0.4.4 • Published 10 years ago

atok-parser v0.4.4

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10 years ago

Parser builder


Writing parsers is quite a common but sometimes lengthy task. To ease this process atok-parser leverages the atok tokenizer and performs the basic steps to set up a streaming parser, such as:

  • Automatically instantiate a tokenizer with provided options
  • Provide a mechanism to locate an error in the input data * track([Boolean]): keep track of the line and column positions to be used when building errors. Note that when set, tracking incurs a performance penalty.
  • Proxy basic node.js streaming methods: write(), end(), pause() and resume()
  • Proxy basic node.js streaming events (note that data and end are not automatically proxied) and some of atok drain debug
  • Provide preset variables within the parser constructor atok {Object}: atok tokenizer instance self {Object}: this
  • Provide helpers that simplify parsing rules (see below for description) whitespace() number() float() word() string() utf8() chunk() stringList() match() noop() * wait()


It is published on node package manager (npm). To install, do:

npm install atok-parser


A silly example to illustrate the various pre defined variables and parser definition. It parses a flot number and returns the value via its #parse method.

function myParser (options) {
	function handler (num) {
		// The options are set from the myParser function parameters
		// self is already set to the Parser instance
		if ( options.check && !isFinite(num) )
			return self.emit('error', new Error('Invalid float: ' + num))

		self.emit('data', num)
	// the float() and whitespace() helpers are provided by atok-parser

var Parser = require('..').createParser(myParser)

// Add the #parse() method to the Parser
Parser.prototype.parse = function (data) {
	var res

	// One (silly) way to make parse() look synchronous...
	this.once('data', function (data) {
		res = data

	// ...write() is synchronous
	return res

// Instantiate a parser
var p = new Parser({ check: true })

// Parse a valid float
var validfloat = p.parse('123.456 ')
console.log('parsed data is of type', typeof validfloat, 'value', validfloat)

// The following data will produce an invalid float and an error
p.on('error', console.error)
var invalidfloat = p.parse('123.456e1234 ')


  • createParserFromFile(file[, parserOptions, parserEvents, atokOptions]): return a parser class (Function) based on the input file. file {String}: file to read the parser from (.js extension is optional) parserOptions {String}: coma separated list of parser options parserEvents {Object}: events emitted by the parser with their arguments count atokOptions {Object}: tokenizer options

    	The following variables are made available to the parser javascript code:
    	* `atok {_Object_}`: atok tokenizer instanciated with provided options. Also set as this.atok *DO NOT DELETE*
    	* `self {_Object_}`: reference to _this_
    	Predefined methods:
    	* `write(data)`
    	* `end([data])`
    	* `pause()`
    	* `resume()`
    	* `debug([logger (_Function_)])`
    	* `track(flag (_Boolean_))`
    	Events automatically forwarded from tokenizer to parser:
    	* `drain`
    	* `debug`
  • createParser(data[, parserOptions, parserEvents, atokOptions]): same as createParserFromFile() but with supplied content instead of a file name * data {String | Array | Function}: the content to be used, can also be an array of strings or a function. If a function, its parameters are used as parser options unless parserOptions is set


Helpers are a set of standard Atok rules organized to match a specific type of data. If the data is encountered, the handler is fired with the results. If not, the rule is ignored. The behaviour of a single helper is the same as a single Atok rule:

  • go to the next rule if no match, unless continue(jump, jumpOnFail) was applied to the helper
  • go back to the first rule of the rule set upon match, unless continue(jump) was applied to the helper
  • next rule set can be set using next(ruleSetId)
  • rules can be jumped around by using continue(jump, jumpOnFail). A helper has exactly the size of a single rule, which greatly helps defining complex rules.
// Parse a whitespace separated list of floats
var myParser = [
	'atok.float(function (n) { self.emit("data", n) })'
,	'atok.continue(-1, -2)'
,	'atok.whitespace()'

var Parser = require('atok-parser').createParser(myParser)
var p = new Parser

p.on('data', function (num) {
	console.log(typeof num, num)
p.end('0.133  0.255')

Arguments are not required. If no handler is specified, the data event will be emitted with the corresponding data.

  • whitespace(handler): ignore consecutive spaces, tabs, line breaks. * handler(whitespace)
  • number(handler): process positive integers * handler(num)
  • float(handler): process float numbers. NB. the result can be an invalid float (NaN or Infinity). * handler(floatNumber)
  • word(handler): process a word containing letters, digits and underscores * handler(word)
  • string([start, end, esc,] handler): process a delimited string. If end is not supplied, it is set to start. start {String}: starting pattern (default=") end {String}: ending pattern (default=") esc {String}: escape character (default=) handler(string)
  • utf8([start, end,] handler): process a delimited string containing UTF-8 encoded characters. If end is not supplied, it is set to start. start {String}: starting pattern (default=") end {String}: ending pattern (default=") * handler(UTF-8String)
  • chunk(charSet, handler): charSet {Object}: object defining the charsets to be used as matching characters e.g. { start: 'aA', end 'zZ' } matches all letters handler(chunk)
  • stringList([start, end, separator,] handler): process a delimited list of strings start {String}: starting pattern (default=() end {String}: ending pattern (default=)) separator {String}: separator character (default=,) handler(listOfStrings)
  • match(start, end, stringQuotes, handler): find a matching pattern (e.g. bracket matching), skipping string content if required start {String}: starting pattern to look for end {String}: ending pattern to look for stringQuotes {Array}: array of string delimiters (default='"', "'"). Use an empty array to disable string content processing handler(token)
  • noop(next): passthrough - does not do anything except applying given properties (useful to branch rules without having to use atok#saveRuleSet() and atok#loadRuleSet()) * next {String}: next ruleset to load
  • wait(atokPattern[...atokPattern], handler): wait for the given pattern. Nothing happens until data is received that triggers the pattern. Must be preceded by continue() to properly work. Typical usage is when expecting a string the starting quote is received but not the end... so wait until then and resume the rules workflow.
  • nvp([nameCharSet, separator, endPattern] handler): parse a named value pair (default nameCharSet={ start: 'aA0', end: 'zZ9' }, separator==, endPattern={ firstOf: ' \t\n\r' }). Disable endPattern by setting it to '' or []. * handler(name, value)


A set of examples are located under the examples/ directory.


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