1.0.7 • Published 8 years ago
autostart-manager v1.0.7
Autostart manager
Firstly, this package was for me, only for one - enabling easy start https://github.com/brozeph/simple-socks.git
But i note that i sometimes meet the problem of automaticly starting my script on launch of system. And every time I have to create a script in init.d .. register it .. So i am going to add cli functional and support of another init systems
npm install autostart-manager
Supported init systems
- systemd
- upstart
- launchd
- add support of systemv, openrc
- fix bugs in launchd, systemd
- cli interface (simple version)
- validation of settings
- method isEnabled
- show message if this script already created/removed with confirm overwriting
- add tests
- more features (Add more settings, add support of windows)
Example Usage
const AutostartManager = require('autostart-manager'),
var manager = new AutostartManager({
name: 'simple-socks'
// Add current script to init system
function enableAutostart(){
// Remove current script from init system
function disableAutostart(){
Constructor of the class AutostartManager expected only one argument – settings(object) Settings:
- name: {string} name of script(required)
- script: {string} path to the script (Default: current script)
- args: {string[]} array of strings, arguments with which the script will be launched
- env: {object} environment variables
- user: {string} name of user (Default: current user)
Sorry for my English)