1.0.7 • Published 2 months ago

auth-ez v1.0.7

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2 months ago


auth-ez is a package designed to handle authentication-related functionality (token based) within a Node.js application using Express. It provides routes and methods for user authentication, registration, password reset, and email verification. This document outlines the structure, methods, and usage of the package.



To use auth-ez in your project, follow these steps:

Install the required packages:

npm install auth-ez

Inside your .env add JWT_SECRET_KEY (required), BASE_URL and FROM_EMAIL for email (optional).

Based on the project import CreateMongoAuthController or CreateSqlAuthController:

import { CreateMongoAuthController, CreateSqlAuthController } from 'auth-ez';
const authController = new CreateMongoAuthController(config).getRouter();

config: An object containing configuration options for the AuthController. Refer to the Config type for available options.

You can implement your own version of controllers by importing AuthController from the package and extending it in your class.(Example will be added soon)

The AuthController requires a User model which can be added inside configuration object (Config) during instantiation.

The configuration options include:

  1. User: User model or schema (required).
  2. routeNames: Custom names for authentication routes (optional).
  3. hashPassword: Custom password hashing function (optional).
  4. tokenOptions: Options for token generation (optional).
  5. emailOptions: Email configuration options (optional).
  6. enableLogs: Enable logging (optional).


By default, auth-ez provides support for Resend and Nodemailer email API (for forgot-password and verify-email). You just have to initialize and pass one of these in config > emailOptions as shown in the example below. More support will be added soon.


auth-ez provides the following authentication routes which takes body in application/json format:

  • POST /login-with-email: Login with email and password - Body: email, password.
  • POST /login-with-username: Login with username and password - Body: username, password.
  • POST /forgot-password: Request a password reset email - Body: email.
  • POST /reset-password: Reset password with a valid token - Body: newPassword, have to pass token as query param: /reset-password?token=your_generated_token.
  • POST /register: User registration - Body: username, email and password.
  • POST /logout: Logout - Pass current Bearer token and it should expire the token.

    You can rename the routes or use these.


If you want to create your own implementation instead of using default one you can import AuthController from the package and extend your class to it. By doing that you will be able to modify or write your own methods, which are:

// Abstract method to be implemented by the user. Saves a new user to the data store.
saveUser(params: SaveUser): Promise<IUser>
// Abstract method to be implemented by the user. Retrieves a user from the data store.
getUser(params: GetUser): Promise<IUser>
// Abstract method to be implemented by the user. Updates user information in the data store.
updateUser(params: UpdateUser): Promise<IUser>

Error Handling

auth-ez handles various errors, including missing fields, user not found, invalid credentials, and internal server errors.


Examples can be found under auth-ez-examples repository, explained in Typescript and Javascript.

This example sets up an Express server and mounts the AuthController routes under the '/auth' path.

import express from 'express';
import {
} from 'auth-ez';

const app = express();
const config = {
  User, //required
  enableLogs: true, //optional
  hashPassword: Function, //optional - By default uses bcrypt and takes saltRounds = 16;
  tokenOptions: {
    expiresIn: '2h', // defaults to 1 hr
  routeNames: {
    loginWithEmailRoute: '/test-post-requests',
    loginWithUsernameRoute: '/my-user-route',
    signupRoute: '/sign-up',
  emailOptions: {
    enableEmail: true,
    emailType: 'resend' || 'nodemailer',
    emailSdk: resend || nodemailer,
    forgotPasswordSubject: '',
    forgotPasswordBody: '',
    verificationMailSubject: 'Sending custom subject from config', // default: Verify your email
    verificationMailBody: `here is the body`, // default: sends base_url?token=your_token in email;

const authController = new AuthController(config).getRouter();

app.use('/auth', authController); // route name can be /anything does not necessarily have to be /auth

app.get('/auth/profile', (req, res) => {
  res.send('Protected route!');
app.listen(3000, () => {
  console.log('Server is running on port 3000');


Chai and Mocha has been used for testing purpose, here's how you can test this package:

  1. Import express app context and User model from your local express app into the test files.
  2. Run npm run test to test.


auth-ez simplifies the implementation of authentication features in your Node.js application. Customize the configuration and implement the abstract methods to integrate with your specific data store and user model.


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