4.1.0 • Published 6 months ago
audio-sample v4.1.0
That's an audio sample class, accepting a Float32Array in the constructor with one public function. It turns that Float32 into a buffer with the most fastest algorithm.
This within ~20 code lines only by reusing other useful node modules. It cannot get faster and shorter. If I am wrong, let me know and I'll fix that asap.
This component is very useful for turning raw WebAudio samples, which are in Float32, into a buffer with 16 bit signed integers while respecting endianness.
For inspiration refer to: http://blog.groupbuddies.com/posts/39-tutorial-html-audio-capture-streaming-to-node-js-no-browser-extensions
npm i -S audio-sample
How to use
// just an example, this array can come from the first audio channel of a webcam (getUserMedia)
var arrayOfFloats = e.inputBuffer.getChannelData(0)
// create a single audio sample instance
var audioSample = new AudioSample(new Float32Array(arrayOfFloats))
// and now, convert it into a buffer super-fast
var buffer = audioSample.toBuffer()
// then you can send this buffer easily over to the server and do some processing there