0.3.0 • Published 3 years ago

audiotape v0.3.0

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3 years ago


AudioTape is an browser-based audio playback engine that simulates the sound, playback mechanics, and transport interface of analog reel-to-reel tape machine. Built on top of the Web Audio API, AudioTape supports the loading and concatenation of audio files in multiple formats and allows realtime, bi-directional playback with smooth, sample-accurate ramping of both playback speed and direction.


Using npm: npm install audiotape



To import AudioTape into an ES2015 application:

import AudioTape from "audiotape";


A polyfill for standardizing the Web Audio API is also available for use in browsers with incomplete or partial/prefixed support. While not required in most settings, the option is included for convenience as the provided shims target only the specific parts of the WebAudio API used by AudioTape.

polyfills() should be run before instantiating a new AudioTape instance:

import AudioTape, { polyfills } from "audiotape";


To create a new AudioTape instance:

const tape = new AudioTape();

Playback and performance characteristics can also be customized by passing a configuration object to the AudioTape constructor:

// default values
const params = {
  sampleRate: 48e3,
  chunkLength: .02,
  lookahead: 10,
  latency: .2,
  playbackSpeed: 1,
  scrubSpeed: 8
const tape = new AudioTape(params);

For more information, see customization.


Before any audio can be rendered to the output, the AudioTape instance must first be activated in order to start the underlying AudioContext. Most browsers require an explicit user action (e.g. click, touch) to achieve this:

function activateTape(e) {
  window.removeEventListener('click', activateTape);
window.addEventListener('click', activateTape);

Loading Files

Files are loaded by providing a URL string:


Using Webpack:

import audioFile from "./path/to/audioFile.wav";

To load multiple files, an array of URL strings is used instead:

const audioFiles = [

When loading multiple files, audio data will be concatenated to allow for seamless linear sequential playback in specified order.



The following methods can be used to control playback:

play() Starts or resumes playback at current playhead time index.

stop() Stops playback.

rev() Starts reverse playback.

ff() Starts fast-forwarding.

rew() Starts rewinding.

Invocation enqueues a playback state change which the playback engine will dynamically ramp to from the current playback state. Methods are all asynchronous and will resolve with true when the ramp has been calculated and enqueued for playback. It is not necessary to await successful enqueueing before invocation of another transport method; the plaback engine utilizes a FIFO queue for scheduling whereby subsequent transport method invocations effectively cancel any previously scheduled changes to the playback state.


The current playback volume level can be read using the volume getter and set using the setVolume() method:

console.log(tape.volume);  // 1
console.log(tape.volume);  // .5

The value specified for volume is a multipler of the default unity gain level (1).



new AudioTape([params])

Creates a new AudioTape instance.


params object optional: See customization.


load(src[, callback]) **async**

Loads audio file(s) for playback.


src string, array: URL(s) signifying the path(s) (relative or absolute) of audio files to load. Accepts either a single URL string or an array of URL string values.

callback function optional: function to be invoked upon successful completion of loading of each specified file. Function is passed a single argument number representing the percent of files to have completed loading as a fraction of 1.

Returns: Promise, resolves with true upon successful loading of all audio data.


Activates the playback engine and starts/resumes the underlying AudioContext.

Returns: undefined


Deactivates the playback engine and suspends the underlying AudioContext.

Returns: undefined

play() **async**

Transitions playback of audio from current speed and direction or resumes playback from current playhead time index to forward playback at playbackSpeed.

Returns: Promise, resolves with true upon successful enqueueing of playback state change audio data.

stop() **async**

Transitions playback of audio from current speed and direction to stop.

Returns: Promise, resolves with true upon successful enqueueing of playback state change audio data.

rev() **async**

Transitions playback of audio from current speed and direction or resumes playback from current playhead time index to reverse playback at playbackSpeed.

Returns: Promise, resolves with true upon successful enqueueing of playback state change audio data.

ff() **async**

Transitions playback of audio from current speed and direction or resumes playback from current playhead time index to forward playback at scrubSpeed.

Returns: Promise, resolves with true upon successful enqueueing of playback state change audio data.

rew() **async**

Transitions playback of audio from current speed and direction or resumes playback from current playhead time index to reverse playback at scrubSpeed.

Returns: Promise, resolves with true upon successful enqueueing of playback state change audio data.


Sets the playback (forward or reverse) speed to specified value. If invoked during playback, will asynchronously invoke a state change in the playback engine and ramp to the new speed.


speed number: target playback speed.

Returns: undefined


Sets the scrub (fast-forward or rewind) speed to specified value. If invoked while scrubbing, will asynchronously invoke a state change in the playback engine and ramp to the new speed.


speed number: target scrub speed.

Returns: undefined


Sets the playback volume to specified value.


volume number: target volume.

Returns: undefined



Returns: number the sample rate of the current AudioContext.


Returns: boolean the current active state of the playback engine.


Returns: number the total length in seconds of all loaded audio content.


Returns: number the current playhead time index in seconds.


Returns: number the total length in seconds of the playback queue.


Returns: number the delay in seconds from when a transport method is invoked to when the playback engine will schedule transitional audio data for playback.


Returns: number the speed of audio playback while playing (forward or reverse).


Returns: number the speed of audio playback while scrubbing (fast-forward or reverse).


Returns: number the current output gain level.


The following parameters can be specified when instantiating a new AudioTape instance:

sampleRate number : target sample rate for the underlying AudioContext used for playback. Support is currently limited in most browsers.

chunkLength number : duration (in seconds) of the individual audio chunks resident in the playback queue; value determines the granularity of any ramps in playback speed. Lower values allow for a smoother ramp effect but can be more expensive. Value is fixed at instantiation.

lookahead number : total length (in seconds) of the playback queue. Value is fixed at instantiation.

latency number : total delay (in seconds) between when a transport method is called and when changes in playback will be scheduled to begin. Value is fixed at instantiation.

playbackSpeed number : speed used for playback; value is a multiplier of the default playback speed of the source audio (1). Can be changed after instantiation via setPlaybackSpeed() method.

scrubSpeed number : speed used for fast-forward and reverse playback; value is a multiplier of the default playback speed of the source audio (1).Can be changed after instantiation via setScrubSpeed() method.

LOW_MEMORY_MODE boolean : **EXPERIMENTAL** When set to true, limits the amount of decoded PCM data retained in memory at any given time. Useful when loading large amounts of audio on devices with limited memory (e.g. mobile).


The following example was built using React:

Basic demo (Github)

Advanced demo


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