0.0.1 • Published 10 years ago

attributa v0.0.1

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10 years ago


Assign attributes to this with just one line!



$ npm install --save attributa



attributa.assign(obj, data)

  • obj: the object you want to assign the values
  • data: the data that you want to use to assign value
var attributa = require('attributa');

var data = {
  username: 'jasoki',
  password: 'password',
  email:    'email@gmail.com',
  city:     'Toronto',
  country:  'Canada',
  age:      27

var User = function(attr) {
  attributa(this, attr);
var user = new User(data);

// user
// { username: 'jasoki',
// password: 'password',
// email: 'email@gmail.com',
// city: 'Toronto',
// country: 'Canada',
// age: 27 }


attributa.only(obj, data, attributes)

  • obj: the object you want to assign the values
  • data: the data that you want to use to assign value
  • attributes: attribute(s) that you want to assign the value to. accepts a string or an array.

only() for one attribute

var attributa = require('attributa');

var data = {
  username: 'jasoki',
  password: 'password',
  email:    'email@gmail.com',
  city:     'Toronto',
  country:  'Canada',
  age:      27

var User = function(attr) {
  attributa.only(this, attr, 'password');
var user = new User(data);

// user
// { username: null,
// password: 'password',
// email: null,
// city: null,
// country: null,
// age: null }

only() for multiple attributes

var attributa = require('attributa');

var data = {
  username: 'jasoki',
  password: 'password',
  email:    'email@gmail.com',
  city:     'Toronto',
  country:  'Canada',
  age:      27

var User = function(attr) {
  attributa.only(this, attr, ['password', 'age']);
var user = new User(data);

// user
// { username: null,
// password: 'password',
// email: null,
// city: null,
// country: null,
// age: 27 }


attributa.except(obj, data, attributes)

  • obj: the object you want to assign the values
  • data: the data that you want to use to assign value
  • attributes: attribute(s) that you want to assign the value to. accepts a string or an array.

except() for one attribute

var attributa = require('attributa');

var data = {
  username: 'jasoki',
  password: 'password',
  email:    'email@gmail.com',
  city:     'Toronto',
  country:  'Canada',
  age:      27

var User = function(attr) {
  attributa.except(this, attr, 'username');
var user = new User(data);

// user
// { username: null,
// password: 'password',
// email: 'email@gmail.com',
// city: 'Toronto',
// country: 'Canada',
// age: 27 }

except() for multiple attributes

var attributa = require('attributa');

var data = {
  username: 'jasoki',
  password: 'password',
  email:    'email@gmail.com',
  city:     'Toronto',
  country:  'Canada',
  age:      27

var User = function(attr) {
  attributa.except(this, attr, ['username', 'password']);
var user = new User(data);

// user
// { username: null,
// password: null,
// email: 'email@gmail.com',
// city: 'Toronto',
// country: 'Canada',
// age: 27 }