0.1.2 • Published 3 years ago

ata-wysiwyg-editor v0.1.2

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Last release
3 years ago

onError - required

callback fo errors

onError: ({message}:{message: string}) => void

onError({message: "Short text!})

readOnly - optional

make editor only for read, default false

readOnly?: boolean

isDisabled - optional

makes the editor not responsive to any action, default false

isDisabled?: boolean

spellCheck - optional

show spell errors in text, default true

spellCheck?: boolean

placeholder - optional

initial placeholder in editor, default "Введите текст..."

placeholder?: string

disableToolbar - optional

this property disables the toolbar for editing font style, default false

disableToolbar?: boolean

calculateWords - optional

this property is used to calculate the count of words in the text, default false

calculateWords?: boolean

calculateCharts - optional

this property is used to calculate the count of charts in the text, default false

calculateCharts?: boolean

disableLinkEdit - optional

this property is used to disable link editing, by default false

disableLinkEdit?: boolean


if you want to work with media files, you need to add all the properties listed below to avoid crashing the application

onLoaderOn - optional

init loader finction

onLoaderOn: () => void

onLoaderOff - optional

rest loader finction

onLoaderOff: () => void

onMediasRequest - required

get all medias request function

onMediasRequest: () => void

postMedia - required

all media files, wich you want to use in editor

type Media: {
   id: number
    created_at: Date
    size: number // bytes
    disk: "images" | "videos" | "main_image"
    type: "images" | "videos" | "main_image"
    url: string

postMedia: Media[]

addedMedia - required

all files that were added during the work in the media modal

postMedia: string[] // url[]

onMediaAdd - required

add media function

onMediaAdd: (file: File | string, onLoaderOff) => void

clearAddedMedia - required

clear all files that were added during the work in the media modal

clearAddedMedia: () => void

removeAddedMedia - required

clear chosen file that were added during the work in the media modal

removeAddedMedia: (url: string) => void

Marks (layer)

properties to add the ability to view marks

editorOnly - optional

property indicating whether to show something other than the editor default true

editorOnly?: boolean // for show need editorOnly={false}

isChanged - required

has the editor text changed

isChanged: boolean

isShowHints - required

whether it is necessary to show hints in the text

isShowHints: boolean

hints - required

list of hints

type Hint: 'double_words' | 'ataCheck' | 'long_words' | 'stopwords'
type Value: {
    key?: string
    title?: string
    modifier?: string

hins: {[key in Hint]: Value }