1.1.1 • Published 6 years ago

authpush v1.1.1

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6 years ago

Authpush API

Hey there! You're probably here to make your apps better with Authpush, a simplified and secure notification service from Authbase. We're here just to tell you how it works. It's simple - don't worry!

Register an App

Create an Authbase account (if you haven't already), log in, and navigate to https://authbase.co/app/new. Add a name for your app (this can't be changed, so make it good), click 'Create App', and your app has been made. You can add an App IMG and description in the Settings page.

Then go to the 'Addons' tab in your app page, and then click 'Add to {yourApp}' under the Authpush app item. This will then add Authpush to your app, enabling you to use the API.

You will also need your App ID and App Secret, found under the 'Info' tab.

Important: you should never show your App Secret to anyone. Doing so will mean they can send notifications pretending to be your app. Never use the Authpush API on the client side of your site.

Installing the API

It is required that the Authpush API is ran on the server-side and not on the client-side for security reasons.


You can install the Authpush API from npm by running:

npm install authpush


The base URL for the Rest API is:

V1: https://authbase.co/api/v1/

You may wish to set this as a variable. In the examples below, we have set baseURL to https://authbase.co/api/v1. There are no URL params or optional parameters.

Using the API

Setting Up


If you're using the REST API, to verify the App ID and App Secret, send a request to the following page:

  • URL

  • Method:

  • Data Params

    		appID: appID,
    		appSecret: appSecret
  • Response:

  • Sample Call:

    	In this example, we will use the [jQuery](https://jquery.com) library for sending a POST request to the endpoint. 
    	$.post(baseURL + "/ap-authenticateApp", {
    		appID: "yourAppID",
    		appSecret: "yourAppSecret"
    	}, function(res){
    		if(res.response == "OK"){
    			console.log("Successfully authenticated!");
    		} else if(res.response == "N/A-AUTH") {
    			console.log("The appID or appSecret is incorrect.");
    		} else {
    			console.log("An error occured.");


If you're using the JS API, to set the App ID and App Secret, just use:

const Authpush = require("authpush");

	appID: "yourAppID",
	appSecret: "yourAppSecret"
}, function(res){
	if(res.response == "OK"){
		console.log("Successfully authenticated!");
	} else if(res.response == "N/A-AUTH") {
		console.log("The appID or appSecret is incorrect.");
	} else {
		console.log("An error occured.");

The Authpush API will remember these credentials whilst running.


Retrieving the User ID

To send a push notification to a specific user, you will need their User ID and UUID. Their User ID can be found by hashing their email using an MD5 encryption. For example:

support@authbase.co > BC6585ACEAF97EB30EB36B1C8C13D4AD

Optional: You can use the md5 npm package to do this.

Retrieving the UUID


If you're using the REST API, to send a notification to a user, you will need their UUID. The users UUID can be found by doing:

  • URL

  • Method:

  • Data Params

    		userID: userID,
    		appID: appID,
    		appSecret: appSecret
  • Response:
  • response: See Response Types.
    • data
      • UUID: JSON Array of User ID's associated with the User ID. Sorted by date enrolled.
  • Sample Call:

    	In this example, we will use the [jQuery](https://jquery.com) library for sending a POST request to the endpoint. 
    	$.post(baseURL + "/ap-getUUID", {
    		userID: "BC6585ACEAF97EB30EB36B1C8C13D4AD"
    		appID: "yourAppID",
    		appSecret: "yourAppSecret",
    	}, function(res){
    		if(res.response == "OK"){
    			if(res.data.UUID.length > 0){
    				console.log("UUID: " + res.data.UUID[0]);
    			} else {
    				console.log("No users with this userID was found.");
    		} else {
    			console.log("An error occured whilst trying to retrieve a UUID.");


If you're using the JS API, to send a notification to a user, you will need their UUID. This can be retrieved from their userID. It also requires you to have been authenticated with the Authpush API. The users UUID can be found by doing:

Authpush.get.UUID(userID, function(res){
	if(res.response == "OK"){
		if(res.data.UUID.length > 0){
			console.log("UUID: " + res.data.UUID[0]);
		} else {
			console.log("No users with this userID was found.");
	} else {
		console.log("An error occured whilst trying to retrieve a UUID.");

This will return a JSON Object:


  • response: See Response Types.
    • data
      • UUID: JSON Array of User ID's associated with the User ID. Sorted by date enrolled.

