0.0.6 • Published 7 years ago

atsd-api v0.0.6

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ATSD Node.js API client

The ATSD API Client for Node.js enables developers to easily interact with the Axibase Time Series Database through its Data and Meta API.


This client can be installed using npm:

$ sudo npm install atsd-api


ATSD Client

The base class is ATSDClient, an instance which can be created using ATSDClient(options) where options is an object:

urlfull ATSD url with portyes
strictSSLrequires SSL certificate validationno, true by default

The purpose of ATSDClient is to make general requests to ATSD. It has an asynchronous method request, as well as separate methods for each type of request:

ATSDClient.request(method, path, params, payload, callback)
ATSDClient.getRequest(path, params, payload, callback)
ATSDClient.postRequest(path, params, payload, callback)
ATSDClient.putRequest(path, params, payload, callback)
ATSDClient.patchRequest(path, params, payload, callback)
ATSDClient.deleteRequest(path, params, payload, callback)

The arguments are as follows:

methodstringRequest method: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, or DELETE.
pathstringPath to be added to base ATSD url, i.e. metrics turns into atsd_server/api/v1/metrics.
paramsobjecturl query string parameters.
payloadobjectjson request paylod.
callbackfunction(error, response, body)Callback function.

API Methods

Entities, Metrics, Properties, Alerts, and Series are all subclasses of ATSDClient and use the same constructor. They hold the implementations of ATSD API methods:

Data API

API methodClient function
Series: QuerySeries.query(payload, callback)
Series: InsertSeries.insert(payload, callback)
Alerts: QueryAlerts.query(payload, callback)
Alerts: UpdateAlerts.update(payload, callback)
Alerts: History QueryAlerts.historyQuery(payload, callback)
Alerts: DeleteAlerts.delete(payload, callback)
Properties: QueryProperties.query(payload, callback)
Properties: Type QueryProperties.typeQuery(payload, callback)
Properties: InsertProperties.insert(payload, callback)
Properties: DeleteProperties.delete(payload, callback)
Messages: QueryMessages.query(payload, callback)
Messages: InsertMessages.insert(payload, callback)

Meta API

API methodClient function
Entities: ListEntities.list(params, callback)
Entity: GetEntities.get(entity, params, callback)
Entity: Create or ReplaceEntities.create(entity, payload, callback)
Entity: UpdateEntities.update(entity, payload, callback)
Entity: DeleteEntities.delete(entity, callback)
Metrics: ListMetrics.list(params, callback)
Metrics: GetMetrics.get(entity, params, callback)
Metric: Create or ReplaceMetrics.create(metric, payload, callback)
Metric: UpdateMetrics.update(metric, payload, callback)
Metric: DeleteMetrics.delete(metric, callback)
Entity GroupsEntityGroups(options)
Entity Groups: ListEntityGroups.list(params, callback)
Entity Groups: GetEntityGroups.get(entity, params, callback)
Entity Groups: Create or ReplaceEntityGroups.create(entity-group, payload, callback)
Entity Groups: UpdateEntityGroups.update(entity-group, payload, callback)
Entity Groups: DeleteEntityGroups.delete(entity-group, callback)
Entity Groups: GetEntitiesEntityGroups.getEntities(entity, params, callback)
Entity Groups: AddEntitiesEntityGroups.addEntities(entity-group, payload, callback)
Entity Groups: ReplaceEntitiesEntityGroups.setEntities(entity-group, payload, callback)
Entity Groups: DeleteEntitiesEntityGroups.deleteEntities(entity-group, payload, callback)

There is also a number of convenience functions dedicated to making some requests easier to execute. Unlike the functions listed above, they don't replicate the signatures of ATSD API methods.

Client functionEquivalent toNote
Series.query(args, callback)Series.get(payload, callback) with payload being {'queries': [args]}timeFormat for response is set to iso; instead of {'series': [...]} returns [...].
Series.queryDetail(metric, entity, tags, startTime, endTime, callback)Series.query(args, callback) with args being an object consisting of metric, entity etc.startTime and endTime can be a timestamp in milliseconds, a string (ATSD API's startDate and endDate), or a Date object.
Series.queryStatistic(metric, entity, tags, startTime, endTime, statistic, period, callback)Same as above.Same as above.
Series.insertData(metric, entity, tags, data, callback)Series.insert(payload, callback) with payload being [inserts] where inserts is an object consisting of metric, entity etc.

