1.0.0 • Published 2 years ago

aws-application-services v1.0.0

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Last release
2 years ago



A simple set of functions to facilitate the use of AWS services, such as: S3, SNS...

npm i aws-application-services

S3 Functions

FunctionParametersResponse - Return type
listFilesBucket: stringRetrieve files inside specific bucket
getFile{ Bucket: string, Key:string }Get specific file inside specific bucket
checkIfBucketExistsbucketName: stringReturns a boolean related to the existence of a bucket
createBucket{ bucketName:string, ACL: string }Returns instance of newly created bucket
saveFile{ Bucket:string, file:string, ACL:string }Returns instance of newly created file
deletedFile{ Bucket:string, Key:string }Returns instance of newly deleted file

SNS Functions

FunctionParametersResponse - Return type
unsubscribesubscriptionArn: stringReturn object related to subscription delete
confirmSubscription{ TopicArn, Token: string }Return object related to confirmation of subscription
publish{ TopicArn: string, Message: string }Return object related to message sent to a topic
deleteTopicname:stringReturn object related to deletion of topic and all subscriptions
listTopicsReturn object related to all user's topics
checkAccreditedPhonephoneNumber:stringCheck if phone holder opted to receive messages
createSubscription{ TopicArn: string , Protocol: string, Endpoint: string }Subscribe someone to an especific topic
createTopicname: stringReturn object related to topic creation

How instantiate aws factory

import AwsFactory from "aws-application-services";

const { SNS, S3 } = AwsFactory.startAws({
    region: "region",    
    accessKeyId: "accessKeyId",
    secretAccessKey: "secretAccessKey",
    apiVersion: "apiVersion"

How use instance

const createBucket = async ({bucketName,ACL}) =>{
    return S3.createBucket({bucketName,ACL});

const listTopics = async  () =>{
    return SNS.listTopics();


To run tests you can use the following command:

$ npm run test


