1.0.0 • Published 10 years ago

autopurge v1.0.0

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10 years ago

Auto Purge

Automatically purge items from an array when the maxlength is hit. This module can be used in Node or the browser. Browser support is for modern ES5 browsers (IE9+, Chrome, Firefox, etc.)

Why? There are certain cases where you want a rolling array of values that are limited such as a log system or chat. Once the array fills up to the maxlength, the oldest records are purged from the array.

Getting Started

Install the AutoPurge module.


npm install autopurge
var AutoPurge = require('autopurge');


bower install autopurge

Without Package Manager

Download autopurge.js or autopurge.min.js in the repository and include in your application.


<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/autopurge.min.js"></script>


var myArray = ['test', 'value', true, false, 1, 20],
    purge = new AutoPurge(10, myArray);

purge.push('new value'); // => 0 (no records purged)
purge.length; // => 7
purge.value; // => ['test', 'value', true, false, 1, 20, 'new value']
purge.push.apply(purge, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); // => 2 (records purged)
purge.value; // => [true, false, 1, 20, 'new value', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

purge.purge(2); // => [true, false]
purge.length; // => 8

// Array modified outside of AutoPurge?
myArray.push('modifying', 'outside', 'does', 'not', 'purge');
purge.length; // => 13 (over the maxlength!)
purge.auto(); // => [1, 20, 'new value']
purge.length; // => 3

purge.value; // => []
purge.length; // => 0

API Documentation


AutoPurge(maxlength, array)

Constructor function to create a new purgable array. Can be called with or without the new keyword.

NomaxlengthNumberThe maxlength the array can be. Default is 50.
NoarrayArrayAn external array to use. Default is [].
var purge = new AutoPurge();
var purge2 = AutoPurge(10);
var purge3 = AutoPurge(null, ['custom', 'array']);
var purge4 = new AutoPurge(10, ['custom', 'array']);

Returns AutoPurge


Push item(s) to the array. Each item should be an argument if pushing multiple items. If you need to push an array of items, use purge.push.apply(purge, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);.

Yes...AnyEach item to push to the array as a separate argument.
purge.push('new item');
purge.push(1, 2, 'test', false);
purge.push.apply(purge, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);

Returns Number (the number of items purged as result of the push)


Purge the given number of old items from the array or remove all items without resetting the _purged counter like AutoPurge.clear().

NonumNumber/String/nullThe number of items to remove, null, undefined, or 'all' to remove all items.
var purge = new AutoPurge(10, ['custom', 'array', 1, 2, 3, 4]);
purge.purge(2); // => ['custom', 'array']

purge.purge(); // => [1, 2, 3, 4]
purge.value; // => []
purge._purged; // => 6

Returns Array (the items purged from the array)


If the array is modified without using any of the API methods, you will need to purge it. This will purge the array if the length of the array is greater than maxlength.

var arr = ['custom', 'array', 1, 2, 3, 4, true, false, {}, []],
    purge = new AutoPurge(10, arr);

purge.length; // => 10
arr.push('not', 'using', 'AutoPurge');
purge.length; // => 13

purge.auto(); // => ['custom', 'array', 1]
purge.length; // => 13

Returns Array (the items purged from the array)


Clears the array and resets the _purged counter back to 0.

var purge = new AutoPurge(10, ['custom', 'array', 1, 2, 3, 4]);
purge.purge(2); // => ['custom', 'array']
purge._purged; // => 2

purge.value; // => []
purge._purged; // => 0

Returns undefined



Type: Number (getter) The total length of the array.


Type: Array (getter) Returns the purgable array.


Type: Number The configuration maxlength for the array.


Type: Array Reference to the purgable array.


Type: Number The total items that have been purged from the array.


  • Make the array observable when it's no longer "hacky" to do so.


Want to fix a bug or implement a new feature? Submit a pull request! Before you submit the request, please follow the guidelines below:

  • If you implement a new feature, write the test case for it.
  • Make sure all tests pass.
  • Build the minified version using grunt.
  • If bumping version, update package.json, bower.json and the JS file.


Licensed under MIT.