0.1.0 • Published 8 years ago

autohost-pubsub v0.1.0

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Last release
8 years ago


A backbone that allows clients to manage subscriptions to system-wide events.

The intention is that clients can manage what topics they subscribe to via the web socket API or HTTP API.

Web Socket API

// subscribes to a specific topic
socket.emit( "subscription.add", { topic: "my.topic" } );

// subscribes to any topic beginning with `my`
socket.emit( "subscription.add", { topic: "my.#" } );

// unsubscribes to a topic
socket.emit( "subscription.remove", { topic: "my.topic" } );


This example demonstrates using a halon client to make the calls. (because hypermedia makes everything better)

var client = halon({
    root: "http://yourserver/api",
    adapter: halon.jQueryAdapter($)

client.subscription.add( { topic: "my.topic" } );

client.subscription.remove( { topic: "my.topic" } );

Installation & Setup

npm install autohost-pubsub -S
var autohost = require( "autohost" );
var host;
var hyped = require( "hyped" )();
var fount = require( "fount" );
var postal = require( "postal" );
// create the channel used to communicate between
// a message backbone/app and the pubsub resource
var channel = postal.channel( "ahpubsub" );

fount.register( "ahpubsub", channel );
host = hyped.createHost( autohost, {
	port: config.nonstop.host.port,
	modules: [
	fount: fount
}, function() {
} );

// you can plug any message/event backbone into this system using the postal channel
// just publish events to the topics as the clients have subscribed to them
// and it will handle the rest ...

// this example demonstrates how you could forward messages from a rabbit
// queue via wascally and use the routing key of the message as the topic
rabbit.on( "some.important.message", function( message ) {
	channel.publish( message.fields.routingKey, message.body );
} );