2.1.1 • Published 8 years ago

autoingesttool v2.1.1

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8 years ago


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Apple Auto-Ingest tool written in JavaScript for NodeJS.


Download the iTunes Connect Sales And Trends Guide Apps PDF file.


  • is-my-json-valid : A JSONSchema validator that uses code generation to be extremely fast.
  • mkdirp : Recursively mkdir, like "mkdir -p".
  • async : Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code.
  • request : Simplified HTTP request client.
  • moment : Parse, manipulate, and display dates.
  • clone : Deep cloning of objects and arrays.
  • lodash : Lodash modular utilities


  • Automatic validation of all parameters.
  • Asynchronous report download.
  • Automatic extraction of downloaded report archive.
  • Automatic creation of report file formatted in JSON.
  • Choose where all files will be created.
  • Downloading cancelled if archive already exists.
  • Extraction cancelled if text file already exists.
  • Promise support for sales and financial reports download


$ npm install [--save] autoingesttool


First you need to import the module.

var AutoIngestTool = require("autoingesttool");

Create a JSON object with all required parameters for Sales report.

PropertyTypeDescriptionPossible valuesRequired
usernamestringiTunes Connect account username which have access to the Sales and Trends reports.-YES
passwordstringiTunes Connect account password.-YES
vendor_numberstringiTunes Connect vendor number.-YES
report_typestringReport type. Learn moreSales, NewsstandYES
report_subtypestringReport subtype. Learn moreSummary, Detailed, Opt-InYES
date_typestringDate type. Learn moreDaily, Weekly, Monthly, YearlyYES
report_datestringDate of the report. Learn moreYYYYMMDD (Daily and Weekly), YYYYMM (Monthly), YYYY (Yearly)NO
// Sales
var parameters = {
	username: "admin",
	password: "adminpasswd",
	vendor_number: "88776655",
	report_type: "Sales",
	report_subtype: "Summary",
	date_type: "Daily",
	report_date: "20160201"

Or you can create a JSON object to download Financial report.

PropertyTypeDescriptionPossible valuesRequired
usernamestringiTunes Connect account username which have access to the Sales and Trends reports.-YES
passwordstringiTunes Connect account password.-YES
vendor_numberstringiTunes Connect vendor number including 2 leading zeroes.-YES
report_typestringReport type. Learn moreDRRYES
region_codestringTwo-character code of country of report to download. For a list of region codes, see here.-YES
fiscal_yearnumberFour-digit year of report to download. Year is specific to Apple’s fiscal calendar-YES
fiscal_periodnumberTwo-digit period in fiscal year of report to download (01-12). Period is specific to Apple’s fiscal calendar.-YES
// Financial
var parameters = {
	username: "admin",
	password: "adminpasswd",
	vendor_number: "0088776655",
	report_type: "DRR",
	region_code: "US",
	fiscal_year: 2014,
	fiscal_period: 1

Then you need to create another JSON object with the paths where the archive will be downloaded, extracted and transformed. IMPORTANT : All parameters are required.

var paths = {
	archive: "/path/to/archive",
    report: "/path/to/extracted/archive",
    json_report: "/path/to/transformed/archive"

You can now call the desired method to download a Sales report or a Financial report.

// Download Sales report
AutoIngestTool.downloadSalesReport(salesParams, paths, function (err, updatedPaths) {
  if (err && (err instanceof AutoIngestTool.INVALID_PARAMETERS_ERROR))
    // Handle error
  if (err && (err instanceof AutoIngestTool.INVALID_PATHS_ERROR))
    // Handle error
  if (err && (err instanceof AutoIngestTool.EMPTY_FILE_ERROR))
    // Handle error
  if (err)
    // Handle error


// Download Sales report using promise
AutoIngestTool.downloadSalesReport(salesParams, paths).then(
  function(paths) {
  function(err) {
    if (err && (err instanceof AutoIngestTool.INVALID_PARAMETERS_ERROR))
      // Handle error
    if (err && (err instanceof AutoIngestTool.INVALID_PATHS_ERROR))
      // Handle error
    if (err && (err instanceof AutoIngestTool.EMPTY_FILE_ERROR))
      // Handle error


// Download Financial report
AutoIngestTool.downloadFinancialReport(financialParams, paths, function (err, updatedPaths) {
  if (err && (err instanceof AutoIngestTool.INVALID_PARAMETERS_ERROR))
    // Handle error
  if (err && (err instanceof AutoIngestTool.INVALID_PATHS_ERROR))
    // Handle error
  if (err && (err instanceof AutoIngestTool.EMPTY_FILE_ERROR))
    // Handle error
  if (err)
    // Handle error


