1.0.0 • Published 4 years ago
async-inprogress v1.0.0
Async While
This is a small utility for generating while loops with ES6 Promises.
Download a UMD bundle from the releases page. The variable asyncWhile
will be attached to window
<script type="text/javascript" src="async-while.js"></script>
If using Browserify or Node.js, you can install via NPM.
$ npm install async-while
First, load async while. By default, the global Promise object is used, but you can create a while generator with a custom Promise class, too.
// simple
var asyncWhile = require("async-while");
// while with Bluebird promises
var Promise = require("bluebird");
var asyncWhile = require("async-while").generate(Promise);
Now, generate a while function with asyncWhile
. You'll need two functions: a synchronous condition and an action.
var myWhile = asyncWhile(
function (data) {
// synchronous conditional
return true;
function (data) {
// loop content goes here
return doSomethingAsync(data);
This is just a method that can be called directly or used in .then()
myWhile(somedata).then(function (result) {
// or
.then(function (result) {
Here is a common use case of the while loop, processing list items in a series:
function eachSeries(items, onEach, ctx) {
var index = -1;
return asyncWhile(
function () {
// bump index before every loop
// synchronously checks if there are more
return index < items.length;
function () {
return onEach.call(ctx, items[index], index, items);
4 years ago