For statistics and units used to aggregate the data through series queries, there exist corresponding "enumerations" in class Series: Series.statistic and Series.unit.


var atsd_api = require('atsd-api');

var options = {
  url: '...',
  user: '...',
  password: '...'

var entities   = new atsd_api.Entities(options);
var metrics    = new atsd_api.Metrics(options);
var series     = new atsd_api.Series(options);
var properties = new atsd_api.Properties(options);
var alerts     = new atsd_api.Alerts(options);



// inserting series data without versions
series.insertData('temperature', 'sensor001', {}, [
    {'d': '2015-11-23T08:19:00.000Z', 'v': 51},
    {'d': '2015-11-23T08:20:00.000Z', 'v': 52}
  ], function(error_insert, response, _) {
    if (!error_insert) {
      console.log('Insert: ' + response.statusCode);
> Insert: 200
// inserting series data with versions
series.insertData('temperature', 'sensor001', {}, [
    {'d': '2015-11-23T08:21:00.000Z', 'v': 50, 'version': {'status': 'provisional', 'source': 'gateway-1'}}
  ], function(error_insert, response, _) {
    if (!error_insert) {
      console.log('Insert with versions: ' + response.statusCode);
> Insert with versions: 200
// retrieving data without versions
  'temperature', 'sensor001', {},
  'current_day', 'next_day',
  function(error_detail, _, body) {
    if (!error_detail) {
      console.log('Detail: ' + JSON.stringify(body));
> Detail: [{"entity":"sensor001","metric":"temperature1","tags":{},"type":"HISTORY","aggregate":{"type":"DETAIL"},"data":[{"d":"2015-11-23T08:19:00.000Z","v":51},{"d":"2015-11-23T08:20:00.000Z","v":52},{"d":"2015-11-23T08:21:00.000Z","v":50}]}]
// retrieving data with versions
    'metric': 'temperature',
    'entity': 'sensor001',
    'startDate': 'current_day',
    'endDate': 'next_day',
    'versioned': true
  }, function(error_detail, _, body) {
    if (!error_detail) {
      console.log('Detail with versions: ' + JSON.stringify(body));
> Detail with versions: [{"entity":"sensor001","metric":"temperature1","tags":{},"type":"HISTORY","aggregate":{"type":"DETAIL"},"data":[{"d":"2015-11-23T08:19:00.000Z","v":51},{"d":"2015-11-23T08:20:00.000Z","v":52},{"d":"2015-11-23T08:21:00.000Z","v":50,"version":{"source":"gateway-1","status":"provisional"}}]}]
// retrieving yesterday's data averaged by 6 hours
  'cpu_busy', 'nurswgvml007', {},
  'previous_day', 'current_day',
  Series.statistic.AVG, {'count': 6, 'unit': Series.unit.HOUR},
  function(error, _, body) {
    if (!error) {
      console.log('Average: ' + JSON.stringify(body));
> Average: [{"entity":"nurswgvml007","metric":"cpu_busy","tags":{},"type":"HISTORY","aggregate":{"type":"AVG","period":{"count":6,"unit":"HOUR"}},"data":[{"d":"2015-11-22T00:00:00.000Z","v":18.35364243323441},{"d":"2015-11-22T06:00:00.000Z","v":14.058392592592591},{"d":"2015-11-22T12:00:00.000Z","v":13.460140845070423},{"d":"2015-11-22T18:00:00.000Z","v":13.851594955489615}]}]


// updating alerts 'evt-1' and 'evt-2'
      'action': 'update',
      'fields': {
        'acknowledge': true
      'alerts': [
        {'id': 'evt-1'},
        {'id': 'evt-2'}
  function(error, response, _) {
    if (!error) {
      console.log('Update: ' + response.statusCode);
> Update: 200


// getting property types of entity 'atsd'
entities.getPropertyTypes('atsd', {}, function (error, _, body) {
  if (!error) {
    console.log('Property types: ' + JSON.stringify(body));
> Property types: ["jfs","system","disk","cpu","java_method","configuration","network"]
// inserting a property
      'tags':{'name-1': 'value-1'}
  function(error_insert, response, _) {
    if (!error_insert) {
      console.log('Insert: ' + response.statusCode);

      // retrieving the same property
        'entity-1', 'type-1', {},
        function (error_get, _, body) {
          if (!error_get) {
            console.log('Properties by entity and type: ' + JSON.stringify(body));
> Insert: 200
> Properties by entity and type: [{"type":"type-1","entity":"entity-1","key":{"server_name":"server","user_name":"system"},"tags":{"name-1":"value-1","name.1":"value-1"},"timestamp":1448122917843}]

Series Dump

entities.getAll({}, function (error_entities, _, body_entities) {
  if (!error_entities) {
    // choosing the first entity
    var entity = body_entities[0]['name'];

    console.log('First entity: ' + entity);

    // retrieving all metrics for that entity
    metrics.getByEntity(entity, {}, function (error_metrics, _, body_metrics) {
      if (!error_metrics) {
        // choosing the first metric
        var metric = body_metrics[0]['name'];

        console.log('First metric: ' + metric);

        // getting data for the chosen entity and metric
          metric, entity, {},
          'current_hour', 'current_hour + 10 * second',
          function (error_series, _, body_series) {
            if (!error_series) {
              var data = body_series[0]['data'];

              console.log('Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
> First entity: atsd
> First metric: actions_per_minute
> Data: [{"d":"2015-11-21T14:00:02.497Z","v":0}]