0.1.2 • Published 12 years ago
audio-tag-injector v0.1.2
Automatically adds html5 audio elements inline beside links to mp3, ogg, and wav files.
Install it on node from npm
npm install audio-tag-injector
If you're using this module outside of a browser you will have to supply a
reference to a dom document object, unless you've called it document
. I did
not require any specific module for parsing the DOM, because there are a few
out there and it would be rude of me to force you to use a specific one for
such a simple function.
Injection of Audio Tags in Browser
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="./src/audio-tag-injector.js"
Example Usage of audio-tag-injector.js
Example Usage of audio-tag-injector.js
Ooh! I made some audio! Check it out <a href="/some_audio_file.mp3">Kastor at the mic!</a>
<script type="text/javascript">
Injection of Audio Tags in Node
var audioTagInjector = require('audio-tag-injector');
// parse your html into a DOM Document
// the argument is optional and defaults to `document`, if you've named your
// DOM Document something else you'll have to supply a refrence to it. For
// this example, let's say you called it `myDocument`.
// Shazam. The document now contains audio links you didn't have to write.