1.1.0 • Published 4 years ago
async-fifo-queue v1.1.0
Simple async FIFO queue implementation in modern Javascript with 0 dependency.
npm install async-fifo-queue
yarn add async-fifo-queue
const { Queue } = require("async-fifo-queue");
// if no size specified, the queue size is infinite
const q = new Queue();
// put an object into the queue
await q.put("something");
await q.put("foobar");
// get the object
const item1 = await q.get(); // item1 === "something"
const item2 = await q.get(); // item2 === "foobar"
// simulating someone adding an item to the queue 1 sec later
setTimeout(() => q.put("blabla"), 1000);
// will wait 1 sec until the item is added into the queue
const item3 = await q.get(); // item3 === "blabla"
// put an object without waiting, will raise QueueFull Error if the queue is already full
// get an object without waiting, will raise QueueEmpty Error if the queue is empty
const item4 = q.getNowait();
The Queue object also has additionnal properties:
returns the current size of the queueisEmpty()
returns true if the queue is emptyisFull()
returns true if the queue is full
This project uses Jest.
npm run test