1.0.1 • Published 2 years ago

async-iterator-tools v1.0.1

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2 years ago

Async Iterator Tools

A lightweight lib that provides well-typed async iterator utilities.


(run working example: npx ts-node ./examples/childProcess/childProcess.ts )

const child = fork(`${__dirname}/child.js`);
const iter = merge(
    map(on(child, "message"), ([message]: string[]) => ({type: "message", value: message})),
    map(on(child, "exit"), ([statusCode]: number[]) => ({type: "exit", value: message})),
    throws(map(on(child, "error"), ([error]: unknown) => ({type: 'error', value: error}))),

    for await (const event of iter){
}catch (e){
    console.log(`Halted with error:`, e);




Collect an iterator into an array

import {collect} from "./collect";

await collect(myAsyncGenerator())


Emit a value indefinitely

import {repeat} from "./repeat";

const sleep = (ms: number) => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, ms));
for await (const value of repeat(() => sleep(100).then(() => "Hi ma"))){
    // value is "Hi ma" indefinitely


Takes up to the number specified. If the underlying iterator is consumed (via return or throw) take will finish.

import {take} from "./take";

for await(const value of take(range(0, 200), 2)){
    // value: 0, 1



Filter an iterator based on a predicate.

Returns when underlying iterator is exhausted. Does not filter IteratorReturnResult. note: has the potential to hang if the underlying iterator is infinite and the predicate is never satisfied

import {filter} from "./filter";

const base = async function* () {
    let x = 0;
    while (x < 10) {
        yield x++;

for await (const value of filter(base(), (x) => x % 2 === 0) ){
    // value: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8


Map an iterator.

async function* base() {
  await delay(1);
  yield 2;

for await (const value of map(base(), (x) => x ** 2)) {
  // value: 4 



Transport a callback function into an iterator.


  1. callback, a callback function
  2. cleanup, a function that is called when the iterator returns or throws. It is passed a value that is returned from callback
  3. ...args (optional), args to be passed to `callback
import {callback} from "./callback";

const intervalIterator = callback(setInterval, clearInterval, 100);
// Creates an iterator that yields every 100 ms

for await(const _ of intervalIterator){
    // This "ticks" every 100 ms


Merges n-iterators into a single iterator. Take results as they are yielded, only ever consumes at most the next iterator value for each iterator supplied. Precedence for iterators that yield at the same time is the same as what Promise.race guarantees.

import {merge} from "./merge";

async function* fastFn() {
    yield "A";
    await delay(5);
    yield "B";
    await delay(50);
    yield "C";

async function* slowFn() {
    yield 1;
    await delay(20);
    yield 2;
    await delay(1);
    yield 3;

const merged = collect(merge(fastFn(), slowFn()));
// ["A", 1, "B", 2, 3, "C"]


Transport an event emitter into an iterator.

import {on} from "./on";

const childProcess = spawnSomeChildProcess();

const onMessage = on(childProcess, 'message');

for await(const message of onMessage) {
    // message from childprocess

Will remove event listener from event emitter when return or throw is called on the iterator.


Throws when given iterator yields. Will call throw on supplied iterator if exists. Otherwise, it will throw value.


  1. iterator - Base iterator
  2. transformer (optional) - Transform value of error to throw
import {throws} from "./throws";

const childProcess = spawnSomeChildProcess();
const onError = throws(on(childProcess, 'error'), (e) => `Child Process emitter error ${e.message}`);
