1.0.1 • Published 8 years ago

aurelia-modal v1.0.1

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Last release
8 years ago


A modal plugin for Aurelia with no dependencies, just vanilla Javascript. Simplistic API, keyboard and mouse events. Supports rendering using viewmodels or HTML.

Install and Setup

  1. Install: npm install aurelia-modal --save or jspm install aurelia-modal
  2. Use during the bootstrapping phase:

Use the plugin in your app's main.js:

export function configure(aurelia) {

    aurelia.start().then(a => a.setRoot());

In Use

To display or hide the modal, you need to use the showing attribute and pass through a boolean value.

Allow escape key to close modal: <modal allowKeyClose="true"></modal>

Allow clicks outside modal content area to close modal: <modal allowClickClose="true"></modal>

Make modal go fullscreen of the viewport: <modal fullscreen="true"></modal>

Show or hide the close button: <modal showCloseButton="true"></modal>

Close button clicked callback: <modal close.call="myViewModelCloseFunction()"></modal>

Show or hide using boolean value (true to show or false to hide): <modal showing.bind=myViewModelBoolean"></modal>

Render a ViewModel inside of the modal: <modal view-model="myViewModel"></modal>

Render a ViewModel inside of the modal with an object of content: <modal view-model="myViewModel" view-content.bind="myContent"></modal>

Display a Modal with supplied content: <modal><h1>Some Heading</h1><p>My custom content in here</p></modal>