// Download Financial report using promise
AutoIngestTool.downloadSalesReport(financialParams, paths).then(
  function(paths) {
  function(err) {
    if (err && (err instanceof AutoIngestTool.INVALID_PARAMETERS_ERROR))
      // Handle error
    if (err && (err instanceof AutoIngestTool.INVALID_PATHS_ERROR))
      // Handle error
    if (err && (err instanceof AutoIngestTool.EMPTY_FILE_ERROR))
      // Handle error



  • You can have an INVALID_PARAMETERS_ERROR or INVALID_PATHS_ERROR when there is an issue with the parameters or paths JSON.
  • If you try to download a report that have not been generated yet by Apple, you will receive an EMPTY_FILE_ERROR because the module have downloaded an empty file. This empty file will be removed automatically.

If there is no error, the callback will return an updated paths JSON object.

// updatedPaths
  archive: "/path/to/archive.txt.gz",
  report: "/path/to/extracted/archive.txt",
  json_report: "/path/to/transformed/archive.json"

Finally, you can open and parse the created JSON file and process it.

Report Formats

Sales Report

    	"Provider": "APPLE",
    	"ProviderCountry": "US",
    	"SKU": "00000000",
    	"Developer": "ME",
    	"Title": "The Applicationssssss",
    	"Version": "7.1.2",
    	"ProductTypeIdentifier": "7T",
    	"Units": 11.00,
    	"DeveloperProceeds": 0.00,
    	"BeginDate": "03/13/2014",
    	"EndDate": "03/13/2014",
    	"CustomerCurrency": "JPY",
    	"CountryCode": "JP",
    	"CurrencyofProceeds": "JPY",
    	"AppleIdentifier": "111111111",
    	"CustomerPrice": 0.00,
    	"PromoCode": null,
    	"ParentIdentifier": null,
    	"Subscription": null,
    	"Period": null,
    	"Category": "Music"

Newsstand Report

    	"Provider": "APPLE",
        "ProviderCountry": "US",
        "SKU": "00000000",
        "Developer": "ME",
        "Title": "Something",
        "Version": "1.2.3",
        "ProductTypeIdentifier": "1E",
        "Units": 1.00,
        "DeveloperProceeds": 1.00,
        "CustomerCurrency": "JPY",
        "CountryCode": "JP",
        "CurrencyofProceeds": "JPY",
        "AppleIdentifier": "11111111",
        "CustomerPrice": 1.00,
        "PromoCode": null,
        "ParentIdentifier": null,
        "Subscription": null,
        "Period": null,
        "DownloadDate": null,
        "CustomerIdentifier": null,
        "ReportDate": null,
        "SalesReturn": "S",
        "Category": "Here"

Opt-in Report

    	"FirstName": "Oula",
        "LastName": "Hop",
        "EmailAddress": "oula.hop@splash.titi",
        "PostalCode": "22312334",
        "AppleIdentifier": "923843",
        "ReportStartDate": "10/10/2000",
        "ReportEndDate": "10/10/2001"

Financial Report

        "StartDate": "12/27/2015",
        "End Date": "01/30/2016",
        "UPC": null,
        "ISRC_ISBN": null,
        "VendorIdentifier": "APP001",
        "Quantity": 295,
        "PartnerShare": 2.10,
        "ExtendedPartnerShare": 619.50,
        "PartnerShareCurrency": "USD",
        "SalesorReturn": "S",
        "AppleIdentifier": "88776655",
        "Artist_Show_Developer_Author": "Developer name",
        "Title": "App Name",
        "Label_Studio_Network_Developer_Publisher": null,
        "Grid": null,
        "ProductTypeIdentifier": "1F",
        "ISAN_OtherIdentifier": null,
        "CountryOfSale": "US",
        "PreorderFlag": null,
        "PromoCode": null,
        "CustomerPrice": 2.99,
        "CustomerCurrency": "USD"
	    "TotalRows": 1,
	    "TotalUnits": 295,
	    "TotalAmount": 567

Unit Testing (only if you want to contribute)

Actually you can only test sales report (daily, weekly, monthly and yearly) downloading. Why? We haven't created yet newsstand applications to get access to newsstand and opt-in reports.

So feel free to add tests for these reports.

How To

Install all dependencies and devDependencies

$ npm install

Run test using vows

$ vows tests/* --spec

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