1.0.16-ACQ-3537 • Published 4 years ago

audio-job-service v1.0.16-ACQ-3537

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Last release
4 years ago

Node Microservices Seed Project

This is a started project for Nodejs based Services. This project is written in TypeScript. It uses @Clarabridge/service-base packaged for http server, logging, error handling and configuration. Example of starting a server:

import { Logger, Server } from '@clarabridge/service-base';

const logger = Logger(__filename);
const server = new Server();

const app = server.app();

// Add routes
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
    logger.info('example route');

// Start express server
await server.start();

logger.info('Server started successfully');



To instal npm dependencies run command npm install

$ nmp install

Building and running

To compile TypeScript to ES5 run and execute the code run following commands:

$ npm run build
$ nom run dev


Unit tests are ran using Jest test frameworks. To execute full test suite run following command:

$ nmp test

To run tests in watch mode:

$ nmp run test:tdd


Linting is done using ESLint. Run following command lint:

$ nmp run lint

Create new Microservice from the Seed Project

To create new Nodejs Micro Service (e.g. awesome-service) from the Seed Project by follow these steps:

  • Create new Github repository for the new project e.g. awesome-service. Make sure not to check Initialize this repository with a README
  • Checkout the Seed Project to awesome-service directory
    git clone https://github.com/ClarabridgeInc/node-microservice-seed.git awesome-service
  • Change Git remote to point to new repository's url
    git remote set-url origin https://github/ClarabridgeInc/<new_repository_url>
  • Make changes to Jenkinsfile to update the name of the new repository
  • Update Readme.md
  • Push code to new repository
    git push -u origin master