0.1.0 • Published 7 years ago

augmented-interval-tree v0.1.0

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7 years ago


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Augmented interval tree implementation with no dependencies.

Basic Usage

augmented-interval-tree exports a single IntervalTree constructor. After constructing an interval tree instance, intervals can be added to the tree using the insert() method. The tree can be queried using the find() method.

const IntervalTree = require('augmented-interval-tree');
const tree = new IntervalTree();
let results;

tree.insert(5, 10, 'foo');
tree.insert(1, 2, 'bar');
tree.insert(3, 7, 'baz');
tree.insert(15, 15);

// Match all intervals.
results = tree.find(1, 20);
results equals [
  { start: 5, end: 10, data: 'foo' },
  { start: 1, end: 2, data: 'bar' },
  { start: 3, end: 7, data: 'baz' },
  { start: 15, end: 15, data: undefined }

// Match single point.
results = tree.find(15);
// results equals [{ start: 15, end: 15, data: undefined }].

// No matches.
results = tree.find(11, 14);
// results equals [].

results = tree.find(4, 6);
results equals [
  { start: 5, end: 10, data: 'foo' },
  { start: 3, end: 7, data: 'baz' }


IntervalTree() constructor

  • Arguments
    • None

Constructs a new augmented interval tree instance. Must be called with new.

IntervalTree.prototype.insert(start, end[, data])

  • Arguments
    • start (number) - The interval's starting value (inclusive).
    • end (number) - The interval's ending value (inclusive).
    • data (value) - Optional data to store with the interval. Defaults to undefined.
  • Returns
    • Nothing

Inserts an interval into the tree. The interval spans from start (inclusive) to end (inclusive). data can be used to optionally store metadata with the interval.

IntervalTree.prototype.find(start[, end = start])

  • Arguments
    • start (number) - The query interval's starting value (inclusive).
    • end (number) - The query interval's ending value (inclusive). Defaults to start, meaning that the query searches for all intervals containing a specific value.
  • Returns
    • matches (array of objects) - An array of intervals, where each interval adheres to the following schema:
      • start (number) - The interval's starting value.
      • end (number) - The interval's ending value.
      • data (value) - Any data stored with the interval.

Returns all intervals in the tree that overlap with the interval of [start, end].