1.3.4 • Published 7 years ago

async-chainable-exec v1.3.4

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Last release
7 years ago


Plugin for async-chainable that adds external program execution.

var asyncChainable = require('async-chainable');
var asyncChainableExec = require('async-chainable-exec');

	.exec('echo one two three')

	.exec('dirContents', ['ls', '-l', '-a'])
	.then(function(next) {
		console.log('The directory contains', this.dirContents);
	.end(function(err) {
		if (err) throw new Error(err);

		id: 'myDir',
		cmd: 'bash',
		params: ['-c', 'echo $PWD'],
		cwd: __dirname,
	.then(function(next) {
		console.log('My directory is', this.myDir);
	.end(function(err) {
		if (err) throw new Error(err);

# Setting stdio=inherit will output to the console as the program runs
	.execDefaults({stdio: 'inherit'})
	.exec(['find -type f'])
	.end(function(err) {
		if (err) throw new Error(err);

# Echo each command before it is executed
		log: function(cmd) { console.log('[RUN]', cmd.cmd + ' ' + cmd.params.join(' ')) },
		out: function(line) { console.log('[GOT]', line) },
	.exec('echo foo')
	.exec('echo bar')
	.exec('echo baz')
	.end(function(err) {
		if (err) throw new Error(err);


async-chainable-exec provides a single function, exec() which can be called a number of ways:

exec(String <name>, Array <cmd + params>) // Execute the command + arguments array and store its response in 'name'
exec(String <cmd + params>) // Execute command + arguments (response is still available in `this.exec`)
exec(String <name>, String <cmd + params>) // Execute the command + arguments as a string and store its response in 'name'
exec(Array <cmd + params>) // Execute the command + arguments array
exec(Object) // Pass an object for execution, must contain at least 'cmd' but could contain 'params' as an array and 'id' as a string
exec(String <name>, Array <cmd + params>, Object <additional>) // Execute command + arguments from the array using addition spawn arguments and store its response in 'name'
exec(String <name>, Object) // Pass an object for execution (see 'Object' definition) and store its response in 'name'

Regardless of whether the exec function is called with a name / id the last executed item is stored in this.exec with the following properties:

this.exec.codeIntThe exit code of the last executed item
this.exec.outputArrayThe combined STDOUT and STDERR streams from the last execution


In addition to the parameters supported by the generic child_process.spawn() method the following additional options are supported:

logfunction(cmd)Pass the command object (see above) to this function before every execution
outfunction(data)Pass the output of every command run as a string (both STDOUT and STDERR)
passthrubooleanAlso output STDOUT + STDERR into process.stdout / process.stderr. The out property cannot be set if this is true
stderrfunction(data)Pass the output of any STDERR into a callback
stdoutfunction(data)Pass the output of any STDOUT into a callback
stylestringUse a predefined style (sets log + out). Currently supported: batch, passthru