1.1.8 • Published 4 years ago
auth-vk v1.1.8
AUTH-VK is a powerful Node.js a module that allows you to easily log in to Vkontakte 🚀
📖 Documentation | 🤖 Author |
- 100% coverage of the VKontakte API
- Predictable abstraction
- Works with large collections of data
- Easy authorization form
Node.js 12.0.0 or newer is required
npm i auth-vk --save
npm i passport --save
Interaction with the library
- After installing the library, you will need the following code:
// Example of using the library:
new auth(
clientID: process.env.CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.CLIENT_SECRET,
callbackURL: process.env.CALLBACK_URL,
scope: process.env.SCOPE,
profileFields: process.env.PROFILE_FIELDS,
async function verify(accessToken, refreshToken, params, profile, done) {
process.nextTick(function () {
done(null, profile);
- You will need to create an application:
- After creating the app, go to settings and you will need:
ID приложения
Защищённый ключ
clientID: 7624701,
clientSecret: 'xZUHQ8vgnMk4okBAKn1e',
- Next, you need to specify a link to your site for this example:
callbackURL: "https://dev-up.ru/auth/vk/callback",
Then you need to specify the application rights and display the rights: You can get a list of rights here 📖 Application Rights. In the example, we will specify the rights to: Access at any time, Groups, Email, Friends List.
scope: ["offline", "groups", "email", "friends"],
profileFields: ["offline", "groups", "email", "friends"],
That's it!
Example usage
Sample code:
const auth = require("auth-vk").Zeuvs;
const express = require("express");
const passport = require("passport");
const expressSession = require("express-session");
const app = express();
app.set("views", __dirname + "/scr");
app.set("view engine", "ejs");
secret: process.env.SECRET,
key: process.env.KEY,
resave: true,
saveUninitialized: true,
cookie: {
secure: true,
httpOnly: true,
sameSite: true,
passport.serializeUser(function (user, done) {
done(null, user);
passport.deserializeUser(function (obj, done) {
done(null, obj);
new auth(
clientID: process.env.CLIENTID,
clientSecret: process.env.CLIENTSECRET,
callbackURL: process.env.CALLBACKURL,
scope: process.env.SCOPE,
profileFields: process.env.PROFILEFIELDS,
async function verify(accessToken, refreshToken, params, profile, done) {
process.nextTick(function () {
done(null, profile);
app.get("/", auth, function (req, res) {
user: {
id: req.user.id,
fullname: req.user.displayName,
pname: req.user.name,
sex: req.user.gender,
url: req.user.url,
user.id: 449532928
user.fullname: Mihail Bezmolenko
user.pname: { "givenName": "Mihail", "familyName": "Bezmolenko" }
user.sex: Мужской
user.url: "http://vk.com/zeuvs"
app.get("/logout", function (req, res) {
app.get("/auth/vk", passport.authenticate("vkontakte"), function (req, res) {
req.session.returnTo = req.originalUrl;
passport.authenticate("vkontakte", {
failureRedirect: "/",
session: true,
async function (req, res) {
res.redirect(req.session.returnTo || "/");
delete req.session.returnTo;
async function auth(req, res, next) {
if (!req.user) {
req.session.returnTo = req.originalUrl;
return res.redirect("/auth/vk/");
return next();