0.1.1 • Published 5 years ago
atvira-sodra v0.1.1
API wrapper and tools for https://atvira.sodra.lt
Search for companies by different params
Usage Examples:
// Option 1 - use default HTTP call
const res = await CompaniesAPI.searchCompanies({
text: 'statyba',
// Option 2 - use custom HTTP call
const res = await CompaniesAPI.searchCompanies(
{ text: 'statyba' },
makeGetRequest: (fullUrl: string) => {
return Promise.resolve({
status, // e.g. 200
body, // response body
CompaniesAPI.searchCompanies parameters:
{string} params.text - search text, could be company name, jarCode, anything...
{number} [params.minAvgWage] - filter by min average salary
{number} [params.maxAvgWage] - filter by max average salary
{number} [params.minNumInsured] - filter by min employee count
{number} [params.maxNumInsured] - filter by max employee count
{string} [params.municipality] - municipality code
{string} [params.evrk] - EVRK code
{number} [params.start] - page number (starts with 0)
{number} [params.size] - page size (max 2000)