1.0.1 • Published 6 years ago

awcrypt v1.0.1

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6 years ago


A NPM package that provides functions for data transformation.


To install run:

npm install awcrypt


Import the module:

import { <module_name> } from 'awcrypt';

The following modules are available:


Ascii85 (or Base85) is a coding system created by Paul E. Rutter similar to base64 encoding, using 5 ASCII characters to code 4 bytes. ASCII 85 is used in PDF file format for example.


import { ascii85 } from 'awcrypt';
interface ascii85 {
    encode: (inputText: string) => string;
    decode: (inputText: string) => string;


Encoding scheme that represent binary data in an ASCII string format by translating it into a radix-64 representation. Each base64 digit represents exactly 6 bits of data. Three 8-bit bytes (i.e., a total of 24 bits) can therefore be represented by four 6-bit base64 digits.


import { base64 } from 'awcrypt';
interface base64 {
    encode: (inputText: string) => string;
    decode: (inputText: string) => string;

Caesar Cipher

One of the simplest and most widely known encryption techniques. It is a type of substitution cipher in which each letter in the plaintext is replaced by a letter some fixed number of positions down the alphabet


import { caesar } from 'awcrypt';
interface caesar {
    encode: (plaintext: string, key: number) => string;
    decode: (ciphertext: string, key: number) => string;

Charcode Shift

Similar to caesar, but not restricted to alphabet - it is a type of substitution cipher in which each unicode character in the plaintext is replaced by another unicode character some fixed number of positions down the charcode.

import { charcodeShift } from 'awcrypt';
interface charcodeShift {
    encode: (plaintext: string, key: number) => string;
    decode: (ciphertext: string, key: number) => string;

Morse Code

Encodes the ISO basic Latin alphabet, some extra Latin letters, the Arabic numerals and a small set of punctuation and procedural signals (prosigns) as standardized sequences of short and long signals called "dots" and "dashes"


import { morse } from 'awcrypt';
interface morse {
    encode: (plaintext: string) => string;
    decode: (ciphertext: string) => string;

Ciphertext needs to have a single-space character separator and ' / ' as word separator. Example: .-.. --- .-. . -- / .. .--. ... ..- -- / -.. --- .-.. --- .-.

Rail fence cipher

A form of transposition cipher.


import { railFence } from 'awcrypt';
interface railFence {
    encode: (plaintext: string, numberOfRails: number) => string;
    decode: (ciphertext: string, numberOfRails: number) => string;

Keyword substitution cipher

A form of monoalphabetic substitution. A keyword is used as the key, and it determines the letter matchings of the cipher alphabet to the plain alphabet. Similar to keyword cipher, but the way of generating cipher alphabet is a bit different. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keyword_cipher

import { substitution } from 'awcrypt';
interface substitution {
    encode: (plaintext: string, keyword: string) => string;
    decode: (ciphertext: string, keyword: string) => string;

Running the tests


npm test


We use SemVer for versioning.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details