1.0.6 • Published 6 years ago
auto-complete-textbox v1.0.6
It is a web component which gives you suggestion as soon as you start typing in. Default suggestion items are ["lorem", "ipsum", "dolor", "sit", "amet"]
How to use
To use this component in your project, you have to simply follow these steps:
- Run
npm install auto-complete-textbox
- Put a script tag similar to this
<script src='node_modules/auto-complete-textbox/autocompletetextbox.js'></script>
in the head of your index.html - Then you can use the element anywhere in your html, template, JSX file etc using following custom tag:
<body> <auto-complete-textbox></auto-complete-textbox> </body>
Property | Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
data | -- | The filterd data as per searched query | string[] | [] |
isDisabled | disabled | This property can be used by host element to make functionality disabled | boolean | false |
addData(d: string[]) => Promise<void>
This method can be used to add new options to autocomplete suggestions list.
Type: Promise<void>
initializeData(d: string[]) => Promise<void>
This method can be used to change/initialize autocomplete suggestions list. Note - This will not append but reinitialize the suggestion data, so previous suggestion data will be overwritten.
Type: Promise<void>
Built with StencilJS