2.0.0 • Published 7 years ago

aurelia-star-rate v2.0.0

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Last release
7 years ago


A rating plugin for Aurelia developers, inspired by Css Tricks.

  • Versions: 2.0.0 : no dependency 1.1.0 : bootstrap
  • Breaking changes

    	* The custom element name has changed from ```star-rate``` to ```au-star-rate``` :weary:

1. Installation

Run the following command :

npm install aurelia-star-rate --save

or if you are using yarn

yarn add aurelia-star-rate
  • Webpack

    	Add ```aurelia-star-rate``` in your ```webpack.config``` file in which you have ```AureliaPlugin``` 

    entry: { 'app': 'aurelia-bootstrapper', 'aurelia-star-rate' }

    	then add the plugin in your ```main.ts``` or ```boot.ts``` file (can be also ```js``` files). 
  • Aurelia CLI

    Update the aurelia.json with the following :

        "name": "aurelia-star-rate",
        "path": "../node_modules/aurelia-star-rate/dist/amd",
        "main": "aurelia-star-rate",
        "resources": [

    then add the plugin in your main.ts or boot.ts file (can be also js files).

  • JSPM

    Run the jspm install command :

    jspm instal npm:aurelia-star-rate@^1.0.0

    then update your main.ts or main.js file.


2. Usage


  • Simple

    	Using the control in your .html files is as simple as the following simple :wink:
    	<au-star-rate color="darkgoldenrod" read-only.bind="false" rate.bind="viewmodel.rate" max-rate.bind="5"></au-star-rate>
  • Integrating with other frameworks

    	This plugin can be used side by side with other frameworks such as [font-awesome](http://fontawesome.io/) and [bootstrap](http://getbootstrap.com/), the plugin provides three properties which can be assigned by your own css classes.
    	to use with [font-awesome](http://fontawesome.io/) for instance: 
    	<au-star-rate full-star="fa fa-star" empty-star="fa fa-star-o" half-star="fa fa-star-half-o" rate.bind="viewmodel.rate" max-rate.bind="5"></au-star-rate>
    	bear in mind that this plugin accepts floting point values if and only if you provide a value for **```half-star```** css class property, otherwise it uses fixed point values. Similarly you can use bootstrap glyphicons.
  • Right to Left support

    	You can bind the **```rtl```** property to a **boolean** value:
    	<au-star-rate rtl.bind="true" rate.bind="viewmodel.rate" max-rate.bind="5"></au-star-rate>


You can handle the callback for star rate clicked or changed in two forms :

  1. Globally : When any of the star-rate elemnts in your dom which are not read only change the rate a StarRateClicked message will be published which has newRate and oldRate as its data

    import { EventAggregator } from 'aurelia-event-aggregator';
    import { StarRateClicked } from 'aurelia-star-rate';

    and then subscribe fo the message :

    export class Welcome {
      constructor(ea: EventAggregator) {
        ea.subscribe(StarRateClicked, x => console.info(`E.Aggregator : Rate changed from  ${x.oldRate} to ${x.newRate}`));
  1. Element based : You can handle seperate event callbacks for individual star-rate elements in your .html file use clicked.call as follows
 <au-star-rate clicked.call="star_clicked(newRate,oldRate)" max-rate.bind="8" rate.one-way="6" read-only.bind="false" color="darkgoldenrod"></au-star-rate>

and then in your .js or .ts file add your event handler :

private star_clicked(newRate, oldRate) {
    console.info(`clicked: Rate changed from  ${oldRate} to ${newRate}`);

3. Building The Code

To build the code, follow these steps.

  1. Ensure that NodeJS is installed. This provides the platform on which the build tooling runs.
  2. Ensure that Gulp is installed. If you need to install it, use the following command:

    npm install -g gulp
  3. From the project folder (root), execute the following command:

    npm install && jspm install
  4. Install the typings from the root

    typings install
  5. To build the plugin, you can now run:

    gulp build
  • You will find the compiled code in the dist folder, available in three module formats: AMD, CommonJS and ES2015.
  1. to run the sample do the followings :
  • run `npm install && jsmp install in the sample older
  • run gulp watch
  1. See gulpfile.js for other tasks related to generating the docs and linting.

7 years ago


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