1.0.0 • Published 6 years ago

async-reach v1.0.0

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Last release
6 years ago


Asynchronous resources shared across async callchain via async_hooks

Getting Started

npm install --save shared-resource

Basic Usage

import Resource from 'shared-resource';

const sleep = t => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, t));

async function taskA() {
    console.log('Task A', Resource.now.id);

async function taskB() {
    await sleep(300);
    console.log('Task B', Resource.now.id);

async function taskC() {
    await sleep(1000);
    console.log('Task C', Resource.now.id);

const main = Resource.wrap(async x => {
    console.log(`Main ${x} start`, Resource.now.id);
    // notice we do not await on taskC, so we need to explicitly
    // add it to the current session
    await Promise.all([
    console.log(`Main ${x} end`, Resource.now.id);


Possible output:
Main 1 start 6bcc4e3f-24ae-4188-b377-c537e59858bf
Task A 6bcc4e3f-24ae-4188-b377-c537e59858bf
Main 2 start 10babdf3-d243-487b-8881-4ddc9180cb5a
Task A 10babdf3-d243-487b-8881-4ddc9180cb5a
Task B 6bcc4e3f-24ae-4188-b377-c537e59858bf
Task B 10babdf3-d243-487b-8881-4ddc9180cb5a
Main 1 end 6bcc4e3f-24ae-4188-b377-c537e59858bf
Main 2 end 10babdf3-d243-487b-8881-4ddc9180cb5a
Task C 6bcc4e3f-24ae-4188-b377-c537e59858bf
Task C 10babdf3-d243-487b-8881-4ddc9180cb5a

Advanced Usage (extending Resource)

import Resource from 'shared-resource';
class Context extends Resource {
  constructor() {
    this._awaitedValues = {};
    this._storage = {};

  get(key) {
    let promise;
    if (key in this._storage) {
      promise = Promise.resolve(this._storage[key]);
    } else {
      if (!(key in this._awaitedValues)) {
        const deferred = {};
        (deferred.promise = new Promise(resolve => {
          deferred.resolve = resolve;
        })), (this._awaitedValues[key] = deferred);
      promise = this._awaitedValues[key].promise;
    return promise;

  set(key, value) {
    this._storage[key] = value;
    if (key in this._awaitedValues) {

const sleep = t => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, t));

async function taskA() {
  const a = await Context.now.get("a");
  console.log("Task A", a);

async function taskB() {
  const b = await Context.now.get("b");
  console.log("Task B", b);

async function taskC(a, b) {
  await sleep(1000);
  Context.now.set("a", a);
  await sleep(200);
  Context.now.set("b", b);

const main = Context.wrap(async x => {
  console.log(`Main ${x} start`, Context.now.id);
  // notice we do not await on taskC, so we need to explicitly
  // add it to the current session
  Context.addTask(taskC(x, x * 2));
  await Promise.all([taskA(), taskB()]);
  console.log(`Main ${x} end`, Context.now.id);


Possible output:
Main 1 start ebe5323d-6ede-4893-89ea-c67c4a3ff332
Main 2 start 1f14b386-4e2d-4443-9237-1b735d22ea89
Task A 1
Task A 2
Task B 2
Task B 4
Main 1 end ebe5323d-6ede-4893-89ea-c67c4a3ff332
Main 2 end 1f14b386-4e2d-4443-9237-1b735d22ea89


Resource - import Resource from 'shared-resource'

  • static make(...args) Create a new Resource object connected to the pool, providing args to its constructor (inherited statically).
  • static get now Get the current Resource object.
  • static addTask(promise) Shortcut to Resource.now.addTask(promise).
  • static wrap(fn, ...args) Get a decorated fn that runs itself in a Resource, providing args to its constructor (inherited statically).
  • get id Get the uuid of the instance
  • addTask(promise) Make sure the resource lifetime doesn't end until the promise is resolved.
  • run(fn) Run fn in the context of this resource instance.