1.6.0 • Published 7 years ago

atom-node v1.6.0

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Last release
7 years ago

ironSource.atom SDK for Node-JS

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atom-node is the official ironSource.atom SDK for Node.JS Javascript runtime


Installation using npm

$ npm install atom-node --save


High Level SDK - "Tracker"

The tracker is used for sending events to Atom based on several conditions

const AtomTracker = require('atom-node').Tracker;
co(function*() {
  const params = {
    endpoint: "https://track.atom-data.io/", // Optional, Don't change this (unless you have your own DNS CNAME)
    auth: "YOUR PRE-SHARED HAMC AUTH KEY", // Can be found in Atom Console
    flushInterval: 10, // Optional, Flushing interval in seconds
    bulkLen: 1000, // Optional, Max count for events to send
    bulkSize: 128, // Optional, Max size of data in Kb

  let tracker = new AtomTracker(params);
  tracker.on('error', (err, data) => {
    // Handle Flush errors in here (write to file for example)
    console.log(`[TRACKER EXAMPLE] Got Error: ${err} for #${data.data.length} events`);
  for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    let data = {
      id: i
    try {
      yield tracker.track("SOME STREAM", data)
    } catch (err) {
      console.log(`[TRACKER EXAMPLE] track() method Error: ${err}`);
  // For sending events immediately use

Tracker Flow Control

The methods: track() and flush() are decoupled and independent of each other.

track() method behaviour:
Tracks data to backlog, returns a Promise which will be resolved only when data is tracked to backlog.
The function rejects the Promise in 3 cases: 1. Stream and/or Data are missing. 2. Tracker has been stopped. 3. In Non-blocking mode and trackingTimeout has been reached.

track() by default is blocking, but you can set it as non-blocking.
Note: blocking means that it will block new track() calls and not the whole event loop.
If block is true (the default) => block if necessary until a free slot is available.
If block is false and timeout is a positive number: blocks at most timeout seconds (10 seconds by default)
and emit and error event if no free slot was available within that time.

Tracker Error Handling

All track() errors need to be handled by a regular try-catch block.
All flush() errors are handled by error event.
See here for all usage examples
Error event is mandatory and you must listen to it.

tracker.on("error", (err, data) => console.log("[EXAMPLE2-GENERATOR] onError function:", err, data));

Tracker Events:

Except for 'error', the tracker emits this optional events:

  • retry - on first retry to server (500)
    The following are called only when there is a graceful shutdown:
  • stop - when stop() is called or when tracker gets a killing signal
  • empty - when the backlog is empty and there are no more in-flight msgs
tracker.on("stop", _ => console.log("[EXAMPLE2-GENERATOR] tracker stopped"));
tracker.on("retry", _ => console.log("[EXAMPLE2-GENERATOR] tracker emitted 'retry' event"));
tracker.on("empty", _ => console.log("[EXAMPLE2-GENERATOR] tracker emitted 'empty' event"));

Tracker Backlog

The tracker is using a simple in memory storage for its backlog
You can replace it with a custom backlog using the same interface

const AtomTracker = require('atom-node').Tracker;
const params = {
  backlog: YourCustomBacklogClass()
let tracker = new AtomTracker(params);

Tracker Logger

The tracker is using a simple logger based on console, you can replace it with your own (bunyan for example)

const AtomTracker = require('atom-node').Tracker;
const params = {
  logger: myLoggerModule
let tracker = new AtomTracker(params);

Low Level (Basic) SDK

The Low Level SDK has 2 methods:

  • putEvent - Sends a single event to Atom
  • putEvents - Sends a bulk (batch) of events to Atom (must be an array)
'use strict';
const AtomReporter = require('atom-node').ISAtom;
const options = {
  endpoint: "https://track.atom-data.io/",
  auth: "YOUR_API_KEY"

let atom = new AtomReporter(options);
let params = {
  stream: "STREAM_NAME", // Your target stream name
  data: JSON.stringify({name: "iron", last_name: "Source"}), // Object / Stringified Json
// With co (POST):
co(function*() {
  try {
    let res = yield atom.putEvent(params);
    console.log(`[Example PutEvent POST] success: ${res.message} ${res.status}`);
  } catch (err) {
    console.log(`[Example PutEvent POST] failure: ${err.message} ${err.status}`);
// With Promises
params.method = 'POST';
atom.putEvent(params).then(function (res) {
  console.log(`[Example PutEvent POST] success: ${res.message} ${res.status}`);
}).catch(function (err) {
  console.log(`[Example PutEvent POST] failure: ${err.message} ${err.status}`);

// PutEvents (batch):
let batchPayload = {
  stream: "STREAM_NAME", // Your target stream name
  data: [{name: "iron", last_name: "Beast"},
    {name: "iron2", last_name: "Beast2"}], // Array with Json / Stringified Json
atom.putEvents(batchPayload).then(function (res) {
  console.log(`[Example PutEvents POST] success: ${res.message} ${res.status}`);
}, function (err) {
  console.log(`[Example PutEvents POST] failure: ${err.message} ${err.status}`);

Change Log


  • Changed flow control to make it more clear and reliable (see Usage)
  • Removed FlushOnExit param - tracker will always try to flush on exit
  • Added a tracking timeout option - works only on non-blocking mode
  • Added a blocking / non-blocking toggle.
  • Tracker flush mechanism now emits events on: stop, first retry, empty & error
  • onError callback replaced with "error" event.


  • Fixed broken headers
  • Added more parameters to the onError func
  • Added Limits to SDK Bulk Length and Bulk Size & Flush Interval


  • Updated npm package conf
  • Updated readme
  • Changed project directory structure


  • Refactored Request class
  • Refactored Atom class
  • Refactored Tracker
  • Fixed a bug in Tracker exit handler (there was no delay on graceful shutdown)
  • Added an option to add a callback on error (after max retries reached)
  • Changed example
  • Added more options to conf
  • Rewrote all tests and increased coverage
  • Updated README
  • Updated all docs and changed them from apiDoc to JSDoc
  • Fixed a bug with headers not being sent
  • Added AtomError custom Error


  • Fixed tracker retry bug - caused by mutating an object that was passed by reference
  • increased test coverage
  • Updated README.MD


  • Fixed tests and removed unused dependencies
  • Updated tests to run on LTS


  • Added tracker
  • Added Backoff mechanism


  • Basic features: putEvent & putEvents functionalities


You can use our example for sending data to Atom.

node example/example.js -h

  Usage: example [options]


    -h, --help       output usage information
    -V, --version    output the version number
    -p, --putevent   Run the putEvent examples
    -P, --putevents  Run the putEvents examples
    -H, --health     run the health check example
    -t, --tracker    run the tracker example
    -a, --all        Run all of the examples




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8 years ago