0.1.0 • Published 6 years ago

autometer v0.1.0

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6 years ago


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An automation tool for scaling load tests using distributed slaves. Based on master-slave architecture where master acts as a test coordinator, from where tests are triggered and the actual tests are distributed across multiple hosts.


  • One or more linux hosts with docker (>=1.12.5) installed.
  • In one of the linux host install nodeJs (>=7) and autometer npm module. This node can be designated as master (from where tests has to be triggered).


npm install -g autometer 


$ autometer --help
    Usage: autometer <command>
    --version    Show version number                                     [boolean]
    --startTest  Start the test
    --stopTest   Stop the running test
    --logs       Display the running test logs
    --clear      Clear the test output files
    -?, --help   Show help                                               [boolean]
    autometer --startTest                   Start the test
    autometer --stopTest                    Stop the running test
    autometer --logs                        Tail the running test logs
    autometer --clear                       Remove the generated reports and logs
    export DOCKER_PORT=port                 To set docker port, default port 2376
    DOCKER_PORT=port autometer --startTest  To set docker port and start the test

Getting Started

Docker images setup:

  • Make sure you can access docker hub. Run the below command on all the hosts to pull the image

       docker pull autometer/jmeter-base 

Autometer setup and configuration:

  • Login to the host (designated as master) where node is installed and run the below command

      npm install -g autometer
  • Create a folder (say api-test) and following 3 files are needed to run a test

      1. autometer.config.js
      2. test.jmx
      3. global.properties
  1. autometer.config.js - File to configure autometer itself, you can define number of load generators. Typical config file is as shown below. Caution: If your running multiple tests, make sure you use different ports, otherwise it results in port conflicts

        const config = {
            testName: 'test.jmx',
            master: {
                host: 'hostname',
                resultsPort: 2099
            slaves: [
                {host: 'hostname', port: 1099, resultsPort: 2099},
                {host: 'hostname', port: 1199, resultsPort: 2199}
        module.exports = config;
  2. test.jmx - Your jmeter test file, make sure test name matches with autometer config testName variable.

  3. global.properties - externalized test properties

Test execution

  • Goto folder having 3 files and run below commands
      [To start a start]
      $ autometer --startTest
      [To tail running test logs]
      $ autometer --logs
      [To stop a running test]
      $ autometer --stopTest


What type of test execution is supported?

Only jmx tests is supported

How to create custom docker images?

Create a Dockerfile, sample file as mentioned below

FROM openjdk:8-jdk-alpine
ENV JMETER_HOME=/usr/local/apache-jmeter-${JMETER_VERSION}

RUN wget http://archive.apache.org/dist/jmeter/binaries/apache-jmeter-${JMETER_VERSION}.tgz && \ tar xf apache-jmeter-${JMETER_VERSION}.tgz -C /usr/local

RUN wget http://jmeter-plugins.org/downloads/file/JMeterPlugins-Standard-${JMETER_PLUGINS_VERSION}.zip && \ unzip -o JMeterPlugins-Standard-${JMETER_PLUGINS_VERSION}.zip -d ${JMETER_HOME}

EXPOSE 2099-2999

ENTRYPOINT "jmeter.sh"

> Build the docker image using below command
       docker build -t autometer/jmeter-base .

> **Note:** 
   <br>1. Expose ports for test communication and report consolidation
   <br>2. docker image tag should be autometer/jmeter-base

**How to run multiple tests from master?**
> You can trigger any number of test runs from master. Create different folders and place the 3 files 
(config js, test file, global properties).Goto any of the test folder and trigger autometer commands. 

**How to configure ports?**

>* Only docker exposed ports can used as "resultsPort" (2099-2999)
>* There is no restriction on the slave primary port, you can change it to any free port
>* By default, stick to 1099 (for the slave primary port) and 2099 for the resultsPort
>* Here is a sample configuration with 1 master and 5 slaves, all on the same linux host !

       const config = {
           testName: 'test.jmx',
           master: {
               host: 'hostname',
               resultsPort: 2099
           slaves: [
               {host: 'hostname', port: 1199, resultsPort: 2199},
               {host: 'hostname', port: 1299, resultsPort: 2299},
               {host: 'hostname', port: 1399, resultsPort: 2399},
               {host: 'hostname', port: 1499, resultsPort: 2499},
               {host: 'hostname', port: 1599, resultsPort: 2599}

       module.exports = config;

**How to clean up docker containers in case of port conflicts?**

>* Try autometer stopTest command
>* Run the below commands on all the hosts to clean up containers manually
       docker stop $(docker ps -aq)
       docker rm $(docker ps -aq)

 See [DEVELOPER.md](./DEVELOPER.md) for the instructions


* autometer.npm@gmail.com

[travis-url]: https://travis-ci.org/intuit/autometer
[travis-image]: https://img.shields.io/travis/intuit/autometer/master.svg
[npm-url]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/autometer
[npm-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/autometer.svg
[standard-image]: https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-standard-brightgreen.svg
[standard-url]: http://standardjs.com/