428ceb7f7b', { firstName: 'Jordan', lastName: 'Walke' });

Screen Tracking

Track screen views with the screen name and optional parameters.

Astrolytics.page('/about', { foo: 'baz' });

Disabling Tracking

To disable tracking


Enabling Tracking

To enable tracking


How to Contribute

We're always looking for contributions from the community. Here's how you can help:

  1. Report Bugs: Create an issue report detailing the bug you've found.
  2. Suggest Features: Have a great idea for Astrolytics? Don't hesitate to put it forward by creating an issue.
  3. Submit Pull Requests: Feel free to fix a bug or add a new feature and create a pull request. Make sure to follow the existing code style, and write clear commit messages explaining your changes.

8 months ago