0.0.1 • Published 3 years ago

authserver-123 v0.0.1

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Last release
3 years ago


AuthServer is a Node.js package that enables to authenticate a user. The package is implemented as an Express.js Router using Password.js and it supports the following identity service providers:

  • Facebook
  • Google

The AuthServer code was inspired by the articles Logging Into React Native Apps with Facebook or Google and Add Facebook Authentication To A React Native Application. Originally, the AuthServer code was a part of myStuff back-end. On 20-May-2020, the code was modified to become a reusable NPM package.

       +-----------------------+                         +-------------------------------------------------------+
       | Server                |                         | Client                                                |
       |                       |                         |                 NO    +------------+    YES           |
       |                       |                         |               +-------+   token?   +------+           |
       |                       |                         |  	         |       +------------+      |           |
       |     /auth             |                         |               |                           |           |
       |     +-----------------+                         |  +------------+------------+      +-------+-------+   |
       |     |AuthServer router|                         |  |Login screen             |      |               |   |
       |     |                 |                         |  | +---------------------+ |      |  Application  |   |
       |     |             /fb |<-----------------------------+ Login with Facebook | |      |               |   |
       |     |                 |                         |  | +---------------------+ |      |       UI      |   |
   +-------->| /fb/callback    |                         |  |	                      |      |               |   |
   |   |     |                 |                         |  | +---------------------+ |      +-------+-------+   |
   |   |     |             /ggl|<-----------------------------+ Login with Facebook | |              ^           |
   |   |     |                 |                         |  | +---------------------+ |              |           |
   +-------->| /ggl/callback   |                         |  +-------------------------+              |           |
   |   |     |                 |                         |                                           |           |
   |   |     |                 |        token            |  +-----------------+                      |           |
   |<--------+                 +--------------------------->| Store the token |                      |           |
   |   |     +-----------------+                         |  +-----------------+                      |           |
   |   |                       |                         |                                           |           |
   |   | +-------------------+ |                         |                                           |           |
   |   | | AuthServer authMW | |                         |                                           |           |
   |   | +-------------------+ |                         |                                           |           |
   |   |        ^              |                         |                                           |           |
   |   | verify |              |                         |                                           |           |
   |   |  token |   +----------+                         |                            token          |           |
   |   |        +---+ socket.io|<--------------------------------------------------------------------+           |
   |   |            +----------+                         |                                                       |
   |   +-----------------------+                         +-------------------------------------------------------+
  |  OAuth    ||
  |  service  ||
  |  provider ||

When a user succesfully authenticates, AuthServer combines user's e-mail and a current date and encrypts this data using a secret key into a token that the Client will use to prove its identity when communicating with the Server.

How do I get set up?

Setting up the OAuth services

Before using AuthServer, one has to set up Facebook and Google apps to use their OAuth services


AuthServer configuration consists of three parts:

  1. Module parameters passed in when instantiating the module
  2. Module configuration stored in config/config.js
  3. Confidential data stored in config/secret.js

Module parameters passed in when instantiating the module

  • serverID - an arbitrary ID of the AuthServer instance.
  • serverURL - URL of the server which AuthServer is a part of. It is used to construct OAuth callback URL and URL to which AuthServer redirects after a succesfull authentication. The server must use the HTTPS protocol otherwise Facebook does not accept the OAuth callback URL.
  • mountPath - a path/route to which AuthServer is attached, e.g. /auth. It is used to construct OAuth callback URL.
  • redirectPath - a path/route to where AuthServer redirects after a succesfull authentication
  • dbHandle - not used
const APP_PROTOCOL = 'https';
const APP_DOMAIN   = '';
const APP_PORT     = 3001;
const AUTH_PATH    = '/auth';
const UI_PATH      = '/test';

const authServerConfig = {
    serverID: 007,
    serverURL: APP_PROTOCOL + '://' + APP_DOMAIN + ':' + APP_PORT,
    mountPath: AUTH_PATH,
    redirectPath: UI_PATH,
    dbHandle: null,
const {authRouter} = require('authserver')(authServerConfig);

Module configuration stored in config/config.js

Confidential data stored in config/secret.js

module.exports = {
    SECRET: "",
    fbSecret: {
	clientID: '',
	clientSecret: '',
    gglSecret: {
	clientID: '',
	clientSecret: '',
  • SECRET - a string that is used to encrypt a token which contains the information about a user identity. This token is exchanged between the server (which AuthServer is a part of) and a client which connects to the server.
  • fbSecret - credentials of the Facebook OAuth service
  • gglSecret - credentials of the Google OAuth service


  1. express": "^4.17.1",
  2. jsonwebtoken": "^8.5.1",
  3. jspnodeutils": "file:../jspnodeutils",
  4. mongodb": "^3.5.7",
  5. passport": "^0.4.1",
  6. passport-facebook": "^3.0.0",
  7. passport-google-oauth20": "^2.0.0",
  8. util": "^0.12.3"

How to run tests


Deployment instructions

authserver has not been registered as an NPM package yet.

Clone the authserver git repo and install its dependencies

cd <authserver_parent_dir>
git clone git@bitbucket.org:jspudich/authserver.git
cd <authserver_parent_dir>/authserver
npm install

Install the authserver package as a dependency of your project

cd <your_project_dir>
npm install <authserver_parent_dir>/authserver

Contribution guidelines

  • Writing tests
  • Code review
  • Other guidelines

Who do I talk to?

  • Repo owner or admin
  • Other community or team contact

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