1.0.2 • Published 8 years ago

attr-grid v1.0.2

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Last release
8 years ago


attr-grid is a super simple, unobtrusive, responsive grid.

This is only a grid - no css resets, defaults, or extras. Hopefully this makes it easy to use (and easy to comprehend/modify for your projects). attr-grid uses attributes rather than the class based css rules that are normally used in other grid systems.

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A while back I was looking for a simple "grid-only" stylesheet for a couple of projects I was working on. I didn't need the extras that typically come with other grids. I just needed something simple, like this!

I ended up building a simple grid and, after working with Angular Material's grid system, was inspired by the use of attributes to achieve responsive grid control to build attr-grid.

So in short, attr-grid is an attribute based adaption of my original grid system.

Grid system defaults

12 column grid system.

Columns are spaced with a 10px gutter.

Breakpoints are:

  • sm: 600px
  • md: 960px
  • lg: 1280px


Install npm dev dependencies.

npm install

Build the stylesheet.

npm run build


Link stylesheet

Add the following to your HTML's <head> section:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/dist/grid.css" type="text/css">

Viewport scales

Add the following to your HTML's <head> section:

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">   

This meta tag ensures mobile and tablet resize page content to match the devices actual viewport width.


Fluid grid

Use the row attribute on element to define a grid row. Add a col attribute to specify the column's width under that row:

  <div row>
    <div col="8">eight column</div>
    <div col="4">four column</div>
  <div row>
    <div col="12">twelve column</div>

Fixed grid

Use the fixed attribute on element wrapping the grid to achieve a center fixed grid:

<div fixed>
  <div row>
    <div col="8">eight column</div>
    <div col="4">four column</div>
  <div row>
    <div col="6">six column</div>
    <div col="6">six column</div>

Nested grids

Nested grids are supported:

  <div row>
    <div col="6">
      <div row>
        <div col="3">3 column in 6 column</div>
        <div col="6">6 column in 6 column</div>
    <div col="6">
      <div row>
        <div col="3">3 column in 6 column</div>
        <div col="3">3 column in 6 column/div>
        <div col="3">3 column in 6 column</div>

Grid utilities

Maybe you need full width blocks, at certian breakpoints? No worries! Here's how:

  <div row>
    <div col="8" col-md-block>eight column, full width on md breakpoint</div>
    <div col="4" col-md-block>four column, full width on md breakpoint</div>
  <div row>
    <div col="6" col-sm-block>six column, full width on sm breakpoint</div>
    <div col="6" col-sm-block>six column, full width on sm breakpoint</div>