1.0.2 • Published 3 years ago

aws-dotenv v1.0.2

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3 years ago

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aws-dotenv :toolbox:

aws-dotenv is a cli tool that manages the envrionment variables for an application stored in the AWS Secrets Manager. The tool can set dotenv variables from your machine to the AWS Secrets Manager and pull them back from AWS to a .env file.

Installation :hammer:

npm install aws-dotenv --save-dev

Configuration :gear:

  • Add .secretsrc to the project root
  "name": "My-Project",
  "description": "This project uses aws-dotenv!",
  "keys": [

Authentication :key:

Using .awsrc

  • Create .awsrc
    "accessKeyId": "ACCESS_KEY_ID",
    "secretAccessKey": "SECRET_ACCESS_KEY",
    "region": "us-east-2"

Using AWS default configuration

AWS Credentials can be configured using the AWS CLI tool. For additionnal AWS configuration documentation please refer to Configuration and credential file settings.

  • Configure the AWS account by creating ~/.aws/credentials
  • Configure the AWS region by creating ~/.aws/config
  • Create .env at the root of the project

AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG allows the tool to use your ~/.aws/ config folder. We recommend to leave it permanently as well as storing the variable inside AWS Secrets Manager.

Usage :rocket:

$ aws-dotenv (command) (stage)

Available Commands

  • pull
  • set


Default stage is dev.

Refers to the development stage of the application. It is used to differentiate the multiple .env configurations your project might use at any time. Generally in the form of dev, test and prod but the name does not matter.


Setting up package.json

  "scripts": {
    "set-env-dev": "aws-dotenv set", // Store the environment variables of this machine to AWS Secrets Manager for dev environment.
    "pull-env-dev": "aws-dotenv pull", // Retrieve the environment variables from AWS Secrets Manager dev envrionment to a .env file in the root folder.
    "set-env-prod": "aws-dotenv set prod", // Store the environment variables of this machine to AWS Secrets Manager for prod environment.
    "pull-env-prod": "aws-dotenv pull prod" // Retrieve the environment variables from AWS Secrets Manager prod envrionment to a .env file in the root folder.