1.1.1 • Published 4 years ago

audius v1.1.1

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Last release
4 years ago
const Audius = require('audius')
// The app name is requested by Audius. It is not required but strongly encouraged.
// The API is open and no key is required.
const audiusApp = new Audius("My Cool App v1.0.2")

// Searching for a user
audiusApp.searchUsers('Skrillex').then(users => {
  // Provided Skrillex was the first in the list, would print "Hey, Skrillex!"
  console.log("Hey,", users[0].name + "!" )
Audius#searchUsers(search: String)Find users by name.search: The search term to find users by.User[]
Audius#searchTracks(search: String)Find tracks by name.search: The search term to find tracks by.Track[]
Audius#searchPlaylists(search: String)Find playlists by name.search: The search term to find playlists by.Playlist[]
Audius#getTrack(id: String)Retrieve a track by ID.id: The unique ID of the track.Track
Audius#getUser(id: String)Retrieve a user by ID.id: The unique ID of the user.User
Audius#getPlaylist(id: String)Retrieve a playlist by ID.id: The unique ID of the playlist.Playlist
Audius#getTrendingTracks(time: String, genre: String)Get the top 100 trending tracks on Audius.time: The time range of which to get trending tracks. Either "week", "month" or "allTime". If blank, defaults to "week".genre: The genre of which to get trending tracks for. If blank, defaults to any genre.Track[]
Audius#getPlaylistTracks(id: String)Get the tracks of a playlist by ID.id: The unique ID of the playlist.Track[]
Audius#getUserTracks(id: String)Get the tracks uploaded by a user by ID.id: The unique ID of the user.Track[]
Audius#getUserFavourites(id: String)Get the favourites of a user by ID.id: The unique ID of the user.Favourite[]
Audius#streamTrack(id: String, download: Boolean)Stream the data of a track by ID.id: The unique ID of the track.download: Whether to return once the entire file has been downloaded or return incomplete data that can be streamed.Stream
UserA user profile.albumCount: The number of albums this user has published.bio: The bio of the user.coverPhoto: A CoverPhoto containing three sizes of cover photo.following: The number of accounts this user is following.followers: The number of users that are following this account.handle: The permanent name of the user.id: The unique ID of the user.verified: Whether the user is verified or not.location: The location set on the user's profile.name: The customisable name on the user's profile.playlistCount: The number of playlists the user has published.profilePicture: An Artwork containing three sizes of profile picture.repostCount: The number of tracks the user has reposted.trackCount: The number of original tracks the user has published.
TrackA music track.artwork: An Artwork object containing links to three different sizes of artwork.description: The track's description.genre: The genre of the track.id: The unique ID of the track.mood: The mood of the track.releaseDate: The release date of the track.remixOf: The original track the track remixes, if any.repostCount: The number of times the track has been reposted.favouriteCount: The number of times the track has been favourited.playCount: The number of times the track has been played.tags: The track's tags that define its content.title: The title of the track.user: The user that uploaded the track.duration: The length of the track in seconds.downloadable: Whether or not the track is downloadable.
PlaylistA playlist or album of multiple tracks.artwork: An Artwork object containing links to three different sizes of artwork.description: The description of the playlist.id: The unique ID of the playlist.isAlbum: Whether the playlist is an album or not.name: The name of the playlist.repostCount: The number of times the playlist has been reposted.favouriteCount: The number of times the playlist has been favourited.totalPlayCount: The total number of track plays in the playlist.user: The user that made the playlist.
ArtworkA piece of artwork shown on a track, playlist or profile picture.small: The small 100x100 artwork.medium: The medium 480x480 artwork.large: The large 1000x1000 artwork.
CoverPhotoA cover photo on a user profile.small: The small 640x640 cover photo.large: The large 2000x2000 cover photo.
FavouriteA favourited item, such as a track. Does not contain the item itself, only the link between the user and the item.id: The unique ID of the favourite.type: The type of Item this favourite is.userID: The unique ID of the user that made this favourite.

4 years ago


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4 years ago


4 years ago