Sending a Notification

Specific User

Sending a notification to a specific user allows you to notify them of any event. As Authpush supports Android, you won't have to use different code for your iOS / Android users, Authpush handles it automatically.


If you're using the REST API, to send a notification to a specific users, you will need the UUID, send a request to the following page:

  • URL

  • Method:

  • Data Params

      authPayload: JSON.stringify({
          noti: {
              msg: "This is an example notification."
          data: {
              to: {
                  userID: userID,
                  UUID: UUID
              from: {
                  appID: "yourAppID",
                  appSecret: "yourAppSecret"
      dataType: "JSON"
  • Response: * response: See Response Types.

  • Sample Call:

    	In this example, we will use the [jQuery](https://jquery.com) library for sending a POST request to the endpoint. 
    	$.post(baseURL + "/ap-sendNotification",{
      authPayload: JSON.stringify({
          noti: {
              msg: "This is an example notification."
          data: {
              to: {
                  userID: userID,
                  UUID: UUID
              from: {
                  appID: "yourAppID",
                  appSecret: "yourAppSecret"
      dataType: "JSON"
    	}, function(res){
    	    if(res.response == "OK"){
    	        console.log("Notification sent!");
    	    } else {
    	        console.log("An error occured whilst trying to send this notification.");


Sending a notification requires the User ID, and the UUID. It also requires you to have been authenticated with the Authpush API.

var payload = {
    noti: {
        msg: "This is an example notification."
    data: {
        to: {
            userID: userID,
            UUID: UUID

Authpush.push.notification.specific(payload, function(res){
    if(res.response == "OK"){
        console.log("Notification sent!");
    } else {
        console.log("An error occured whilst trying to send this notification.");

This will send the message "Hello World!" to the users phone. It will display as:

Example Authpush Notification The notification features the title of the app in bold (in the case of the screenshot, it is 'Rapid') and the body of the notification below.

See Optional Notification Options for more parameters to make your notifications stand out.


All Users

Sending a notification to all users is simular to sending a notification to sending a notification to a specific user. In your payload, under data, 'to' needs to be set to the string ALL USERS.


var payload = {
    noti: {
        msg: "This is an example notification."
    data: {
        to: "ALL_USERS",
        from: {
            appID: "yourAppID",
            appSecret: "appSecret"


var payload = {
    noti: {
        msg: "This is an example notification."
    data: {
        to: "ALL_USERS"

See Optional Notification Options for more parameters to make your notifications stand out.


Response Types

Every request will return a JSON object with a 'response' item. The response types for this item are:

  • OK - The request was successful
  • ERR - An unknown error occured.
  • ERR{ INT } - A connection error occured with the ID of { INT }
  • 404-USER - The user was not found.
  • 404-APP - The app was not found, or the authentication information was incorrect.
  • N/A - Not found (General)
  • N/A-AUTH - You have not yet authenticated with your App ID and App Secret. See Setting Up.

Optional Notification Options

You can pass imgUrl under noti in the JSON object to allow users running Authpush for iOS 1.2 or above to view an image embed in the notification.

You may also wish to pass sound under noti in the JSON object to allow users running Authpush for iOS 1.2 or above to hear a pre-defined Authpush notification sound. The possible values are:

Both sound and imgUrl are optional.

Upcoming Features

We are always looking to improve the API to accommidate for developers needs. This is what we're working on:

  • Specific UUID Selecting
  • Rich Push Notifications - Images - URL Linking
  • Profiles - Different Authpush apps for different areas of your code.


Have any issues using the API? Feel free to email us at support@authbase.co.


The Authpush API is licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Licence. Read more about it here.


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6 years ago